Disclaimer: I own nothing


Today was the day, Hermione thought as she strolled along the sidewalk. The weather was beautiful; sunny, with a cooler breeze ruffling the leaves of the trees. She inhaled deeply and could smell the honeysuckle being carried in the gentle wind. She briefly promised herself that once she got a place of her own, she would plant honeysuckle bushes.

Hermione being Hermione, her mind immediately went to the logistics and academics of honeysuckle.

Her mind mapped out the plot of land she would have and where the boundaries would lay. They would need to be along the fence line, she thought. She knew them to be quite invasive and she didn't want other plant life to suffer at their vines. She made a mental note to send an Owl to Neville with an inquiry about honeysuckle.

Shaking her head and getting back to focusing on where she was going, Hermione picked up her pace, careful not to step on any cracks lest she take a tumble in her heels.

Feeling confident and excited about sitting down to go over the proposal that The Ladies, as Hermione referred to them, put together as an offer for employment to their start up magazine: W, the witch time magazine.

She pulled her purse closer and took in the bustling scene around her. Hermione was not at all worried that she would be married off to any one of their sons, and thought it absurd that Severus would imply that such a thing would be written into an employment contract.

As Hermione turned the corner of Diagon Alley and Juniper Lane, her eyes grew a bit in size for a moment. She had never been to this part of town, in fact, wasn't consciously aware that it was even here. Slowing her pace just slightly, Hermione looked around. There weren't as many people, or average blokes, like there was in Diagon Alley. Most of the magical beings were very well dressed in business robes or wearing Ministry mantles. The grasses and trees were nicely manicured, the benches and streets were cleaner than in the Alley, and even the Owls seemed to be better behaved as they dropped packages in designated areas outside the pristine looking buildings. Hermione irrationally thought it seemed sunnier, and with less noise.
Hermione reached into the pocket of her sleek navy blue pant suit ensemble and smiled again at her shoes. They were faux basilisk skin spiked heels with a silver tip on the toe and spike. Her suit was trendy and fit her well, while looking professional, but in her opinion, it needed a bit more pizazz, so she picked out shoes that spoke of the power of femininity. It went well with the trustworthy blue.

Even though The Ladies had offered her the position and Hermione knew they were as on board with this partnership as she was, she wanted them to know that she was worthy of their trust and that their confidence in her as a representative of their magazine was not misplaced.

She looked at her watch. She was a bit early and decided to take a moment to think about her male situation. It had been a few days since she'd spoken to any of the wizards currently occupying her thoughts. Though, she had fielded enough owl posts to last her a life time, over the recent days. She'd expected the three posts from Draco, and even the one from Marcus, but Harry had owled her twice, persisting on when he could see her again.

Sighing with resignation, she pondered her relationship with and feelings for Harry. She'd loved him then and she loved him now, but the love was not romantic. It was platonic; familial. That night that they had reconnected, she was a little tipsy and a little giddy and little uncertain. The kiss had been warm and pleasant, but had not sparked any kind of sexual feelings.

Although, she could see the logic in having a romantic relationship with Harry. He was familiar – he'd known her at her worst and accepted her. The problem was that she didn't want familiar, she wanted new and unknown and a little taboo.

She needed to have that difficult conversation with Harry, but right now, she had a meeting to attend.

Standing and pulling out the slip of paper, holding the address on it, she walked onto the sidewalk again and looked for her street.

Hermione was focusing so much on the street signs that she ran smack dab into a patrol Auror.

"Oh dear! I'm so sorry! I-"

"Miss Granger?"

Hermione focused on his round face and dangling whistle. She didn't recognize him. "Yes," she said, wearing a semi-not-quite-sure smile.

The rolly patrol Auror laughed so loudly that Hermione jumped a bit; she didn't think she'd said anything funny.

He took her hands in his and pushed his face within inches of hers. She fought to pull back; she didn't want to appear rude, but this wizard was a bit too familiar.

"Me wife's gonna think I've gone nutters when I tell 'er 'bout meeting you, Miss Hermione!"

Hermione was trapped and wasn't sure what to say. "Ohh, well-"

His eyes darted around her face and he wore a very satisfied smile. "Say Marm, would you spell me?"

"Pardon?" she asked completely confused.

"Y'know, curse me a little? Maybe just light Cruciatus? Jus' something to tell me mates!"

Hermione blinked and pulled her hands from his, quite forcefully. "First, the Cruciatus Curse is illegal and with good reason. So, no – just, no. And second-"

"Hermione?" a feminine voice spoke from close behind the two and Hermione turned to see who it was. Smiling and relieved, she stepped to stand beside Katesch.

