New chapter coming!

I've already read all of your reviews, and needless to say how grateful I am to your supporting ^_^ Thanks a lot! I will try my best not to disappoint you guys ^:)

RIN POV ( seriously start thinking these words are not necessary 'cause the story is mostly written in her point of view )
"Rin" He leaned down, his lips hovering above hers. "You have to live better and better. Don't go down just because of me. That's the only way we can bury this pain into the past and forget each other..."
"Does it mean that we will never meet again?" She asked sorrowfully.
"I'm sorry..." He captured her lips passionately, closed the small distance between them. "But I love you. I'll always love you"
The dream of my parting moment with him was something that I could never forget. Something that used to be a part of my exhausted sleeps, something that always woke me up with tears stroking over my face. The buried pain I had to take so long to forget... now came back in my mind, haunting my nightly sleeps, messing up with the current life I had determined to start. With Len. With his everything. Len was the reason I tried to break my barrier and made a fresh start in this school. I didn't expect the pain that had been sleeping in my heart for so long suddenly woke up, sharping another knife into my injured, incurable soul.
Why couldn't I forget him? Why did he always exist in my mind, even when I tried to erase his image, even when I tried to wipe him out of my memory? He was my first love... undoutedly- but I couldn't forever staying here crying for someone I would never meet again. I needed to move on. Len was the first person to give me a hand, to pull me out of my barrier, and for that I would be forever grateful.
I loved Len. He was my only friend until now, the only person I could tell everything.
"Rin..." Len said when we were sitting comfortably on the rooftop as usual, his fingers trailing along my blocks of hair. "What do you think...about our relationship?"
"What do you mean?" I asked, blinking my eyes at him. The pleasant sunlight shone through the leaves, pouring out on both of us.
"I mean..." Len's lips found their way to my cheek, his eyes closing thoughtfully. "What kind of relationship do you think we are holding, Rin?"
I bit my lips in consideration. Not that I'd never noticed it. I used to ask myself that question a lot every night, and whenever the crack of dawn occured, I always came up with the one and only answer...
"We are friends" I said, stroking his bangs. "Strange ones indeed. Sometimes I think about you as more than a friend, but sometimes I do not"
" What if I want to take this relationship further?" Len mumbled, his head burying in the crook of my neck. My fingers enter twined with his, tightening the hold. I was well aware of what he truly meant- actually, I was even glad that Len Kagamine, the Prince Charming of every female student at this school could hold such romantic feelings for me. But I couldn't. Not now. I couldn't begin a new relationship without forgetting about him...
About my first love.
I needed to completely wipe him out of my mind...
"Please wait until I am ready" I whispered, trying to cheer the slightly disappointed Len by giving him a small kiss on the eyes. He leaned into my touch, his deep blue eyes pouring into mine, lips bitten in a slightly sad, bitter expression.
"Is that supposed to be your refusal, Rin?" He said, ducking his head down to hide his disappointment. I shook my head, fingers caressing his face tenderly, forcing him to look up and meet my gaze.
"Len...Who else could I love besides you?" I said with a small smile. "It's just... everything needs time, you know? I have to prepare myself... before taking this relationship to a higher state..."
Before I could officially be your lover, Len.
"I understand..." Len looked down, a slight blush ran up to his beautiful face. "I just... I just couldn't wait"
My lips couldn't help curling up into a smile. How sweet was that? Len Kagamine had just confessed to me and said that he couldn't wait until the day I accepted his feeling. He sat in front of me, lowering his head, the blush on his face was still visible.
"You are so cute, Len" Nuzzling my nose with his, I whispered the thousand time of the day. Len looked up at me, his face was as red as a tomato. Did every boy act like this when they confessed to the girls they liked? "I think I can never get enough of you"
The air was knocked off from my lungs when both of my hands were suddenly pinned down to the cold rooftop, the wrists were tightly wrapped by the long fingers. Len's shadow covered my body, his face was still red.. but there was also a mischievous smile forming up on his lips. "You said as if I was a shota, Rin" He said, pressing his body against mine. I awkwardly coughed, realized we were lying in a very suggestive position. "I am anything but a shota... understand? "
"Yes...yes" I squeaked embarassingly. Len 's demanding attitude made him look extremely sexy now... and I was like a pathetic mess under him, waiting for him to eat me up. Gazing at Len's unreadable face, I was shocked to feel his fingers finding their way to the first buttons of my school uniform.
"Len...Len" Was everything going too fast? Was Len going to do what I thought he was going to... at this place? On the school rooftop? Half of me wanted him to stop, but the other screamed mentally, wishing him to continue what he was doing.
Len opened up the second button on my shirt, his gaze met my intense stare and he smiled.
" I am not going to do it, Rin" He said, smiling when I gave out a slight sigh of relief. "I just want to leave a mark... showing that you are mine"
My head threw to the side when Len leaned down, biting hard on the sensitive spot on my neck. This was the first time we had ever gone this far... yet I didn't feel that it was wrong. My hands wrapped around his broad back, signaling him to keep going. Unconsciously, I found myself slowly undoing the first button on Len's shirt, kissing the skin on his neck lovingly.
We were clearly breaking the barrier between two normal friends... but I knew we wouldn't go any further. I just knew Len too well. He wouldn't do it, he wouldn't intend to hurt me... if I said that I wasn't ready.
From the corner of my eyes, I sensed a hard glare of hatred and fury directing towards my face, to the rooftop where me and Len were making out. Trying to get up from Len's tight wrapping, I looked down, eyes wandering around the empty school yard below- but finding nothing. Instead, I just spotted some blocks of pink hair flowing in the wind, vanishing into the air as if they hadn't been there.
I'm sorry Luka.
But Len was a treasure that I would never give away to any one else.


