(a/n THE SEQUEL IS HERE!!! Gather round my lovely reviewers. Hope you like it.the first chapter begins. If it's a bit short cut me some slack okay?)

Disclaimer Guy: This is a sequel by Angel Of The Storms read the first one first!!! (we aren't betrothed are we?) The characters apart from the ones you don't recognise belong to Tamara Pierce. Your books rock!! Please don't sue me!!

Do You Love Me Or Do You Not?

Do Something

The King, The Queen and The Prince all looked towards the seventeen year old girl that was plainly sulking among the royal ladies. She was wearing a very pretty dress indeed; it sparkled in the light and was black and silver. Her hair sparkled with silver coloured gems. She looked like a princess. Indeed she was, actually. Betrothed to Prince Roald Of Conte she had been deemed princess of the realms of Tortall. She looked the part all right, but that didn't mean she acted the part.

At the moment she was sulking because she and Roald had, had a fight. Well it was the parent's pressure that had caused it. You see the King and Queen wanted them to get married quickly should anything happen to them. But you see the problem with them getting married was that she was expected to produce an heir in the first ten months. Now Keladry Of Mindelan never wanted to have children, never. She'd made that quite clear to Roald.

But she loved him and she didn't want to anger his parents. Well okay she didn't care if she made King Jonathan mad but Queen Thayet she liked and didn't want to upset. So she'd told Roald to ask them for more time on heir to the throne thing. Jonathan had said no. This resulted in Kel and Roald having a big fight. After this Kel refused flat out to marry him.

This had hurt both Kel and Roald.

She sighed deeply looking at her hands. Roald sighed too. He looked at his parents. "Do something." He pleaded, "I hate being in this fight with her and she won't even talk to me!" He said pleadingly. "This is your fault you made this happen now do something to undo it!" A year ago Roald would have never been this outgoing towards his parents. But then again a year ago he'd never met Kel. Falling love with Kel had that sought of effect on a person.

His parents said nothing and he got angry. "I've had enough of this!" He snapped, "I love her and I won't let you ruin it!" With that Roald got up and walked over to Kel. She started to get up to walk away but he stopped her. He grabbed her hand and leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Kel I'm sorry. If you decide that you still love me and still want to marry me, I'll understand if you don't but if you do when we're married we'll take this at our own pace. I won't push you into anything. I don't care what my parents say; if we marry I want you to be happy. That's all that matters to me, that you're happy." He finished and Kel knew instantly he had her. She smiled at him.

"Of course I still want to marry you Roald it was just they're pushing me to quickly." Kel said. Roald nodded his understanding. He brushed her lips with kiss and Kel smiled again.

"Can this fair lady lose a minute of her time to come ride with me?" He asked sending her a message with his eyes.

"Of course." Kel said getting up.

Across the hall the monarchs breathed a sigh of relief the fight between they're son and his betrothed appeared to be over.

Which was a very good thing.

(a/n I know it's painfully short but you know, this is a nice first chapter. Soppy but nice. Please review and let me know what you think)