So this is my first fan fic in the RWBY universe. I will put my own side stories in between cannon chapters so you'll get something new. Anyways each chapter will be told in the POVs of team RADN in any order I want. I don't own RWBY it belongs to Monty and thank God for that.

(Raphael's POV)

As I was waiting for the airship that would take me to Beacon to arrive I decided to take a look around at some of the other students, and some of their armour choices didn't make much sense. There was a blond girl with just shorts, a t-shirt, short-shorts, and a jacket. It would free up movement, but leave little for defence. Then a guy with silver hair that covered half his face had a silver, white, and black untucked plaid shirt with some tan pants that had a picture of a small explosion with a smiley face underneath a rip at his knee. Then again my choice of clothing isn't much better. I have a jean jacket a white wing above a blue wing on my right shoulder with a white shirt underneath it, a black scarf, and a pair of white pants. So who am I to judge?

Finally the airship came and we were on our way. I was sitting down against the wall thinking why did I want to become a hunter. When I was asked I told them I wanted to protect people, but that's not the actual reason. I mean I do want to protect people, although... I turned my attention to the news report about the White Fang's latest attack, and glared. Then a second later the hologram changed to a blond woman with a white blouse. She made a bit of a speech about us getting into Beacon, and then everyone crowded around the windows, including me. I have to say the sight was kind of amazing. Later a blond dude threw up near the blonde girl, and her black haired friend. I cringe a bit, but I see the silver haired guy pushing the vomit into a bag that's sealed tightly, and stick in his backpack. "What are you doing with the vomit?" I ask him, and he turns around. "I'm going to use it as my first big prank at Beacon." He said grinning and extended his hand. "My name's Dante Steel Garner." I look at his hand wearily.

"No offence, but after you just told me you're a prankster I'm not going to shake your hand." He shrugs his shoulders. "I'm Raphael Zerk."

"I like you, you seem to be a guy who wouldn't mind getting in trouble." He trailed off. "Hey want to be my partner in crime?" I can't help, but laugh at this, when I calm down a bit I put my hand on his shoulder. "Sorry, but I have a feeling you'll be kicked out by the next semester, and I would rather not leave."

"Is that a challenge I hear?" I smirk.

"Maybe it is, so why not make this interesting? 25 lien?" I hold out my hand. "Deal!" Then he grabs my hand and I get shocked. I fell my hair spike up from the shock. I pull back and glare at him as he chuckles, and I fix my brown bangs. He holds up his hand and I see a buzzer. "Looks like your first instinct was right." I decide not to humour him with a response and walk away as he continues to laugh.

(Ashley's POV)

As we land at Beacon almost everyone in our airship runs out save three people. To be fair two of us are the reason why. Me, and the orange haired girl next to me walk out grinning at each other, while her black haired friend walks out sighing. "I'm pretty sure you guys are tied." The black haired boy told us. "Thirty for Nora, and thirty for Ashley."

"We only competed sixty times?" I turn to Nora. "Ren, I swore we did at least one-hundred." At this both Ren and I rolled our eyes at Nora's obvious exaggeration. "Well what's left for us to compete in?"

"Nothing. You guys did everything from racing to who can hop on one foot the longest."

"I got it!" Nora exclaimed rather loudly and moved to my other side. "In eye colour your yellow eyes trounce my green ones." She moved directly in front of me and studied my eyes while I squirmed. "It almost looks like they're burning in the sun light."

"Well then we also have to go into hair and I think yours beats mine." I say examining her short orange hair then my long straight black hair, that falls over my shoulder. "Thirty-one to thirty-one." Nora thinks for a little. "How about clothes?" I look at her clothes, she has a white blouse with a heart on it, shoulder pads, a large belt and a pink skirt. Then I examine my red top and combat skirt with some silver accents and belt.

"If you do that then you'll just go into weapons, and be tied again. Just leave it at this okay?" Ren told us, and I could see the truth in this. I'm really competitive. In fact I don't think competitive is a strong enough word for me. "Alright Ren." Nora and I chorus together. "I'm going to take a walk around for a bit. See you two later." I said walking away. "Bye" Nora sang.

