A/N: Hey guys, long time no see!

So some of you may remember when I started a fanfiction about Sulley and my OC, but I didn't finish because well... I didn't feel like it was going much of anywhere. So I had decided to stop writing it. I think I took too big of a step trying to write an ongoing story. Sooooo, I decided to do a oneshot! So baby steps (or a rather big baby step, this was 13 pages! I may break it up into 2 chapters). But please, enjoy this Randall x Sulley fanfiction and review if you'd like.

The story takes place about 3 or 4 years after the events of Monsters, Inc., which includes the year after Sulley becomes the CEO. This is loosely based on a comic I drew on tumblr of Randall and Sulley married, so I wanted to write about the events of their engagement. Enjoy!

Proposal: A Monsters, Inc. fanfiction

Chapter 1- I Made Dinner

"Did he say that he liked or disliked mushrooms in his pasta?"

Randall stared at the mushrooms sitting in the produce section of Tony's Grossery, wrapped tightly in a thin, plastic covering. He tapped his finger against his lip in thought as he tried to recall a memory from many moons ago. However, the event seemed too far gone in the recesses of his mind, so he gave a disappointed sigh and pushed his shopping cart along.

"Eh, I'll ask him tonight when I make this dish again, I don't want to take chances," mumbled the chameleon as he eyed the other fruits and vegetables. "This has to be perfect- no, everything must be perfect tonight."

The violet monster strolled down another aisle, he found a box of bow tie pasta that practically called his name. He made a satisfied grin, looking to see if there were larger boxes that he could use. Once he found a good sized box, he placed it into his cart along with his other groceries. He took a shopping list from out of his coat pocket to check and make sure he had everything that he needed for dinner tonight. Randall grabbed a purple pen from his pocket and crossed out the items on the list that were in the cart. Once he crossed out the last item, he put his pen and paper away and proceeded to the check out, where he was greeted by a mustachioed orange monster .

"Did you find everything okay, Randy?" asked Tony cheerily, using his four arms to scan and bag the groceries in Randall's cart. Randall nodded politley.

"Yeah, I think I've got everything I need for tonight."

"Ahh, you have plans for your special someone?" Tony bagged the last of Randall's groceries and began to ring up the total on the register.

The violet monster took out his wallet and slicked his fronds back with a nervous smile. "Yes... I think I'm ready to pop the question. So I'm making something I know he'll love."

The instant he heard those words, Tony's face lit up with excitement. " Ha ha, that's wonderful! Tell you what, for you, I give discount!" He took the bag of food and placed it in Randall's arms, and clicked a final button. "That will be $14.63!"

Randall couldn't stop smiling as he used his other pair of hands to swipe his card and pay for the groceries, while Tony gave him the reciept. "Thanks a lot, Tony. I really appreciate it."

"Every time I've seen you two come in the store together, my wife always tells me 'he's the one. Best of luck to you tonight, Randy!"

Randall chuckled a bit, waving back as he left the store. "Thanks!"

Maybe this evening may turn out alright.

The bell rang a final time once the clock hit 6 PM, signaling the end of another working day at Monsters, Incorporated. The remaining monsters closed their doors while their assistants swiped their cards to return each door to its place in the factory vault. Wranglers loaded the laugh canisters and moved them to the storage unit for shipping, and soon every monster had begun to clear the laugh floor.

Sulley looked at his clipboard, double checking the numbers for the evening shift. This morning had been an especially good one, there were no accidents so far and the quota had been made 2 hours before lunch. Even after two years of being CEO, using laughter as an alternative energy source was a much more efficient option. Happy with the results, Sulley put the clipboard away and began to exit the laugh floor, pushing a button to shut off the lights and close the laugh floor off for the night. As he prepared to enter the hallway, he was greeted by his best friend, Mike.

Mike was further down the hallway near the men's locker room, so the green cyclops cupped his hands around his mouth to project his voice."Hey, Sul! Come on, I'm headed to the locker room!" said Mike.

Sulley nodded, holding his large hand around his own mouth to reply. "Okay, okay, I'm comin', Mikey. Let me file my paperwork!" Sulley stacked his papers by the office near the laugh floor, where Roz used to be stationed. He stamped papers, which color coded according to their department, and then put each into its appropriate tray. He loosened his neck tie and jogged up to Mike. "Alright, that takes care of that," He nodded to the locker room as he undid his tie. "Shall we?"

