A/N: FINALLY! Here is the fifth chapter! I have no excuse, except that I didn't write since it was summer vacation and I was having a huge case of Writer's Block... Again. OTL I'm so sorry. I'll try not to be so lazy next time! XD

WARNING: Obscene language, Verbal/Physical abuse, Sadism and other acts of violence.

"You're really freaking crazy…!" Jean exclaimed, now standing up and leaning against the wall. He'd been pacing the storage room for a while now, but retreated to the wall when he started feeling faint.

"I'm not lying, you asshole!"

Apparently, Jaeger had been anesthetized by Axon with drugs that somehow affected his memory. It all sounded stupid and made-up to Jean.

"I knew you wouldn't believe me," growled Eren, crossing his arms over his chest in frustration.

"How can I?" …But is there actually even another plausible explanation?

The green-eyed boy took a deep breath and leaned his head back against one of the shelves. For a while they just glared at each other, seemingly lost in both aggravation and exhaustion. "Do you think I'm a liar?" asked Eren unexpectedly.


"Is that why you don't believe me? Huh, horse-face?"

"Hey, calm your ass down. It's not like Ii- -W-What the hell're you doing?"

Eren was moving away the crates that Jean had placed in front of the door earlier on. He ignored the other male and continued pushing the crates aside.

"I asked what you were- -"

"I can't stay in the same f*cking room as you!" yelled the shorter of the two. He was panting hard, and Jean soon realized why. There was blood dripping down the side of his stomach and onto the floor.

"Your wound reopened."

"Well, f*ck that!" howled Eren, and was pushing away the last crate, when its corner scraped against his wound. He flinched and cursed, kicking the crate angrily in an attempt for revenge.

Jean didn't say anything; he closed his eyes. He was tired - mostly because of the fact that he'd been drugged, but also due to general fatigue. He just wanted to eat a proper meal, take a shower and feel warm water wash over his wound, close his eyes and fall asleep. He didn't ask for any of this.

When he finally looked up, he was alone.

Jaeger already left!?

The brown-eyed boy got up as quickly as he could, following the trail of blood outside. That idiot probably lost half of his blood already. …Not that it would kill him.

Suddenly, a very dangerous thought popped into Jean's head.

What if somebody saw Jaeger all beat up like that? Followed by Jean, whose shoulder was bleeding relentlessly? They'd clearly know something was up. Not to mention the fact that Jaeger's clothes no longer existed. All he had on him were the remains of the bed sheet; they were wrapped around his waist and only long enough to be covering his last shred of dignity. If that didn't scream suspicious, what did?

And what if Mikasa- -? No. No freaking way. Jean didn't even want to think about the possibility. What if Mikasa saw them? She'd obviously be looking around for Jaeger, seeing as how she was always worried about him and his whereabouts. She was so obsessed.

Honestly, it used to make the brown-eyed boy jealous, but right now he was solely annoyed. Why did she have to be so damn overprotective of that brat? She was going to beat the living shit out of Jean if she found them. She was obviously going to blame him for everything. Eren got stabbed? Jean did it! Eren got drugged? Jean did it! Eren lost his clothes? Oh, that's obviously because Jean took them! Jean f*cking did everything.

It was killing him. No one ever listened to what he had to say. If he let anybody else see Jaeger all messed up like that, he'd have to go through a bunch of shit for no reason. And he really didn't want that. He wasn't going to take it. Not anymore.

Being less injured, Jean easily caught up with Jaeger and grabbed onto his arm, spinning him around. "Where the hell do you think you're going, you idiot!?" he whisper-yelled, scanning the area for any other people.

Sasha and Connie! They were coming down the hallway!

Before Jaeger could say anything, the brown-eyed boy covered his mouth and pulled him back into the room, out of sight. The former struggled to get out of his grip, but it was futile. Jean wasn't going to let him escape. Not for now, at least. He pressed his hand harder against the shorter male's mouth and whispered, "Shut up for now. Sasha and Connie are coming. We can't let them see us."

Eren stopped struggling, but he didn't remove his hands from Jean's.

They waited. After they saw Sasha and Connie walk past them, Jean ran his hands through his hair and breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God…," he mumbled.

But it was too good to be true.

"Wait, I need to get something from the infirmary!" shouted Connie's voice. "You go on ahead. I'll catch up with you!"

