Yeah, just an idea that haunted me. I don't own InuYasha or the Vampire Diaries.

"Talking" thinking Shikon talking telepathic

Chapter 1: Blood and Peaches

Kagome ripped her head backwards, just in time before the arrow would have hit her. Time seemed to slow down, as she watched it pass by. Not that time really did. Being a time traveler, the miko could fell time move. And right now a closer racing disturbance in time caused by another time traveler warned her about InuYasha's attack coming up from behind. She jumped out of the way, but the hanyou managed to destroy her bow, leaving her defenseless. It did not make a big difference. Her instincts alone had saved her. But now, staring at her crush Inuyasha and the clay Kikyou he called lover, the shock left her incapable of moving. Traitors. ,ran trough her head numbly.
"InuYasha!" ,a voice shouted. Sango, her weapon sister. Kagome could see her out of the corner of her eye. She stood not far behind her, holding her Hiraikotsu with difficulties. The Final Battle against Naraku had left her with a broken arm and a blue eye. "What the hell are you doing?!" She sounded confused, scared and angry. Despite that all she still manage to look strong.
But she won't survive another fight. The thought shook Kagome out out of her frozen state. Careful to not raise the attention of the traitors, which were now on Sango, and provoked a early attack, she moved closer to her friend. If either the nendo (=clay) or the hanyou would attack the youkai taijin, she would have to protect her.
How did this happen? Naraku had died not even five minutes ago. Her arrow had purified the kodoku-hanyou the second her instinct had warned her of Kikyou's attack. They were surrounded by the corpses of thousand youkais. Somewhere in this mess, Miroku, Kiara, Shippo, Koga's pack and Sesshumaru were supposed to be. Seeing as she never really got the hang of aura reading, she had no idea what condition they were in. Kagome shallowed hard and balled her fist. Not only did you betray us, you chose now of all times?!
"Keep out of this!",InuYasha growled, drawing Tessaiga out of a dead ryouyoukai. His ember eyes settled on Kagome. She would have flinched on the hate in them, wouldn't she have been so angry herself. This way however she just stared back. It earned her a growl. "You didn't think we would figure it out, did you? Thought you could get away with it? Have a little fun, eh?! Well to bad, wench! You don't get to bring a war upon us and then just get away with the Shikon no Tama!"
She flinched, before letting her anger take over. "Stop it! I never wanted a war!" ,she shouted with tears in her eyes. "Believe me, I would give everything to undo it! But that's impossible. All those people who died... who had lost those dear to them... who where played with..." Her shoulders trembled. How dare was he?! "Don't dear to imply I wanted that!" She knew it had been her fault. It was something that haunted her day and night.
Sango stumbled to stand beside the future miko. "She is right! What is-" - "You do realize that this girl is the reason your village, your family, Kohaku is dead." ,Kikyou spoke up. Even through her glace was sharp, she seemed rather bored. "She did that. She shattered the Shikon no Tama creating a war that cost your village. And Kohaku ... We both know, she wants the completed gem. She would have killed him for his shard, if Naraku wouldn't already have done it."
"LIE!" Kagome screamed out of the top of her lungs. Sango bit her lips and looked back and fort between the traitors and the school girl, who couldn't believe that fact. "Taijin." ,came a cold voice from directly behind the raven haired girl. She spun around to find Sesshumaru. His armor was broken and his sleeves were ripped, but she couldn't make any wounds out. He must have already healed himself. "Don't be foolish enough to back-stab a loyal ally for the hollow words of a clay." Kagome was about to thank him, when he added: "This Sesshumaru ensures you that this miko is much to weak-hearted to start a war." Said miko scrolled. "And childish. The nendo is simply wanting more power, as she is a soul eater that grows in strength with the souls she consumes and is after the gem."
"Don't talk about Kikyou like that!",InuYasha growled and sent his kizu no kaze against them. "She is not the soul eater!"