"...And then the girl started howling with laughter when I accidentally tripped into her room today!" exclaimed Mike, holding his eyelid open to put in his contact lens. "I'm telling you, Sulley, I was so embarrassed. I mean, I hadn't even demonstrated my material that I had planned for her!"

"Y-Yeah?" said Sulley, trying to stifle his own laughter at his friend's story. "So what did you do?"

"Eh, I just rolled with it," replied Mike, giving his underarms a light spritz of odorant. "I just told her moments where I made embarrassing falls and reenacted them. Had her rolling and filled two cans!"

The polka dotted monster raised his eyebrow in disbelief. "Really? Two cans, Mike?"

"It happened!"

Sulley chuckled in amusement at his friend's tale, he knew Mike could be very dramatic when it came to telling stories. "Oookay, Mike. I'd love to see that."

Mike rolled his eye, grabbing a flat cap from his locker. "Ehehehe, big guy. I'll do it again if I have to."

While Mike finished getting things from his locker, Sulley waited patiently on one of the benches, checking his phone for missed calls or text messages. He wore a scarf that Ms. Sheri Squibbles, who was now Mrs. Sheri Carlton, had knitted him years ago when he made Rookie of the Year. It was a cerulean color that matched his eyes, with white and midnight blue stripes, thickly knitted to keep his neck warm during the winter months when his fur couldn't. He looked up at Mike again, chuckling at the chartreuse cyclops was trying to wrap his own plaid scarf around his... body.

This was probably the most time he spent with Mike since he had moved out of their apartment. About four months back, Mike and Celia had found a house in the more suburban parts of Monstropolis, and then they were officially married in August. Sulley didn't mind it much, since would go and visit sometimes, and they would do the same, but some nights felt lonely without a roommate. As Mike finished tying the scarf in place, Sulley noticed the gold wedding band around his friend's finger. "I didn't see Celia today. Everything okay?"

"No..." sighed Mike, his eye cast to the ground in dismay. "My beloved shmoopsie-poo is at home sick today..." I'm gonna go take care of her right when I get home, though."

Sulley gave his friend a proud smile of approval. "Good on you, Mikey. Tell her I hope she gets better."

"Thanks," replied Mike, smiling back at his friend when he closed his locker. "When I get home, I'm gonna make that chicken ooze soup Ma used to make. It'll knock the cold right out of her!"

Sulley rose to his feet and picked up his duffle bag. "Didn't you make that for me in college when I was sick before?" he asked.

"Ugh, how could I forget? groaned Mike, grimacing as if he didn't want to remember. "You were so sick you blew chunks into my bag of potato chips!"

"Hey, you were the one who had me do push-ups in the rain!"

"Yeah, we may need you to start doing some more of those, marshmallow boy."

Sulley nudged Mike playfully as they made their way for the door. "Yeah, yeah."

"What about you?" asked Mike as he and Sulley exited the locker room together. "Any plans tonight?"

"Well... Randall invited me to his place tonight." answered Sulley, blushing a bit underneath his fur. "He hasn't told me what he's doing, though. I think it's surprise for me or something."

Mike raised his brow slyly. "Ohhhhh... it's a "surprise", huh?"

Sulley groaned at his friend's obvious jab toward his last comment, though he knew Mike meant no harm. "Yeah, I was going to head over there now, anyway." As they made it to the entrance, Sulley held the door open for Mike, who had readied his car keys on their way out. The cold night air of winter blasted them once they stepped foot into the company parking lot. There were blankets of snow around the factory, glittering like diamonds under the glow of the overhead lights, where as piles shoveled neatly in the corners of the curbs, dyed with the dark dust of the pavement. The sky was clear, and if it were not for the lights illuminating the lot, Mike and Sulley could see the stars that flickered from the cosmos. The polka dotted monster let out a peaceful sigh as he walked Mike to his car, taking in the calm around him.

To Sulley, things just seemed so much more peaceful and soothing at night sometimes.

Mike unlocked his car as it came into view, which was now about 5 parking spaces away. Once he made it to his car, he opened the back door and set his bag on the back seat. Once he had his things situated, he turned to face his friend standing in the cold.

"Hey, let me give you a ride," offered Mike. "It's too cold for you to be walking by your lonesome, Sul."

"Oh, nah," declined Sulley, fixing his scarf a bit. "I'll be alright, you should get to Celia."