No. No. No. Connie was coming over here! To the infirmary! Jean didn't know what to do. And by the looks of it, neither did Jaeger. He grit his teeth in frustration, not daring to move. Guess he really did have to deal with some shit one way or another.

The two of them stayed dead quiet and frozen into place, not even daring to blink. Connie didn't notice them as he walked in, and even after he began searching through some of the cabinets.

Jean realized this was his cue to take action. He immediately grabbed onto one of the nearby pieces of wood that were leaning against the wall, and snuck up behind Connie - fast, but quiet - before striking him hard against the shoulder and rendering him unconscious.


The brown-eyed boy turned around to look at Jaeger's expression, which was both furious and shocked. Why did he look so pissed? "What's up with that face?" he asked casually, not really wanting an answer, though.

"You just knocked out Connie!" yelled Eren, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"Yeah, no shit. What else was I supposed to do?"

"What if you killed him!?"

"I had to do something, okay? Otherwise he would've gone off and told someone about us. That info would eventually get to Corporal Levi… Then we'd be in some deep shit." Jean knew he'd won this conversation with that last sentence. It was true, anyway. There was no telling what Corporal Levi would do. Maybe he'd be knocking out some more teeth… Jean shook his head and threw Connie over his uninjured shoulder. "So…where do I put him?"

"You're asking me that? It was your idea to knock him out!"

Jean grit his teeth. "You're an ungrateful b*stard, you know that? I'm trying to help you." He laid Connie down on one of the beds and covered him with a blanket, before taking off his shoes. At least that way, any passerby would think he was just sleeping normally. Yeah,'cause sleeping in the infirmary for no reason whatsoever is totally normal… Jean turned away from him and looked at Jaeger instead. "So are you going to wait until your wounds heal fully, or go back to our rooms right now and pretend nothing happened? Even though you're practically a naked walking corpse, and I look like your drugged bleeding sidekick?"

Eren groaned and began heading toward the door. "I'm gonna take a shower," he said simply, shrugging. "Don't follow me…"

"I have to. I'm also gonna take one…since I smell like shit."

"Couldn't agree more," mumbled Eren under his breath. "Horse-shit."

Jean shook his head a bit, but otherwise ignored the insult. He continued on faster than the other male, and made it into the showers easily. He immediately stripped off his clothes and turned on one of the shower taps, sighing contentedly as warm water washed over his body, but wincing when it ran over his injured shoulder. "What am I gonna do about this…?" he murmured, sliding his fingers across the slivers of blood trailing down his arm.

"How did you get that?"

Jean felt like his heart had leaped out of his chest right then and there. His eyes widened with shock as he turned around to find a familiar dark-haired boy staring at him. "Marco!" he exclaimed with a scowl, straightaway shooting his hands downward to cover his dignity. "A little privacy would be nice…!"

Marco blushed slightly and looked to the side, rubbing his arm. "Sorry, Jean," he mumbled. "It's just…your shoulder looks pretty roughed up."

Jean's expression softened. "It's fine. Trust me," he said, giving a sigh. "I'll explain everything to you, but can you grab me a shirt first? And don't tell anyone about this."

Marco glanced at the brown-eyed boy worriedly, before looking away again and whispering, "Okay." He disappeared out of sight.

Jean sighed with relief and quickly washed up, before slipping into his underwear and pants again. What was he supposed to do now? Marco saw his wound! What if he also saw Jaeger's? He shook his head and searched through all the showers, until he finally found the green-eyed boy in the last stall. "Jaeger…!" he whisper-yelled.

Eren instantaneously turned around, his hands covering his manhood frantically. "W-What is it!? Don't sneak up on me!"

His gaze turned to the showers' entrance. "Marco just saw my wound and left! I told him to grab me a shirt for when he comes back, and that's when I'll explain to him what happened..." He looked back at Jaeger. "Stay right there and don't make a single f*cking noise unless you want him to see you as well."

Eren just nodded and sank to the floor, curling up whatever was left of the sheets around his lap.

Damn, he's being surprisingly obedient. Jean rubbed his face tiredly and was about to walk away, when he noticed the sudden horror covering Jaeger's face. "What is it…?"

"What happened to Eren!?"

Jean snapped around and covered Marco's eyes instantly, pushing him away. "Nothing," he said firmly. "Stop sneaking around like that."