I started walking around when I made it to the courtyard. I saw this girl with a red cloak start spinning around nearing some luggage. I cringe since it's quite obvious that she's gonna fall on it. Then out of nowhere a guy with messy black hair, a red t-shirt, blue baggy pants, and a three armed chest plate (a/n like Seiya's from Knights of the Zodiac) with two clouds covering the moon,steadies her and walks away without a word. I find it odd, but I decide to leave him alone. I turn back to the black haired girl, and she is getting chewed out by a white haired girl. I walk over to them to break it up, but then the black haired one breathes in some dust. Uh-oh. The whitette doesn't notice since she's still going off on her rant. "Ah-ah-ah" I quickly pull out my white shield with a yellow sun rising over a yellow mountain, (a\n crest of hope from Digimon) and get in front of the whitette. "Choo!" There's a strong force for a few seconds, but it stops so I put my giant shield away. "Unbelievable! This is exactly the sort of thing that I was talking about!" The younger girl started playing with her fingers. "I'm really really sorry."

"Yeah it was an accident." I say trying to stop the argument. "Are you kidding me! She nearly blew up the school!" She starts yelling at me and I squirm away. She's really scary. "Hey I said I was sorry Princess!" Oh great it's going to be a yelling match.

"Heiress actually." A girl dressed in mostly black with a black bow. "Weiss Schnee heiress to the Schenee dust company one of the largest dust producers in Vale." Weiss began looking smug. "Finally some reco-"

"The same dust company infamous for it's controversial labour issues and questionable business partners." She finished off and I could almost make out a smirk on her face. "What.. how dare.." It was kind of nice seeing the heiress tongue tied, and I know it was childish but I couldn't stop myself from giggling a bit. Then I heard similar sounds come from the girl beside me. "Give me that!" Weiss grabbed the dust bottle and walked away.

Then the girl in red turned to me and the brunette. "So what's your..." She trailed off. I turned around and saw the girl clad in black walking away. Quick to stop the awkwardness that was sure to come I told her "I'm Ashley." She flopped on her back. "I'm Ruby." A shadow came over her and a hand reached for her. I looked up and saw a blonde guy wearing a hood and knight armour over it. When I looked back at Ruby I saw she had taken his hand and was getting up. There was an awkward silence between the three of us until "Aren't you that guy who threw up on the ship?"

Dante's POV

I was heading towards the girls washroom for my first big prank at Beacon, and no I'm not going in there. I'm no pervert. Anyways when I got there I took out the vomit bag, opened the door, and splashed the vomit on the floor. If the girls see it they either think it's fake and touch it, or think it's real and scream a bit. Ah I love a good pr- "What are you doing?" I turn around and see a girl with long blonde hair I look at what my hand is doing, which is currently holding up the door. I look back at the girl and see she's getting angrier. "I swear it's not what it looks like."

"Oh really?" I think I see some fire around her. "Cause it looks like you're trying to peep, very poorly, I might add." I take a moment and think. Do I stick by the prankster's code and lie, or tell the truth and survive. Oddly enough it was a really easy choice. "I was just putting some vomit in the doorway of the washroom. I was just about to close it and watch the chaos unfold when someone steps on it."

"What are you doing?" I turn around and see a rather old round guy with quite possibly the best moustache I've ever seen. "Crap a teacher." I turn in the other direction, grab the blond's wrist and run, dragging her with me.

We make it outside and we're both panting a bit. "Why did we run?"

"Because that was a teacher, and if I got caught I would've gotten in trouble." I grin at her. "Okay why did you take me?"

"I couldn't be sure if you wouldn't rat me out so I had to take you, and now that we're on the subject I'm making you my partner in that prank. So if I go down you come with me."

"Are you blackmailing me?" I sigh. "Blackmail is such an ugly word, but yeah."

"Well then I'm going to have to work with you next time. By the way I'm Yang." She grins at me with a small crazy glint in her eye. "I'm Dante." I say shaking her hand, after I took off my buzzer. "So I believe we have to go to the auditorium. So after you milady." I say making a big gesture of bowing and extending my arm. She just shook her head and walked away with me behind her.

We were in the front row of the students chatting idly about nothing in particular. After the eight time she looked at the door I finally brought it up. "So, are you waiting for someone, or am I so boring that you are planning your escape?" I chuckle while asking it. "No, I'm just waiting for my baby sis-" she looked at the door again and waved her hand, "Ruby over here I saved you a seat!" I saw a girl wearing a red cloak and black clothes coming over. "Hey sis how was-" I start tuning them out seeing as this could be considered private. I started thinking about anything really when Ruby jumped into Yang's arms. I look over and see a white haired girl yelling at her.