"Sul, I don't recall asking you," chuckled Mike playfully. He opened his front door and started the car, the engine roared to life like a lion, then began to settle down to a purr. "C'mon, Randall's on the way to my place anyway. it's been awhile since we rode around the city."

Randall sat on his couch, nervously folding both pairs of hands as he looked up at the clock above. The hands moved at a pace that he could not tolerate, each second seemed like minutes and the minutes were even longer hours. He looked at his phone, unlocking it to see if he'd received any messages or missed a call from his boyfriend. He found there were no new alerts, letting out a sigh, laying his phone back on the mahogany coffee table next to the box that carried the ring. He watched the screen dim and eventually go black, locking itself again. He looked over at the door, he didn't hear the twist and clicks of the knob, or the familiar sound of heavy footsteps nearing it. The candles he set on the corner of his coffee table melted slowly, the tiny flame flickering as its radiance lit his living room. Randall let out another sigh, resting his hands on his stomach as he eyed the small flame.

He was downright bored.

It wasn't that Sulley was running late, but he had finished preparing his home rather early. He had scrubbed, dusted, waxed, swept, mopped, vacuumed and polished everything in his apartment from head to toe. He had left the dinner on the stove so it'd stay warm so he'd have time to do everything else, but it seemed his excitement for the evening had gotten the better of him. He wanted Sulley to walk through the door at any moment now to get things started, yet he also dreaded the blue monster's arrival. Everything seemed to be going so well for him today, but there was always the possibility that something could wreck the entire evening for him.

What would he do if Sullivan was late? What if there's some sort of delay on the subway? What if he'd forgotten something?

No, he couldn't think like that, he though, he shouldn't think like that. All Randall needed to do was breathe, relax, and think on the positives. He had more time, there was something he hadn't done yet. The food was warm, the house was clean, candles lit...

"Ah, maybe I should wear something more comfortable..." mused Randall. He had the heat on, but in case he wanted to step outside for some fresh air, he could grab a sweater to keep warm. He fixed his square framed glasses as he walked into his bedroom, turning the lights on near his closet.

"Let's see... what to pick..." mumbled Randall, his fingers moving along as he surveyed his selection. "Black seems too serious... gray is too bland... ah hah..!"

Randall grabbed a small, burgundy colored cardigan from his closet and removed it from the hook neatly. He had purchased this specific cardigan last winter during the holiday sales, and it was definitely worth buying. The material wasn't too thick nor too thin, so he was able to keep cool or stay warm if need be. It fitted easily and it was very comfortable, and thankfully it had four sleeves. He slipped into the sweater, and just as he began to button it up, a knock came at the door.

"Randall? It's me, Sulley."

He was here.

He was here.

He was here! Randall frantically buttoned the last button and fixed his glasses so they wouldn't fall off his face. "B-B-Be there in a second!" he stammered, trying to resist the urge to turn invisible from nervous. Randall cursed his nervous habits, he was 31 and he was getting worked up like he was still in college. And it wasn't like a complete stranger was at his door, it was Sulley, his boyfriend, of all monsters. He gave a nervous gulp, excited yet terrified of what was about to come. He held his hands to keep them from shaking, took a deep breath, and walked to the door. He unlocked his door and opened it slowly to welcome the big, polka-dotted blue monster.

"Hey!" greeted Sulley, lowering his scarf from his mouth.

"H-Hey." answered Randall, smiling up at Sulley. He felt more at peace now that Sulley was actually here, but he was still nervous all the same. He shouldn't worry, after all, he'd been dating the same monster for 2 years, and they loved each other despite their faults. All he had to do was make it through the evening .

"Uhhh... aren't you going to let me in?" chuckled Sulley, standing in the hallway as he dried his feet on the welcome mat.

"O-Oh! Yes, o-of course. Sorry." stuttered Randall, not realizing he hadn't moved from in front of the door since he'd opened it. He moved aside so Sulley could come in. "I-I expected you to call," said Randall as he closed the door.

"Whoops, sorry, Randy," apologized Sulley as he set his duffle bag down and began to take a seat on the couch. "I was so wrapped up in talking to Mike I lost track of time."

"Oh, he drove you over?" as Randall turned to face Sulley in the living room, his eyes flashed open when he noticed he left the ring's box on the table. He squeaked nervously, speeding to the coffee table and grabbed the box before Sulley had time to notice. Sulley gave Randall a confused look, and Randall returned with a nervous smile.

