Maybe I am the only one who loves the Lizzie/Tom relationship, but I don't care. I can't get over how cute they were in the first episode and all of the cute moments they have in the other episodes as well. I know that Tom is more than likely going to end up being this big bad guy, and I am highly disappointe by that because I really love their relationship. I am still holding out hoping the writers will find a way to make sense of it all with out turning him into a Blacklister. I just truly believe that Elizabeth loves Tom, and he loves her. They have great chemistry.

Plus the whole Lizzie/Red relationship kind of creeps me out because I strongly believe he is her father know matter what he tells her.

But any who, this is my first Blacklist story. The whole waiting 6 weeks for a new episode is driving me crazy so this is my way of letting that out. Hope you all enjoy!

Disclaimer: I unfortunately do not own any part of the show or characters. All credit goes to the amazing writers and actors that make this show what it is. I'm just the one who writes stories and makes up scenarios in my head that are not true and probably will not happen.

Elizabeth Keen had been through many things since she joined the Bureau, but nothing had prepared her for one of the worlds most wanted criminals choosing her, of all people, to become his side kick.

She really didn't know what else to call herself for him. She had been very clear to him that they were not partners, which he choose to call them often, and she shot it down every time. But the more she pondered it the more she realized they really were kind of becoming partners.

That thought sent shivers down her spine.

Raymond Red Reddington had a way of doing that to people though. Getting under their skin, making them uncomfortable, pissing them off. Yeah, pissing people off was one of his specialties she had first hand experience to testify to that.

Some how he knew everything about her. Every detail to her life. Past, present, and hell she wouldn't be surprised if he knew her future. After all he was very through. He knew things about her that she didn't know, he knew her past. The past that she has tried so hard to uncover and forget all at once. He knew it all. And he hung that over her head as much as he could.

She has grown to live with it. To play his twisted games. At some point she figure maybe he would tell her why, why he was there, why he choose her, why he was so fascinated by her, why he knew her life, why he insisted on calling her Lizzie. And why he kept leading her to believe there was this big secret about her husband.

Her husband. Her Tom. Thomas Vincent Keen. The teacher, the loving husband. Her safe haven. Not the monster that Red was trying to play him out to be.

She met Tom a year after she graduate high school. At first she was very timid of getting into a relationship when she knew the line of work she was going into. She had always thought that she would wait until she was done with school and settling into working in the FBI before she married, so that when she started dating her significant other would understand her life and craziness first hand and not have to deal with a transition into the crazy life.

That all changed when he walked into her life. It was a cold day in New York and she was in one of her favorite little coffee shops when she ran into him. She grabbed her coffee from the barista and turned around running straight into him and dropping her coffee to the ground. It splattered everywhere and ended up slightly burning Tom's leg. They both immediately bend down and began to pick up the mess the whole Liz was apologizing profusely. She was wiping at the floor intensely when he grabbed her hands to stop her and calm her down.

"You know you really like to talk."

She stared at him dumb struck. She finally managed to close her gaping mouth from his comment and a crimson red filled her cheeks. "I'm sorry." She smiled.

The barista brought them a towel. Tom gripped it and thanked her, then began to clean up the remaining coffee. He stood up and extended his hand to help her off her knees. She thanked him and looked away embarrassed.

"Tom Keen." He said in a cheerful tone as he extended his hand out to her.

"Elizabeth Scott." She shook his hand and smiled at him. She got caught up in looking into his eyes. They were beautiful, kind of green, maybe hazel? The sun was shining in and illuminating is features. Tan skin, light stubble, messy brown hair, amazing bone structure.

She cleared her throat feeling another blush rising on her cheeks, hoping he hadn't notice her staring. But she had nothing to worry about, he had been staring back just as much. Her blue eyes captivated him. Her soft delicate features were drawing him in more than he cared to admit. She was beautiful. The sun shining into the coffee shop lit up her face and the soft curls outlining her face shined a gorgeous brown.

She was captivating to say the least.

He smirked when he saw her turn her head and blush, obviously he was having the same affects on her. He finally found the words to speak.

"Uh, let me get you another coffee. It's the least I could do for running into you." He said slyly, but nervously.

She scoffed, "I should be buying you a coffee for spilling coffee all over you."

"How about I buy you a coffee and you grant me the pleasure of your company before I have to make my way back to class?" He tried his hardest not to smirk, but it sneaked out at the end of his sentence.

She thought it over, but there really was no question about it. "I'd like that."

He paid for her coffee and got one of his own before buying them both a muffin and led them to a small booth in the back of the shop.

They set there for an hour talking about nothing and everything. Lizzie laughed harder and smiled more than she ever remembered doing in a long time. And Tom was proud of himself when she told him so. They both looked at the time and both realized they were about to be late for their next classes.

The walk to her car was silent.

"This is me." She said as they approached her small SUV. He smiled shyly at her. Like ripping off a band aid he thought.

"So I hope I'm not over stepping my boundaries here... But, I just had one of the best afternoons in well a long time. Would you like to uh, maybe, go out with me sometime?"

She smirked, how smooth she thought. The confident man that asked her to sit and have coffee with him was gone, and replaced by a shy boy. And she kind of loved that if she had to admit it.

"I'd love too." She replied sincerely. They exchanged numbers and he gave her a hug after they had decided that tomorrow night worked for them both.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Lizzie." She paused and stared, she hadn't heard anyone call her that since her father left when she was 7.

He smirked as he turned to look at her one last time as he walked away. All she could think of is she had never heard her name sound more amazing then when he said it in that way.

Let me know what you think! Review review review! :)