Author's note: This is just a little bridge chapter to get us going again. Thank you for the follows and reviews.

Disclaimer: The Big Bang Theory and all characters and creative elements derived from the source material belong exclusively to Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady.

Chapter 5

Sheldon jerked his desk chair and sat down to type. Howard flung himself past Bernadette to use both hands and arms to cover Sheldon's keyboard.

"Howard Wolowicz, remove yourself from my laptop!"

"Don't do it."

"What are you talking about? I'm only going to do some research."

"Sheldon, with the wikileaks and the Obamacare website fiasco in the press you can expect the government web forensics and code jockeys to go ballistic on anyone discovered responsible for a breech."

"Whatever do you mean?" He asked innocently.

"It's not hard to guess that your plan on removing Amy from the No-Fly list yourself."

Without a word Sheldon rose abruptly and went to sulk in his room.


Amy paced the inside of the jet. They had been stuck on the tarmac at Dallas/Ft. Worth International airport for over two hours while waiting for the weather to clear en route to Atlanta. She had been trying to locate a phone or wifi signal since the second they touched the ground but discovered they were parked in a dead zone.

She hadn't been able to send word to Sheldon of her whereabouts. She knew that by now her absence at dinner and Bernadette would've made him aware of the situation but she had become a creature of habit, his habits, and the inability to Skype at their scheduled time was making her more anxious as the minutes passed.

"Dr. Fowler, I'm terribly sorry for the delay but it looks like their may be a clearing in the storm and we will be taking off shortly."

"Please don't apologize. I could never thank you enough for your all your kindness."

"Again Dr. Fowler, it was in no way an inconvenience to have you join us on a route we were already headed. I reiterate that you are welcomed to be a guest at our home at any time during your visit to Atlanta."

"Mr. Blanchard, I already look forward to having brunch with your family on Sunday. I'm overwhelmed by your generosity."

"You're in the South now and hospitality is our way of living."

Amy smiled at the tall handsome executive in his late forties then returned to her seat. His height and dark hair reminded her of her gentleman cowboy that she had left back home. She pictured Sheldon with the same graying temples and a moustache. She then eliminated the moustache and settled on enjoying his image with salt and pepper hair that made his deep blue eyes glimmer. To be loved, raise a family and grow old with the love of her life, was all she wanted nowadays but she wasn't letting herself be carried away by her fantasy. Not tonight.

The first of her life long dreams, to one day be a successful neurobiologist had been achieved and the awards and accolades would certainly trickle in during the span of her career. She wasn't hiding behind a stalwart ego like she once did but still had an unflinching confidence in her abilities as a scientist. It was the first words out of Tyler Blanchard's mouth when they met earlier that afternoon that resuscitated her thoughts about her future.

"My daughter Jessilynn wrote a pay-pa about you Dr. Fowl-ah, it's an honor to get to meet you." He's soft voice, drawn out rounded vowels and dropped r's belied the image of southerner not the metropolitan businessman Amy was expecting.

"She wrote about me? Why?"

"You were the only women attached to a study on Alzheimer's research a few years ago. She was interested in the findings because we've had a history in our families and well - when it came time to do a report on women in science, she chose you."

"I-I- I'm deeply honored. I never considered myself worthy of something like that I wish I could meet her to thank her in person."

"She would be thrilled Dr. Fowler!" he grinned, "I insist that you join us for brunch on Sunday."

"Please call me Amy. I accept your offer but don't you need to check with your wife first."

His belly laughs made Amy giggle "You're a wise women Dr. Amy and thank you for looking out for me but Sunday brunch is a day we set aside for inviting guests. We only refrain from the practice during football season when Sundays are for worship, recovering from our Saturday football and preparing for our Sunday games."


"Ab-so-lutely, I'm glad you understand. So you must have been to the south before."

"No, my boyfriend has spoken of similar rituals and he's from Houston."

"Ah—a Texan. While they tend to put hubris before charm and hospitality -" He whispered pensively before cackling, "we won't hold that against - you."

Amy smiled at the audacity and humor of his remark before adding, "Won't you be missing football games this Sunday?"

"Not at all. It's bowl season so the important games won't return until the New Year and the NFL just don't hold my attention like before. You're coming over on Sunday and I will not take no for an answer. Now let's get you boarded and settled on this plane."

The fasten your seatbelts sign appeared, returning her thoughts to the present. Amy sat herself down hoping that the weather had cleared enough for them to arrive to Atlanta safely. After an unremarkable take-off Amy relaxed and fell asleep.


Sheldon had tried laying down on his back, then on his side and even on his stomach. He didn't feel like showering or putting on his pajamas because it meant he was settled. But Sheldon Lee Cooper was far from settled. He had sent the last of ten texts to Amy that evening.

Dinner will be here soon, where are you?

Will you be coming with Bernadette?

If you are trapped in a meeting could you go to the bathroom and text me.

I'm not upset with you, if you're worried about that, so just let me know where you're at.

Is everything okay?

Amy, answer me.

Bernadette just told me the news but where are you?

Amy, there are stipulations in the Relationship Agreement that forbid this.

Are you okay? I need to know.


Each text had remained unanswered as well as the video chat options he tried from his Ipad. She was gone, not speaking to him and beyond his reach when his thoughts were spoken out loud it gave him a better understanding of the reason for the queasy feeling in his stomach.

On the twelfth attempt to get her on video chat the words slipped through his mouth.

"I've lost Amy."

He tossed the Ipad to the foot of his bed and grabbed the nearest pillow, squeezing it tightly as he tucked himself into a ball.