"I... forgot my phone was on the table!" he lied, grabbing his phone as he tucked the box into his cardigan's pocket carefully. He took a seat on the couch and scooted closer to Sulley. "So... Wazowski -er, Mike, drove you... explains why you're earlier than usual."

"Yeah, he said it was on the way." explained Sulley. "Celia was sick today so he was going home, and he passes by this apartment sometimes," He pulled Randall close to him for a warm embrace, nuzzling his nose against Randall's face. "Plus I wanted to get here as soon as I could to spend more time with you."

Randall's eyes softened in adoration as he hugged Sulley close to him. "Mmm, I'm flattered..." He felt much calmer than before, Sulley had come to know how to make things better for him. He loved it whenever he got to spend time with the blue monster when they both weren't busy with their jobs, so every moment to them was precious time. "Hey, you hungry? I made dinner."

Sulley's eyes widened with joy as the words "hungry" and "dinner" rang through his ears. "Is that the surprise you mentioned? Because I'm starving!"

Randall laughed lightly, getting up with Sulley off the couch. "Dinner is part of the surprise, Sullivan, there's more to me than just a chef! Though I made your favorite tonight."

Sulley looked in the kitchen, then back at Randall. "You mean..."

Randall nodded. "Yep. The bowtie pasta with chicken parmesan. And I'll fix your plate, you had a long day. So I'll take care of you this evening."

The two enjoyed a peaceful evening over dinner together. Sulley was won over by Randall's cooking as always, getting seconds (and even thirds) of the bowtie chicken parmesan. After dinner, the two exchanged stories about how their weeks had been. Sulley said that George Sanderson had gone almost 9 months without any accidents so far, quotas were being met earlier, and that Celia had been home sick today. Randall listened as Sulley continued on about work, smiling gently as he watched the blue monster give animated gestures and faces to spice up the story. He held Sulley's other hand, rubbing his finger along the back of the larger, furry paw.

He was really happy with how the evening was turning out, everything was going along so well. He had almost forgotten what he was worried about.


He still had to propose to Sulley, which was why he held dinner in the first place. Randall started to grow nervous once again, his breathing was uneasy, and he started to feel sick. This was it. This felt like the only chance he'd get in a while, if not once in a lifetime, and all the cards had been played right. All he had to do now was deal his hand to decide the game. The mood was right, Sulley had gotten comfortable, they were together and had been together for two years now. Two wonderful, fun filled, life changing years.

But something was stopping him from being able to tell Sulley how he really felt. Though Randall was indeed nervous, he also felt sad. He knew he loved Sulley more than anything in the world right now, and he was putting that love on the line to ask for his hand in marriage. Sulley could say yes, though what if he didn't? What if that made the relationship awkward? Or what if he never got to talk to Sulley ever again? Randall cast his eyes down at his cardigan's pocket, running a hand slowly along the ring's box.

Sulley had noticed that the familiar feeling of scales rubbing against his fur had become a vice grip of nervous energy around his finger. He looked up to see that Randall's gentle smile had vanished, a sullen frown had now painted the face of the chameleon. He took Randall's hand and ran his own thumb against it, in hopes to soothe his love and curb the topic.

"You look great," said Sulley, giving Randall a soft smile. "I like that sweater on you."

Randall returned his gaze to Sulley as he heard the compliment, giving a shy grin as he looked back down in embarrassment. "T-Thanks," he replied, his tone of voice was low but there was sincerity in his words.

Sulley's brow furrowed worriedly as Randall looked away once more, holding his hand tighter. "Is everything okay, Randy? We can talk about something else if you'd like."

Randall glanced back at Sulley, seeing concern in those deep, cerulean eyes. He gave a sigh and cupped the larger monster's chin, leaning in and planting a short kiss on the lips. As Randall pulled away, he stood up from his seat, still holding Sulley's hand.

"I... just need some fresh air, okay?" He gave his boyfriend's hand a tiny squeeze, and then let go as he excused himself from the table. He walked through the living room and walked out onto the balcony, closing the door so the cold wouldn't come in.

Sulley sat at the table alone, undoing his scarf from around his neck. He looked at the empty chair across from the table accompanied by plate just as empty. The room's light dimmed as the candles flickered slowly, already half melted from the long hours. Sulley gave a sigh, taking his and Randall's plates to the sink and blew the candles out as he exited the kitchen.

To be continued in the next chapter...