They hugged briefly and kissed cheeks then Katesch faced the patrol Auror. He was wearing a sour expression now and meeting Katesch's gaze. "A friend of yours?" she asked, not breaking eye contact with the now red-faced man.

"Not exactly. He wanted me to curse him…"

That was enough to invoke a predatory smile and raised eyebrow from Katesch, and a baffled expression from Hermione. "Were you able to accommodate him, Hermione?" Katesch asked, then offered the Auror a sultry expression and stepped into his personal space. With a long fingernail trailing down his Auror insignia, which laid crooked on the right side of his chest, she whispered; every word dripping with sex appeal and sultry tones. "Is there anything I can do to fulfill your desire to be cursed, Auror-" Her almond shaped eyes darted to his name tag, "Festerhip?"

The Auror huffed and spoke to Hermione. "I'd be mindful of the company I keep, Marm." He wobbled away, swinging his whistle chain in one hand and resting his other on his wand holster. Hermione immediately thought of Charlie Chaplin.

The two witches shared a mischievous look then made their way to a small, but quaint building, with a hobbit door and flowers on each window sill. Hermione squinted at the paradox of modern buildings that were shaped like lipstick, with shiny metals and smooth edges as a backdrop to a square and traditional English cottage. It was larger inside than it looked, of course. The two witches walked in chuckling about the patrol Auror and how positively scandalized he seemed to be after Katecsh's behavior.

As they entered, Hermione noted that there were four desks with four secretaries all smiling. The secretary closest to them, on the left stood and greeted the two.

"Hello Lady Rosier, and you are Miss Granger, I presume?"

Hermione nodded and lent her hand for greeting. The secretary took it and introduced herself and the other secretaries. "I'm Hestia Grace, Lady Rosier's personal assistant." She motioned to each of the others as she introduced them. Hermione nodded to them all and said hello.

Katesch then routed her to the back office, to find Narcissa, Elizabeth, and Tova sipping tea and waiting. They all stood upon Hermione's entrance. The witches each greeted each other with smiles and an air of excitement.
Once Hermione had tea, they got down to business.


Hermione had signed, initialed, and acknowledged the contractual obligations and was now walking happily to her mentor's office at Hogwarts for lunch and chat; and to let the former Head of Gryffindor look over the contract. Hermione was quite excited and wanted Minnie to share in that excitement.

"Feline Mystique," spoke Hermione quite clearly to the gargoyle protecting the entrance to the Headmistresses suite.

It jumped aside and Hermione skipped up the spiraled stone staircase.

"Minnie," Hermione called out as she entered the space and then stopped abruptly. She scrunched her face with distaste at the scene in front of her.

Severus and Minerva were engaged in what only could be described as a female Dementor sucking the soul out of Severus one lip at a time. His body was bent back and partially splayed on the couch, one arm holding tightly to the arm and the other fisting a cushion. Hermione could only see the whole of Minerva's mouth physically covering Severus' mouth, most of his rather significant nose and some of his cheek and the wizard looked like he was in heaven.

They broke from the kiss, breathless and worn, and looking completely satisfied. Minvera took a deep breath as she stood and gently wiped at the sides of her mouth as if she had just enjoyed a good meal. Severus stayed motionless for a moment before he began to pull himself together.

Through all this, Hermione stood in the doorway, head tilted and horrified expression.

"Do close your mouth, Miss Granger. You'll catch flies."

Hermione clicked her jaw shut and moved to sit down – on the chair and not the couch. Though, she immediately looked at the cushions as suspect when Minnie gave a small, distant smile flashed across her face. Forcing herself to settle in, Hermione smiled and showed them the contract.

"It's all done! I'm officially the editor-in-chief of W magazine!"

Just as Minerva clapped her hands and smiled broadly to wish Hermione congratulations, Severus Accio'd the contract and began to flip through it. Hermione was only a little bit put out by this, and decided that instead of frowning at Severus' not surprising actions, she would share in Minnie's enthusiasm.

A few minutes went by with Hermione telling Minerva about the job and about The Ladies and plans to purchase land, Severus interrupted.

"Hermione," he paused as his eyes clearly reread a sentence several times. "What does this mean exactly? 'By accepting the terms of this contract you hereby submit to court proposals made by the company, its associates, and stakeholders.'

Hermione was about to answer, and in fact, opened her mouth to speak when Minerva dropped shook her head and sighed. "Oh dear."

Hermione frowned. "What? Isn't that where I have a vested interest in new work?"

Severus narrowed his eyes at Minnie's protégé. "No, Miss Granger, think… proposals...?"

It took a moment before the penny dropped. "Oh…"

"Yes," he agreed, "Oh…"