I see her giving Ruby a pamphlet explaining dust so that's when I decided to make my move. "Ah mademoiselle," I say in a fake french accent "vous ĂȘtes si belle (you are so beautiful). Please uh how do you say kiss me." I start getting closer to her. "Okay that's a bit too close." She said backing away, until I couldn't see her through the mob of people. I turn to the two girls who are looking confused. "And that," I say in my regular voice, "mon ami is how you get rid of someone" Pretty soon Yang was laughing and high fived me.

"That was great." Then she pulled me in close. "Try that with my sister and you die." She said deadly seriously, so I nodded. "Who are you?"

"I am Dante the Great." I say in an extravagant voice. "I am also Yang's part-"

"No." She says cutting me off. "If anyone's Yang's partner it's me." I arch an eyebrow. "Oh really. Well you're too late. The contract is signed."

"Yang!" Ruby whined, but Yang just looked confused. "But Rubes you don't even like pranks."

"Pranks?" She asked confused. "Yeah, she's going to be my partner in crime. You know, help me cause some chaos here at Beacon." She opened her mouth in an 'oh' shape.

(Neal's POV)

I was in the auditorium waiting for some speech from the staff. Man the people here are really loud. Pretty soon though Professor Ozpin and Goodwitch get on stage. He makes a speech about taking the first step, and how knowledge only get's you so far. In my opinion it was kind of depressing. Goodwitch tells us to sleep in the barn and initiation starts tomorrow.

So all the students file out and make it to the barn. When it finally starts getting late I change to an old shirt and blue pyjama pants. Okay yes most of my pants are blue, so deal with it. Anyways I go over to one of the windows sills, sit on it, and just watch the stars while tuning out everyone else. I'm not sure how long I'm sitting there until I hear a "Hi." I tear my gaze away from the sky and look at the owner of the voice. Turns out to be a rather beautiful girl with black hair, yellow eyes and wearing some red pyjama pants and shirt. "Can I help you?" I ask politely.

"Uh, no it's just you were that guy who stopped the girl in red from falling right?" I pause for a minute. Yeah I remember doing that so I nod. "Well since Ruby can't do it I just do it for her." She bows her head. "Thanks for helping." I look away mildly embarrassed muttering something like it was nothing. "Oh, by the way I'm Ashley Fall." I look back at her and see her smile so I can't help, but smile myself. "I'm Neal Ryder."

"So why'd you walk away after helping Ruby?" I shrug, and look away. "I guess I just don't like the attention that I would get. Anyway it's getting late you should probably get some rest. We do have initiation tomorrow."

"Well what about you?"

"I'll go to sleep later, right now I just want to continue watching the stars." She nods and walks away. I go back to looking at the stars, but it doesn't last too long. Pretty soon the two girls got into a fist fight and almost everybody was watching them. Then as if things couldn't get any louder a white haired girl walked/stalked over there and her and the blonde started yelling. I sigh, there goes my peaceful stargazing time.

Then out of nowhere the two arguing girls were silenced by two pillows being thrown in their face. I couldn't help, but chuckle as the pillows fell down their face revealing their frowns. They both looked at the direction the pillows, as did everyone else, and found a guy with silver hair, sniffling his laughter with a hand over his mouth. "Dante." The blond said menacingly calm. He immediately put both hands in the air, showing his giant grin. "No way Yang. It was all him." He said pointing to a guy with brown hair, oddly enough still wearing a scarf, who was lying comfortably in the bed. I raise my eyebrow at the boy called Dante.

"Stop lying!" The white haired girl starts. "How could he possibly throw the pillows he's asl-" she was silenced by a pillow in the face. Lo and behold it was thrown by scarf guy. Everyone looked at him as he continued to lie in his sleeping bag like nothing happened. "See." The two girls walked over to the possible sleeping guy. When they were about to start yelling to him he started mumbling something. I think it was "Shh, sleep."

Dante started laughing until a pillow was thrown in his face. Unlike the girls he just rolled his eyes. "Well guess we should all turn in unless you want a pillow in your face." Dante told them as he went into his own sleeping bag. The two girls walked away slightly miffed at the boy, but they both went to their own sleeping bags. Guess it's time to hit the hay. I went to my own sleeping bag and drifted off to dream world.

So how was it? You guys know the drill here.