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Chapter Ten: Changed Destiny

Angel took Nakia home, cradled her against him as she slept on. He could feel her soul reaching out to his and there was nothing better but also it was a little different then their normal connection. Something was going on inside of her head, he wondered if it had something to do with whatever happened with Spike.

It was strange seeing the blonde vampire after all these years, the last time he'd seen Spike was the Boxer rebellion after he killed the first Slayer. This time, Spike hadn't even been wearing his game face; he'd been unsure and ran like a scared little cat when Buffy and Angel came into the room.

And he was pretty sure it had nothing to do with them and everything to do with the women he held in his arms.

When Angel got to the apartment, he pushed inside with the help of his key and some juggling then finally he was inside and setting her down in the bed. He proceeded to take off her boots and start undressing her, checking her flawless skin for bruises or cuts but thanks to her electrokinesis power, hardly any bad guys ever got there hands on her.

He thanked her lucky stars for that.

Just as he was slipping a nightgown and settling it over her body when the doorbell rang and he rolled his eyes, it didn't seem to matter that it was pretty late. The Slayer was getting some answers. He closed the door to the bedroom and walked across the open living area and opened the door.

"Well," he started as he leaned against the doorframe, "I was expecting Buffy, but not the gang." He moved out of the way as Buffy pushed her way in, followed closely by Giles, Willow and Xander.

"We need to know what happened back there? What the hell kind of power is she carting around?" Buffy demanded, arms crossed and pacing the living room.

"I know for a fact that she told you and Giles about her abilities, so why the surprise?"

Buffy sputtered, "I didn't think she could just do that, she changed Spike's will to fight."

"I don't know what exactly she did and we are not asking her right now because she's sleeping."

"Actually, Buffy's screeching has woken her up," Nakia muttered as she walked into the room. Angel moved quickly to help her settle into one of the comfy chairs.

"I wasn't screeching," Buffy muttered.

Nakia gave her a disbelieving look that made angel fight against the wicked urge to chuckle. "I saw what Spike will become in the future and I gave him a glimpse, it made him question his actions and that's all I can say for sure. What he chooses to do from here on out is up to him. I cannot promise he won't come back but it's a 50-50 chance that he's going to come back with a willingness to help instead of a need to destroy. That's all your getting from me because none of you have the right to know another's destiny."

"So are we just supposed to cease fire until he decides if he is going to try and kill me?" Buffy demanded in shock.

"Be cautious but don't assume he's going to come back to kill you. No go away," Nakia repeated and Angel stood to shoo them out of the room. It was time for everyone to get some sleep.

Buffy pushed past Angel, "You asked about Angel? How I felt about him? Did you change our paths as well?"

"Buffy, I had no way of knowing what I would change by meeting him before he met you. Believe me when I say that you not loving him, has changed parts of your life for the better."

Buffy nodded, "I guess you could be right, we just have to trust you with our lives," she sneered the end of the sentence clearly proving she didn't believe what she was saying. Angel forcibly moved her out of the apartment, closely followed by the others who seemed to not have anything to say, at least until Buffy was walking away and couldn't hear as Giles stepped closer to Angel.

"Yes?" Angel asked.

"I understand that Nakia's abilities are not her choice but she needs to think of keeping it under control. We cannot keep being at the mercy of someone else's ideas about destiny. Free will must prevail otherwise we will have nothing, we will be nothing."

Angel nodded, and closed the door behind the librarian. He turned and walked back over to Nakia who was sitting silently, head resting against her hand that was perched on the side of the chair. He huddled down in front of her, "Hey love its time to go to bed."

"Giles is right," Nakia stated, having heard what the Watcher had said. Angel had to admit that his lady had really good hearing; Giles was barely speaking above a whisper when he spoke at the door.

"Love?" he questioned.

"He's right, there is no free will when you know the plan. We are going to continue to change the Slayer's story and she won't have the chance to fight back and grow as the champion she is meant to be. I need to think about the plan, my need to stay here with you is going to end up hurting you and Buffy and everyone else."

Angel shook his head, "You can't know that."

Nakia stood without responding, "I am going to bed, and we can talk tomorrow about this."

He nodded though Angel was unsure he wanted to let her sleep because that would mean morning would come and she would have resolved to leave Sunnydale, and him behind. She had a whole other life back with her family business and it was a life that he knew nothing about. All he knew of her was Sunnydale, the computer teacher and fighter of vampires and the forces of darkness. He knew more about her than anyone in town did, including the Slayer and the Watcher but that did not mean she was guaranteed to stay, especially if she believed it was going to harm Buffy or anyone Nakia cared about.

He watched as Nakia prepared for bed, brushing out her long black hair and braiding it out of the way before brushing her teeth and climbing into bed where Angel resided on top of the covers. She leaned over, kissed him on the cheek then proceeded to turn away from him and turn off her bedside lamp.

Angel stayed awake in the early morning hours, wishing he could make himself leave and get some separation from the problem at hand but he feared that if he left her side then she would disappear and he would never see her again. His destiny warred inside against the love he felt for Nakia and the desperate need for her to stay at his side.

Sadly though at some point, his exhaustion and stress took his choice from him and he fell asleep with one arm thrown over Nakia's stomach. It was as if he would keep her with him even in sleep.