This is my…third FanFiction but my second story….if that makes any sense lol. The last series was actually more successful than I thought it would be. Anyway, enough about me xD I hope you guys like this new story. There will be no sequel! Heads up.

Disclaimer! I don't own TMNT!

: Chapter 1:

We all have secrets right? I mean, things that were not too proud of and don't want to share with anyone? That's kind of what she was to me, but she was a secret that I tried to forget about for that very reason. Even though it happened almost 3 years ago, I still remember it like it happened just 3 hours ago. What triggered this awful memory in the back of my mind? The night Raphael walked through the lair's doors as drunk as a sailor.

"Raph!" I screamed out to him as he collapsed onto the floor. "Don, Mike, get out of here!" I demanded my little brothers and they instantly stopped what they were doing and took off into their bedrooms. Our Sensei, Master Splinter, had turned in for the night so I would try my best to beat the hell out of our hotheaded brother without waking up our father. I relentlessly pulled Raph by the back of his red bandana strings until he looked up at me. His normal, forest green skin, was an ugly yellowish color and it perfectly matched the shade of his teeth. This wasn't the first time he'd been out drinking. I kept it a secret from Sensei and my brothers but I made him promise never to get hung over at the level he was now. I picked up his water heavy body and brought him to the center of our lair where the living room was. I laid him on the couch while he moaned and started laughing for no apparent reason. I quickly grabbed the first slop bucket I could find and placed it on the floor next to him, just in case. I went over to our small kitchen and ran a rag under some cool water from our faucet. I grabbed a few water bottles from the fridge and took it and the wet rag over to my brother. I put the rag on his forehead and occasionally poured some water from the bottles on it to make it wet again.

"You're so dead Raphael." I threatened him as he started to faintly respond to my presence.

"Leo? You're so beautiful." He lifted one of his three fingered hands up to my cheek and slapped it. I swallowed my anger and tried not to snap his neck right there and then. "Kiss me." His hands reached behind my neck and tried to pull me in close to his face. I took the open water bottle and dumped the entire thing on him to get him to stop. He released his grip and swore under his breath. "You're on my hit list Donnie!" His very strong Brooklyn accent made him extremely intimidating even while he was out of it.

"Donnie didn't do that Raph. I did, Leonardo."

"Leonardo? You're that guy from that movie!" He grabbed my face with his hand and laid it on his plastron. I grabbed his arms to try and wrestle free but he was so much stronger than me for some reason.

"From that movie with the boat, uh…what's his name?" His voice was slurring and trailing off at the end of each sentence. When I didn't respond he tightened his grip on me and pulled my entire body up onto the couch so I was lying right on top of him. I sure hope Don and Mikey didn't walk into the room and see this, let alone Master Splinter.

"Leonardo Dicaprio?" I finally answered.

"That's the guy!" He slapped the top of my head and pulled me in closer to his hard plastron. "I love you bro."

"Wait till the guys here about this."

Raph finally fell asleep a few hours later after releasing his stomach contents at least 6 times throughout the night. I stayed there with him, on top of him, so he wouldn't yell and wake up the others. The only thing that kept me from getting up and slicing his throat with one of my katana was the fact that he couldn't help how he was acting. But he could have helped it, if he hadn't gotten drunk in the first place.

At about 6am I unraveled from his grasp and fled the couch. I stood there and watched him as he twitched and moaned like a little child. He was going to get it the moment his eyes flashed open.

"Hey Leo." Don came stalking into the dark living room with his big round eyes beaming down at Raphael. His olive green skin was hard to see in the poor lighting in our lair but his purple bandana stuck out like a penguin in the snow. A huge smile lit up on his face as he watched the sleeping, hung-over giant.

"Is he drunk?" he asked with a grin.

"Oh yeah" I crossed my arms and sighed. This was the first time Don has ever seen one of his brothers like this.

"He drinks?"

"Yeah, it's a long story Donnie. I tell you after I use Raph's shell to wax the floors."

"He's drunk?" A lime green turtle came tiptoeing into the living room with one hand over his mouth. "I can't believe it. This is great we can bust him for life!" The ends of his orange bandana were shorter than the rest of ours. Our Sensei awarded each of us with longer strings when we mastered Bushido but for various reasons, Michelangelo hadn't quite gotten there yet.

"Take it easy Mike, no one is busting anyone. Even though it would be the right thing to do, we can't sell him out to Splinter. Don't worry though; I'm ganna deal with him." I looked down on our little beat up sofa as Raphael's body stirred to life. He moaned and held his hand to his head.

"Where…where am I?" He slowly sat up on the couch and threw his head in between his knees. Some of the color was back in his body but it was still too noticeable where he had been last night. I noticed a few new scars had formed on the back of his shell too.

"Raph…" I kept my voice low and stern as he looked up at me. "We had a deal. No hangovers."

"Relax Leo; I'm 21 I think I'm allowed to do whatever I want." Raph was known, by me, to show very few symptoms of alcohol abuse. He usually was back to his old self after going to bed or taking a cold shower which was probably why Don, Mike and Sensei never knew what he was up to, until now obviously.

He was right though. Legally he was allowed to drink but in my world, I found it to be a common activity of the humans, not Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I still had Don and Mikey's innocence as they both were too young to start yet, with Don hitting 18 and Mikey at 16. I was old enough, being 24 and obviously more wise then the rest of my brothers, but I never engaged in becoming drunk, except for that one night which no one knows about.

"That doesn't make it right Raphael!" I caught myself raising my voice but then quietly lowering it. "I told you it was alright if you went out and had a "few" drinks but never to come back here hung-over for Don and Mikey's sake. What if Sensei had found you like this instead of me?!" I thought I was finally getting to him as he stood up off the couch and sighed. But instead, he took his right arm and swung his huge fist towards my face. I used my hand to grab it and twist his arm violently to the side. He growled in pain and I refused to let go until he was on his knees at my feet. He slowly went down and tapped my wrist with his free hand. I let him go. Sometimes they just needed to be reminded who was in charge. I catch myself doing this more with Raph than the other two who thankfully, obeyed most of my orders.

"I'm goin to bed." He slowly got up off the ground and took off to his room after spitting in my direction.

"Well that was pleasant." Don giggled.

"Hey Leo, can I get drunk too? It looks fun!" Mikey asked.

"NO! He's lucky I didn't rip his whole arm off. No drinking until I give you the ok." I told them.

"You mean till we're 21 which is the legal drinking age?" Don smiled.

"What did I just say?"

They lowered their heads and looked at the ground. I wondered if I was too hard on them sometimes but it didn't matter. I was doing it for their safety and I hoped someday they could understand that, especially Raphael.

Do you guys think I should have longer or shorter chapters? For those of you who have read my other stories, I try to have at least 2,500 words in a chapter but I wasn't sure if I should change that to make shorter ones or just let them be longer. The benefits of having shorter chapters is, I will be able to upload everyday compared to uploading every other day but have more for you guys to read. The downside of shorter chapters is, it's a quicker read. Compared to chapters being longer, if you like it you have to wait longer for the update. Please, let me know! Feedback is extremely appreciated good or bad!