Sesshumaru jumped gracefully out of the way, while Kagome had to throw herself against Sango to push both out of the line of the attack. Suddenly Kikyou gave an angry cry, making both girls look up. Inuyasha was gone. The nendo aimed at the inudaiyoukai. "Where is InuYasha?"
The lord of the western lands gave a bored face. "Outside you reach.",he explained, then looking at Kagome. "As much as I hate the hanyou, in order to restore at least a bit of our family's honor I will keep him caged till all of her lies are fished out of his mind and he knows friend from foe."
His words seemed to tick Kikyou off and she pulled the arrow further back. Kagome throw a rock before even realizing what she did. It hit the soul eater's arm and successfully gained her attention. Suppressing the urge to shallow, she jumped to the side, away from Sango. "I'm your enemy.",she said, sounding braver than she really was. Her enemy gave her a scary smile and turned to shot at her. The time traveler leaped behind a dead, garage-sized pig to escape her reiki filled arrow.
It turned to ashes, but she was alive and unharmed. Well, except for the claw marks on her back and bruises about everywhere from the previous battle. She ignored the pain and stood, giving the nendo a guarded dead stare. What now?,she thought bitterly. There is no way I could hide anywhere. And my bow is broken, so I can't fight. Sango is thinking about betraying me. Sesshumaru may or may not help me -after all I practically declared this my fight in youkai standards. But without help I going to die. What am I supposed to do now? Kikyou aimed her next arrow at her already. Help!
Come. Kagome spun around and raced to the ashes that were left of Naraku. That voice! Even through she had heard it for the first time, she recoiniced it immeadiatly. It was the voice of the Shikon no Tama. She should despice it for all the pain the gem had caused, she knew. But that second she simple felt safe.
Hearing Kikyou shot, the future miko dropped to the ground. As soon as the light shot over her head to somewhere on the other side of the hill, Kagome raced on. The nendo cursed loudly behind her. Ignoring the new aim at her back, the girl snatched the gem out of the ashes without stopping and spun around. A angry-red glowing arrow already headed her way. Without hesitation she took aim with the bow, that had somehow appeared in her hand. Both arrows hit each other and exploded.
She starred at the place they had been, before looking down at the bow in shock. It seemed to be made out of a black light. Tilting her head to the side, she studied it. The light was familiar. When Naraku had tainted the Shikon no Tama, it was that light that come from it. The bow was the transformed Shikon! She had problems to wrap her mind around that and heard a dark chuckle. Don't worry. It's not permanent. After the fight I will return to my normal form aga- Watch out!
The bow jerked her backwards. Three suntras hit the ground were she had been and broke into flames. Miroku stood not far away with a grim face. "And I was stupid enough to not believe anything Kikyou-sama told us.",he said full of guilt and ripped the Kazana open. Kagome got ripped off her feet, cursing Naraku for making Miroku's curse permanent before his dead. A feral growl cut through the air. Immediately the pull stopped and the girl dropped to her knees. Kiara landed in front of her, dropping a bloody arm and growled a warning at a very shocked Miroku. "Miroku!",screamed Sango and throw her Hiraikotsu at them while running to her fiance.
Kiara snatched Kagome's collar and jumped out of the way in the sky. The time traveler could have sworn she saw Kikyou smile before a bright red light shot towards them. "Down!",she angrily told her feline friend and shot the other arrow again. As soon as her feet touched the ground, the girl raced forward, aiming at the nendo. Don't hold back, little one.,Shikon whispered. She didn't had to be told. That bitch would pay right now. Her whole body illuminated and she shot. Kikyo's counterattack was lost in the blue reiki, as it lighted the whole clearing in front of her.
The light ebbed away and Kikyou was gone. It was quieted again. Except for the sobbing and pained noises out of Sango and Miroku's directing. Kagome didn't dare to turn around. Kiara flew next to her. Shikon pulled back in it's gem form. Sesshumaru stood off on the side with a monoton face. Sun was setting behind the trees. The noises were louder than there actually were.