Marco pushed Jean's hand off him lightly and glanced over his shoulder to inspect the green-eyed boy. "Oh my God! He's even more injured than- -"

Jean growled lowly, sending the other male a warning look. "Be quiet, Marco," he whispered, venom in his voice. He wasn't angry at Marco, not really. He never could be. The guy was way too nice. He was just scared of being found out by the higher-ups or by anyone else. "Listen carefully to me, okay? We'll explain everything to you. But right now, I need you to stay quiet and just... Don't let anyone else come in here, alright?"

Marco nodded slowly, like it was hard for him to take in all of this information right away. He handed the brown-eyed boy the shirt he'd gotten him, before whispering, "Don't you need to wrap up that wound? And what about Eren?"

Jean glanced down at his shoulder, before glancing at Jaeger, then back at Marco. "I'm thinking yes," he replied with a faint smile. "For both of us."

Marco smiled back and scratched the back of his head. "You guys should wait here," he said. "I'll grab something from the infirmary to patch you up real quick."

Jean nodded slightly and sighed when Marco ran off, closing the door behind him quietly. Now that he thought about it, Connie was in the infirmary. Oh, well. At least he looked like he was sleeping normally.

"What're you gonna tell him?" asked Eren suddenly, wrapping his arms around his knees, which he pulled up to his chest.

The brown-eyed boy groaned in frustration, before leaning against the wall and crossing his arms. "I have no idea," he admitted. "Should I tell him the truth?"

Eren's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, before he shook his head. "That's just stupid."

"Lying would make me feel pretty guilty..."

"We can't say the truth! Are you gonna tell him you almost killed a random guy by pushing him out the window!?"

Jean was genuinely flabbergasted. He had no idea what he was supposed to say. "How about I tell him it was self-defense?" It sort of was, anyway, considering the fact that that Axon guy was insane.

"No! Just tell him we had a fight and ended up taking things a little too far…" Eren's stare dropped to the floor. "Anyone would believe that."

"That probably could work, but unfortunately, I don't have a death wish."

"What do you mean?" Eren looked up at him.

"Mikasa is going to kill me if she finds out what I did to you."

Eren sighed and shrugged. "It's not like you actually did it."

"She's still going to beat the shit out of me."

"So take it like a man!" exclaimed the green-eyed boy. "Or are you some kind of baby? You deserve to be beaten up anyway."

Jean clenched his jaw in anger, then shook his head slightly. "You know what? I shouldn't have helped you. I saved your f*cking life and I'm starting to regret it. You can't even show the slightest bit of gratitude. I could've just left you to die, but I didn't." He glanced down at Jaeger. "Now you can stay here and rot for all I care. Come up with your own story." He made his way to the entrance of the showers, swiftly reaching for the door handle when he felt a hand grab onto his arm.

"I'm sorry."

Jean almost felt the apology more than he heard it. Jaeger's hand was shaking slightly, but he didn't look down at it, or turn around to face him.

"I was wrong, and I'm sorry, Jean."

Now he looked back at him. "You're kidding, right?"

"No, 'Jean' is a lot easier to say than Kurkstein or whatever, so- -"

"Not that, you idiot! I'm talking about the apology. Do you mean it?"

Eren's face went red and he let go of the former's arm, before nodding slowly.

"Wow, who would've thought Eren Jaeger could express emotions such as guilt and gratitude?"

Eren scowled, his lips forming into an angry pout. "Who said I'm grateful?" he cried. "If anything, you didn't even have to help me! I could've handled him myself!"

Jean raised an eyebrow, smirking with amusement. "Says the guy who was tied up to a bed and begging me not to go. Who was it saying 'Jean, Jean, please don't leave me', huh?"

The shorter male's face flushed in embarrassment and he looked away instantly. "Shut up, horse-face," he muttered, biting onto his lip. "I didn't beg…!"

"What's this about begging for Jean?" asked Marco's voice out of nowhere.

Jean jumped away from the door, followed by Jaeger, who was redder than a tomato by now. "What the hell, Marco?" he snapped, then sighed in relief when he realized it could've just as easily been anyone else who opened that door. "When are you gonna stop sneaking up on us!?"

"Maybe never," said Marco with a giggle, then closed the door behind him. He had a small box in his hands. Suddenly, a grin spread across his face. "So why was Eren begging for you, Jean?"

I hope you guys liked it! I'm having a lot of fun with this fic, tbh. I'm just too lazy to type it out. *sighs* I need to improve myself, smh.

Thanks for reading, though! :D Until next time!