The sun was going down, leaving the last dimmed light of the day before covering the whole town with darkness. Rin Kagami was standing in front of her house, face flushing, fingers trembling to button up her shirt while trying to cover the bite marks all over her neck. She didn't want any of her neighbors to see her in such an embarassing situation. She was afraid they would have the wrong idea-thinking that she was a slut who gave her body away easily to random strangers. And the situation would be worse if they reported this to her parents, who were currently absent due to their long business trip.
"Sometimes I feel like I didn't have parents at all" Sighing, Rin took off her jacket, stepping into the empty dark house. Her parents had never been here. In fact, they were absent for so long that she started wondering if she even remembered their faces the last time she saw them. Work, money, and high positions were everything that they ever cared about, were everything that they ever considered important. Rin Kagami seemed to be a purposeless child right since the day she started to exist...
"Not that I care" Rin said to herself with a smile. She had got used to it. She was so accustomed to her parents' absence that sometimes she even forgot she actually had a family. Or maybe the loneliness had wrapped around her so tight that her feelings started to vanish and she hardly felt anything.
"Not anymore" She whispered. The loneliness wouldn't be there any more. Rin Kagami blushed, her fingers trailing along the bite marks Len Kagamine had left on her neck, the sight of her laying hopelessly under him while he was sucking and licking her sensitive skin areas came back to her mind, making her laughing at herself in disapproval.
"Never imagined we could do such embarassing things" She murmured in shame, yet an untypical smile slowly formed up on her lips. She had felt so... loved, so treasured under his God-like touch. Fortunately they hadn't let the hormones take them too far from what they'd intended to do in the first place.
She would accept Len... when she was 100% ready. That day would certainly come soon... but why did she feel fluttering in her stomach as if some dramatic events were going to occur in the future? For some reason she didn't know, Rin Kagami felt that she and Len wouldn't reach their happy ending so quickly.
Someone was going to interrupt... Was it Luka? Or any other girls in their school? Or maybe it was...
Rin snapped up from her deep thought when a light knock on the door interrupted her thinking. Fumbling a bit, Rin put on her brown jacket, combing up her slightly messy hair because of the previous passionate making out, wrapping a blue scarf around her neck to cover the red marks, and then came to the door.
What she saw behind it then made her mind completely blank and she choked, at a loss for words for a moment.
Piko was standing in front of her with his typical tender smile. Without warning, he leaned in and pulled her into a tight hug, made the girl cry in his lap not only because of happiness, but also because of a wave of guilty that had just flooded into her like a strike of thunder on the dark night sky.
"I miss you" Piko whispered, stroking her hair tenderly. Rin balled her hands into fists. She knew fate was cruel, but she never expected the God to be so heartless to her.
She loved Piko. She loved him a lot, and she had missed him desperately during the last 3 years- that was the truth, undoutedly.
But why did he suddenly come back right at the moment she decided to forget him and make a new fresh start with Len? To her, Len was more special than anything. He had gone through a lot of pain already... and she never wanted to see him hurt again... never again.
But Piko was her first love... the first person to teach her how to hold feelings for the others. The first person to teach her how to cry... and how to laugh. The first person to fill up the emptiness that her parents had left behind.
She knew three of them were pulled into a sick game of the destiny.
She had to choose only one from both of them.