"Let this Sesshumaru get this straight." the inudaiyoukai said slowly. "Neither have you knowlege of why the cursed gem helped you, nor were you able to ever talk to it before. And now your not able to talk to it either." He paused and looked at the miko before him. "This makes no sense. The gem aided your enemies, yet it shielded you when you asked for help. Became your weapon."
"I know.",she answered, stopping in front of the boneeater well. "But I can feel, I can trust them. No reason to look like that. I didn't say I start doing theire bidding or using them." She signed and looked up to the nightsky and the endless sea of stars. This was not what she thought winning would feel like. They had found the ookami and escaped the taijin and the monk, so she didn't have to fight them. Kaede, who had been watching over Rin and Shippo with Jaken, had taken them in and tend to their wounds. Kagome had bid her tearfull farewell from her adoptive son Shippo, who Kiara had agreed to watch over after she was gone and left with him, before the two traitors could catch up with them. Koga and his pack didn't woke yet, but maybe that was better. Sesshumaru, she know, would leave with his pack upen her departive. Yes, she had to go. Else the war would simple continue. But when Shikon disappeared without a trace ... "I told Kiara and Shippo already, but stay away from Hiroshima." She said and jumped. Youkai didn't say goodbye and he wouldn't understand the human custom as anything but an insult. And she couldn't bear anymore.


"Go Souta!",shouted as loud as she could, earning dirty looks from her mother and grandfather, not she cared. It was the first time Kagome was out since she came home a month ago. Mrs. Higurashi had immediately drove her to the hospital, making her remember that she had come home for the first time while still wounded. It was a good thing in the end, as it turned out that Kaede had poison her. The time traveler didn't worried for the ookami, however, it had been more of a you-killed-my-sister-thing.
Souta kicked the ball with full strength. The ball hit the net and his team cheered. His sister jumped a little with the audience, till her mother laid a hand on her shoulder. "What are you doing here?",she whispered angry. "You're supposed to be in the hospital, in bed." -"Please, ka-san, this is Souta's game. I couldn't miss it. Beside, that doc gets my nerves. I am nearly healed up. I'm fine."


Hojo took a deep breath, hold the medicine close to his chest and moved to go up the stairs of the Higurashi-shrine. "Kagome is not interested in you." a voice made him stop and turn around. Behind him stood his crush's little brother. He seemed annoyed. "Oh, hallo." the teenager flashed him a smile non then less. "I was just going to se-"
"She has no interesst in you." -"Eh?", Hojo blinked. The other boy sighned. "She has no interest." -"I don't think I-" -"Has no interest." -"So, it's Kagom-" -"No interest." -"I-" -"Non at all!" The two boys stared each other annoyed.


