A/N: this takes place sometime after chapter 25, wherever you want to fit it in. It's not especially relevant as to whether they are engaged or married.

"Are we meant to just be letting ourselves into his apartment like this?" Kurt asks Blaine, as he simply walks through the lobby of Sebastian's apartment building, waving amicably at the receptionist, dragging Kurt to the elevators. The doors slide open and they step inside. Blaine presses the button for Sebastian's floor.

"He told us to be here at ten past three. It's eight past now, I think we're good. If he isn't there we wait for him. He does the same to us every other Tuesday evening," Blaine says with a shrug.

"Does he? How come I'm never there?"

"Because you," Blaine taps Kurt on the nose playfully, "work much too hard and come home far too late."

"So he just waits until you get home?"

"Exactly. Sometimes he's gone before you get there."

"That does explain the times when I've bumped into him outside the building. Why Tuesdays, anyway?" The elevator pings to let them know that they have arrived, and the doors open. They walk down the hallway to Sebastian's apartment hand in hand.

"It's when Adam has his book club."

"Ah, of course." Blaine opens Sebastian's door, only to see much more than he wants to see and close the door again. He blinks blankly at Kurt a few times.

"They're home."


"They are also going at it on the couch."

"Oh. Poor baby," Kurt wraps his arms around Blaine, "I guess that makes us sort of equal with the number of times they've walked in on us, huh?"

"Except Adam is always thoroughly apologetic and Sebastian would stay unless we yelled at him." Kurt presses his ear up against the door and Blaine looks at him questioningly.

"Is it bad that I'm a little curious? I didn't see anything," Kurt asks, and reaches for the doorknob. "I'm going to regret this."

"Kurt, what are y-" Kurt opens the door and drags Blaine completely into the apartment. Blaine attempts to cover his eyes. "Kurt, no! You don't understand!" Blaine says, "This is like walking in on my parents!"

"We're here, fuckers," Kurt announces, closing the door behind them, "finish up; we'll be making coffee in your kitchen." Sebastian's apartment is huge- big enough to have a kitchen separate from the living room. Kurt turns on Sebastian's fancy coffee machine which begins to make a lot of noise. Blaine finally drops his hands from his eyes.

"Sebastian was on the bottom," Kurt says factually with a smirk.

"Really? That's new."

"I think you still have time to check if you don't believe me."

"I don't think I need to." Sebastian is getting more vocal by the second, and his cries of harder make it easy to guess his position. "I have gone this far without seeing Sebastian Smythe naked, and I intend to keep that streak for a lot longer."Kurt laughs at the way Blaine shudders.

"What do you mean by 'that's new'? How would you know?"

"You've met the guy. He's always been quite open about his sexual exploits. He used to say that he couldn't see why you would let some random in a bar put anything anywhere. But I mean, that didn't stop the hook ups. And I saw him in action a few times- he would pick the biggest, most muscular guy in the bar, you know, the ones who look like stereotypical tops- and see if he could persuade them to bottom for him. He never walked out alone. It was all just a big game to him."

Kurt nods along. "But Adam isn't some random in a bar."

"Exactly. There's a whole lot more than just sex going on in their relationship, which is actually a little terrifying." Blaine doesn't say the words, but he knows he doesn't need to. Everyone knows that Sebastian Smythe is falling in love with Adam Crawford.

"Adam is lot more muscular than you would think, though, so still his type when you strip him down," Kurt teases.

"Stop it, Kurt. I'm not looking." Blaine crosses his arms, and Kurt leans forward to kiss his pout away.

"You must be a little bit curious."

"Yeah, in a poking a dead rabbit with a stick kind of way. I won't be able to erase it from my mind."

"Drama queen." The undeniable sound of what must be near simultaneous orgasms comes from the living room. "See? They're done now. Let them clean up and then we can avoidsitting on the couch until he steam cleans it or something."

Sebastian saunters into the kitchen, pulling a t-shirt over his head. "Calm down princess, my cleaners are incredibly thorough and there is a lot more sex happening everywhere else in the apartment. Honestly, if you want to avoid the couch then you shouldn't be leaning on that counter either." He takes mugs down from his cupboard and sets them out on the bench for his friends. Kurt springs away from the counter.

"Okay, ew. I hope you disinfected that."

"I told you, my cleaning ladies are thorough. Anyway, you make the coffee; I'm going to do some cleaning up." Sebastian leaves again, leaving Kurt and Blaine standing in the middle of the kitchen, avoiding touching any surfaces.

"I am impressed by how quickly he redressed after that," Kurt allows.

"He's had a lot of practice," Blaine shrugs, pouring the coffees. They carry the mugs out to the living room and Sebastian and Adam accept them gratefully, but quickly abandon them in favour of one another, Adam snuggled into Sebastian's side.

"How cute," Kurt teases.

"Your fault for turning up during cuddle time," Adam says, "and yes, we do always cuddle after sex, at my demand."

"This is new, huh?" Blaine teases.

"Oh, shut up," Sebastian says, "The things I do for the people I love, honestly." The actual purpose of their seems to have been lost somewhere along the way, but seeing the tiny piece of Adam and Sebastian being cosy after accidentally seeing a piece of their sex life seems to make it all worthwhile.