Hey! So since I'm a Kentin fan and I can't find any fanfictions that are finished or even being updated anymore for poor Ken I decided to write one!

Disclaimer: All Characters but Adeline/Addie belong to My Candy Love and I don't own nothing. But the OC.

I'll be Your Hero

5 years ago...

"Geek! Faggot! Ha ha ha!"

Three older boys picked on a smaller boy of ten years old they called him names and pushed him onto the ground causing the boy's big glasses to fall. One the older boys stomped on them. The smaller boy was then kicked and punched. Right before he passed out a young girl with bright pink hair to her shoulders and defiant blue eyes ran up.

"HEY! Leave him alone!"

She ran at the boys with a plastic bat and proceeded to hit them and chase them off. When they were gone the girl turned to the boy. He looked up at her threw blurry eyes all he could make out was her mop of pink hair. She gasped when she saw his glasses and picked them up.

"I'm sorry... They broke your glasses..."

She handed the boy his glasses and he put them on they weren't too broken. One of the lenses was cracked and the frame was slightly askew, the boy put them on and finally got a good look at his savior. Her blue eyes sparkled and her hair baffled him because he had never seen anyone with such a unique hair color.

"I'm Adeline! But don't call me that! I like to be called Addie! Yes my hair is actually the color of bubblegum!" Addie smiled at him.

"I-i'm Kentin..." the boy stuttered out.

The girl giggled and held out a hand to help him up. Kentin was bullied all the time because of his bowl cut brown hair and swirled glasses that were too big for his face. Kentin grabbed Addie's hand and she pulled him up. He really looked at her. Her pink hair fell into soft waves at her shoulders and her eyes looked like they couldn't decide if they were green or blue. She was wearing a blue t-shirt, green shorts, and pink ballet slippers. She also had a batman cape on and a big red bow in her hair.

"Let's be friends okay?"Addie asked and she grabbed her orange plastic bat. "You can be the Robin to my Batman! And who knows! If you stick around I might even let you be Nightwing one day!"

Thus started the strange friendship between Addie and Kentin the little girl who loved super heroes, anime, and cartoons and the little boy who helped her with math and listened to her ramblings. Her clothes never stopped being different and her hair never changed color though her eyes finally settled on being teal. Kentin didn't change much his hair was still brown and still in that awful bowl cut. His glasses finally started to fit his face a little more. And each day he discovered how much he truly loved his heroic and childish best friend.

5 years later...

Kentin's p.o.v

I waited outside the gates of the school building for my best friend Adeline who always liked to be fashionably late but today was ridiculous she was already 10 minutes later than usual. I didn't like skipping class but I made good enough grades the teachers didn't really care. I also tried not to stand out too much because other kids had a habit of bullying me. Finally I started to see my best friend's pink hair. I ran towards her and stopped when I saw that something was disastrously wrong. Adeline who prefers to be called Addie wasn't dressed like she normally was. She usually used her step dad's credit card to buy elaborate cosplay costumes and wore them to school. Today she was dressed like a normal girl! (Mostly.) She was in denim shorts, brown flip flops, her shirt thankfully had a chibi L from Deathnote on it honestly I think it was only because she didn't have any regular t-shirts. Her hair which was usually wavy and had a big bow in it, was straight and her bangs were bobby pinned out of her teal eyes. A dramatic change from yesterday's Yui from Angel Beats cosplay.

"What's wrong Addie?" I asked her. She look up at me she was a 4 inches shorter than me standing 5 feet at full height, which was good because she was one of the few girls shorter than me and I couldn't bear to be shorter than I girl I fawned over. Her teal eyes were puffy and red from what I could only guess was hours of crying.

"Ken..." And she broke into sobs and hugged me. Normally I would be gleefully happy because I was in love with this girl who was obsessed with anime and super heroes. At this moment I just felt sad because I never wanted my Addie to cry. Her smile made my heart soar and her tears made it break.

"Addie... What happened?" I asked again. She hiccuped and pulled away wiping her eyes.

"My mom is moving me to my aunt's house and I will have to go to school there... My step-dad wants to go on a cross country road trip and my mom doesn't want me to get in the way..." Addie explained.

Her mom married her step dad a few years after Addie's father died. Which was the only time I could remember her actually dressing normally before I convinced her that her dad wouldn't want her to fall into the crowd. Then she started cosplaying. I could feel my face fall but I had to be strong for her. I wanted so bad for her to see me as a hero instead of her faithful sidekick.

"I'll see if my dad will let me switch schools too! What's a hero without her sidekick?" I asked I hated being the sidekick but she loved being the hero. She sniffed and pulled the bobby pin out of her bangs replacing with an Iron Man clip.

"You're right Ken! I can't let this beat me! Besides I stole his credit card!" She winked.

Seeing her smile back on her face made my heart pound in my chest and my glasses started to fog up from her beauty.

"But isn't that the act of a anti-hero?" I asked her. She pondered for a moment her teal eyes looking up towards the clouds.

"Hmm... Nope! It's more like I'm Robin Hood taking from the rich and giving to the needy, which is also me," She laughed and then she grabbed my hand in her soft tiny one and pulled me along. "Come on I know we've already missed our first class and I want to make my last day here a good one!"

"O-okay," I said struggling to keep up with her pace. All I had to do now was convince my dad to let me switch schools. Which hopefully wouldn't be too hard...