Hey guys, I'm going to try something new so please give me some critical feedback on how to improve and stuff. As mentioned in the summary, its a 7 day word prompt and its going to be counting down how many days until I get to actually watch Frozen (It takes a long time for some movies to make it here) You can PM me a word (nothing dirty or rude please) and I'll consider it.

Day 1 - Sisters

The king of Arrendelle paced back and forth across the room; next to him, his wife was in labor with their second child. This time, from the sounds of the queen's cries, would be a boy. Suddenly, he felt a little tug on his shirt. Looking down, he saw his first child, Elsa. Tears flowing from her blue eyes, she looked frightened. Crouching down to her height, he pulled her into a hug, whispering comfort into her ear.

At long last, the queen's crying ceased, instead, a higher pitched cry was heard. The king rushed into the room, Elsa following slowly. When they stepped into the room, a bright light filled Elsa's vision, blinding her for a few seconds. After her eyes became accustomed to the light, her father beckoned her over to the bed. Uncertainty filled her small body as she reached the edge. Peering inside, she saw a small little baby. With reddish-brown hair, it was her new sister.

"Speak to your little sister Elsa"

Taking a deep breath, she put her hand into the crib, feeling her little sister grab it. Feeling the delicate gesture, she was filled with warm gratitude to her. Whispering,

"Hey there, wow... you're so small, but after a while, you'll be really big. I don't really know what to say to you but, you're a princess! Great right? One day you may rule and we'll have lots of fun, so... uh... oh yeah, you're also my new baby sister, uhh... what should we name you?"

Looking towards her parents, she saw them usher her, her mother mouthing "you name her" Coming up with a name, she used her other hand to stroke the new born, she said

"My new baby sister, Anna"

PS: these are going to be quite short but I may lengthen them later on