Well I feel horrible. It has been so long since I updated and I give you this ... Bullshit. My (lame) excuse is that I watch the episodes in order to get the true dialogue, so I'm pausing and rewinding the episode and it takes about an hour-and-a-half (compared to the approx. 42 minutes an episode is) to watch the episode. I'm seventeen minutes into Think Lovely Thoughts...

If someone, I don't know, felt like helping me out and sending me the last 3 episodes dialogue, updates would probably come a lot faster. But don't feel like I'm saying that I won't watch the other episodes... it's just that it might take a little bit. Writers block is brutal. and I'm experiencing it with both of my stories. But the good news is that I'm officially sitting down and writing for a full hour everyday. It will alternate between Fighting Destiny and And Then There's The Puppeteer.

Side-note: This is super random but I realized that the movieverse is going to have two Quicksilvers. One in X-Men:DOFP, played by Evan Peters (Emma Roberts fiance) and one in Avengers: Age of Ultron, played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson (Who is married to someone 23 years older than him and they have 2 kids... but you know him as Kick-Ass from Kick-Ass) This means that they play the same character, and they were both in the movie Kick-Ass. That's just so weird to me. But no-one wants to hear my nerd rambles...

Important Fact for Fighting Destiny: Only one person has voted on the poll... I want to incorporate the line of dialogue but I'm not just going to use one person's opinion. By the way, it's going to be adapted. if I use the choice that has been decided... it's not like Flynn is going to be the one saying it. So vote. I'm going to wait a week until I write the new chapter. So you guys have a chance to totally hate on me for the dick-ish-ness of this "chapter"