"So I hear Hojo asked you out again." Eri smiled widly at Kagome. The latter hung her head. She was a legendary miko and what happens on her sixtenth birthsday? Her three friends, who didn't know her had to pull her in the mall, the aquarian, the cinema and into some very girly cosplay cafe. The day was only half over and now they had to talk about Hojo?
She was about to report back when her mobil phone started ringing. Seeing that it was the shrine's number, she picked up curiously. "Hello?" -"Kagome? Souta is missing!", her grandfather cried on the other end of the line.
The miko jumped to her feet and raced outside, past and somtimes over cars and towards the shrine, not caring for trafic. "What happened?",she asked her grandfather, trying to remain a clam voice. While her grandfather told her, how the boy's teachers had found blood in the boy's changing rooms after gym, she tried to controll her fear. Missing? More like kidnap! And most likly because of her. She changed her direction towards Souta's school. She had no time to get her bow. Souta might not have that time. "I get him back." SOUTA!
Police was already present, when she ran in the school. They and the teacher called out to her when she moved past them to the gym. The boy's changing room was marked by yellow Keep-out-tape. She ignored it and moved in the room, much to the protest of the crimial investigators. Giving them her best Sesshumaru-glace, she kneeled down and studied the floor. Blood on the floor and the lockers -she forced down the urge to poke out of fear.
For a normal everyday human, there were no traces of the attacker. Only enough blood to tell her that Souta was not attacked by a human being. He... She had to find him soon or he would be death. "Who is that girl?! And why did you let her in here?!" Kagome gulped and looked closer. Not being able to sence auras, she had practice a lot to track all kinds of youkais.
There. Light, extremly light. Her enemy was faster than the human eye, but she could still see his tracks. They lead out of the room. Then left. In the hall, she stoped again. To many footprints. Dammit! She kneeled down again, the detective followed her interessted. "Get me one of those guys here.",he whispered to his patners. "She found something..." -"That is his sister...",a other voice said. "Higurashi Kagome." -"Wha-" Found it! Kagome practially crawled over the flor to not lose the track, that suprisedly leaded deeper in the building and up to the third floor. By here it was easy enough to follow them, that she could walk upright again. They ended by an open window. Below was a fence and a river, that run past the school.
Her fist started shaking. "No..." She jumped out. Graping hold before hitting the river, she hung on the fence, looking around. Nothing. Not one thing. Biting her lips, she hold back tears. The attacker used the river to dissapear. Souta with him ... Souta... Kagome shoke uncontrollable. No. No, no,no,no...
He went down to the closed up underground station. She jumped in the river. Kagome didn't wasted time thinking about why Shikon would help her again. They did. And she needed to save Souta. That was all that mattered. So she ran. Two blocks away was the station. Bursting through the doors, she shouted: "Souta!" It was a stupid warning to the kidnapper, but it would keep him -hopefully- away from her little brother.
True be told, she heard something hit the ground to her right. The door snapped close behind her. Darkness all around. Kagome waited. The youkai threw itself on top of her, wanting to bit her neck. And jumped off her screaming. Rolling to her feet, the raven haired girl ripped the door open again. Another scream. Facing her enemy, Kagome found a burned, arm-less girl of Souta's age rolling on the ground in pain just outside the sun light. I did the arms, but ... The sunlight? she thought at once.
Abondan the thought, she walked in the dark to the right. Barely autionsable breaths came from there. She made out an body in a odd angle on the floor and felt the tears roll. Picking up Souta unsure, she carried him in the sunlight. There seemed to be bite wounds everywhere, he was one bloody mess. His back was brocken. He was dieing... No...
"Souta..."she whispered. She didn't know how to use her powers for healing.
His brown eyes fluttered open and it ripped her apart. Being a warrior, she knew that look. He knew. Knew she couldn't save her. It was acceptance and fear. She leanded over him, so he could see her. This... Joy filled his eyes open settling on her. How could he fell joy when dieing? That was wrong. So wrong.
Vampire blood can heal. Shikon said thoughtfully. Kagome looked at the gem around her neck. You sure? Were is the next one. The gem was quiet a painful second. The thing over there. Not listening anymore, Kagome scambled over to the girl and pulled her in the sunlight to Souta. The light burned the girl. Well, it will keep him with you in any case.the youkai gem added in an afterthought, but it was lost to the miko, who purified the vampire's head, when it tried to bite the boy, and pulled the neck over his mouth. "Drink!",she urged the shocked eleven year old. "Trust me."
Hesitantly he sucked at the large wound, his eyes not leaving his sister's. Suddenly his eyes rolled back and his body slummed together. "Souta!" Throwing the vampire away, Kagome shook her brother softly on the shoulders. Wake up! Wake up... It needs time. "What?!" she growled, but Shikon clamly answered. The blood will bring him back. Police is coming. You have to get him out of here, if you wanna keep him.
Kagome hesitated, before picking him up and running down the old tunnels.

Hope you liked it. Tell me what you think.