Disclaimer: I don't own Teen wolf. Unfortunately.

Stiles woke to a hazy light filtering in from the morning sun. Stretching his limbs, he let grogginess take back reign, and turned onto his side.

Finally drifting towards sleep, he relaxed. Then inevitable realization hit.

He was going to the chase today.

"Stiles, it really isn't that bad." Sheriff Stilinski awkwardly tried to soothe.

"Oh, not that bad, I'm totally not being forced to run in the forest, only to be taken and obligated to commit myself to an obnoxious alpha, but hey, maybe they'll have a great personality… or fangs." He internally chanted that they would be a certain strawberry blonde, petite, and perfect girl (womanly goddess really).

"If it weren't for the chase, I wouldn't have found your mother Stiles!" His father snapped. They quickly shifted into and uncomfortable silence.

Stiles cleared his throat, taking a long, deep, breath. "I should… get going."

For a moment, the tired Sheriff's face morphed to that of fondness and compassion.

"You'll do good Stiles." And after an awkward pat on the back, Stiles left his home, and drove to his doom.

By the time he arrived, Scott had already made it, sitting on the benches with a giddy, lovestruck expression. Soon he noticed his friends presence, and greeted him with a wave.

"Stiles, isn't it great? We go into the field, and I find Allison, and I claim her, and we…" Stiles slowly began to tune him out, as more pressing thoughts went into his head.

When they (the omegas) were put into the natural land imitating dome (or as many called it, the field) they would be forced to run, hide, or be claimed by an alpha or beta.

Stiles only had eyes for his strawberry blonde dream. She was the alpha for him, though… what if she didn't claim him? With the startling lack in female alphas (with the exception of Erica and Lydia) he just prayed with all his might he wasn't claimed by a dude. Now in fairness, Stiles was not a homophobic man, or even a man he could consider straight, but currently, he could only point his preference as Lydiasexual, and as far as he knew Lydia had a very clear lack in male… assets.

He fell out of his train of thought when the alphas and betas were forced to go to the opposite exit of the field, leaving Stiles alone. And terrified.

After a long time it was finally here. The Chase. The omegas flooded into the field, some nervous like Stiles, but most excited and prepared to be claimed.

He took no time in heading towards the forest, knowing the chances of him finding Lydia were unlikely, and his best chances of being left unclaimed were in the trees.

Shimmying his way up a tree, he saw what appeared to be a underground cave. It was a hole, mostly hidden by bushes, and Stiles thanked God because a cave was far better than a tree if well hidden. Making his way down and uneasily searching for signs of anyone, and as quietly as he could, dashed to it, luckily ending up unnoticed.

For days he stayed down there (since the chase was a full week), occasionally hearing growling or feet against the grass or even… moans, but luckily, Stiles was not found. He was start to finally let his guard down in his surrounding when he heard a growl. A growl FAR too close to be safe. Terrified, he searched around his small den, easily coming to the conclusion no one was there. Picking his head out in the slightest, he noted that there was no one outside his hide-away, and simply dismissed it as a passing alpha. Until he bumped into a large, muscular frame. Turning his head he was met with too-blue-to-be-real eyes, and an all too familiar smug smirk glinting a hit of fangs. He was knocked onto his ass in attempt to scramble away, and crawled backwards until the wall hit his back, and the approaching figure was crouched directly in front of him, eyes now boldly flashing red.

Jackson Whittemore had him trapped, and though he thought he would never say this about his long time tormentor, clearly hungry for a slice of Stiles lovin'.

"Mate" was the first sound that came out of the man of the hour, a gravelly rumble. Stiles let out what he would call a very manly sound of fear, definitely not a squeak.

…Well shit.

So, hi I'm Sinner and this is my first fanfiction! If you want me to continue please tell me by reviewing, and all constructive criticism is wanted, but please be nice :)

Thanks for reading!