Hello everyone so this is my first arrow ff but i have done other stories for Rookie Blue! I dont know about anyone else but i am obsessed with olicity and love the slow burning romance between the two and that it is not forced at all. Spoiler- Did anyone else see the look oliver gave Felicity when the seperated after the hug? Looking straight at her 'I got the message..' i really cant wait for the new year! Also i am in love with Barry(Grant Gustin) so Flash better happen...

Enjoy i have written 3 chapters so review review review!

Usual declaration:- i dont own arrow or the charaters! The mistakes are all mine!

The morning normal started with a barrage of messages between the three of them...

'Felicity do you want a coffee I'm picking one up for Oliver? John x'

'Felicity Isabel has just reminded me that we have a meet today, can you make sure we have the coffee she likes and those pastries don't want her to get unhappy... O'

'Oh and have we got Thea's present a sorted? O'

'i'm near the front of the queue last chance? John'

'Felicity are you okay your phone is usually glued to your hand?' O'

'Felicity are you okay your phone is usually glue to you... John'

'okay I've spoken to Dig and if you don't reply to either of our calls and texts were coming to your apartment? O'

'okay I'm worried now please call me or Oliver? John'

'Right we will be there in 15 minutes. o'

Felicity woke up abruptly, she couldn't see much and felt very disoriented until she looked up and saw a familiar outline that calmed her instantly, she looked down at her arm that was resting on the bed and saw Oliver was holding it gentle trying to wake her up.

'What are you doing in my bedroom? Is this a dream?... It wouldn't be the first time...' She reached down to touch Oliver's hand ' Ohhhh not a dream...' Olivers expression changed from concerned to amusement, he composed himself ' Felicity do you know what time it is? She grabbed her glasses from her bedside table and looked at her phone, other than a number of text messages and missed calls it showed 8:45am.

'oh no' as she scrabbled to get off her bed and ran into the bathroom, she poked her head back through the door 'you have a 9 o'clock you really should go. I won't be long...' Oliver was about to reply but the door closed, he slowly got off the bed and walked towards the kitchen where Diggle was preparing coffee ' I take it she's okay?' Dig asked as he handed Oliver a coffee. Oliver smiled 'yes she's fine I think she over slept!'

Felicity had the fastest shower she'd ever had and got changed she wasnt expecting Oliver to still be there, so as she rushed into her living room she didn't notice Oliver standing there and promptly ran into him. 'Im soo sorry Oliver' she looked confused 'wait you should not be here you're meeting is now... oh great another thing of Isabel to moan at me about...' Dig handed her a cup of coffee which she gladly accepted.

'Dont worry Felicity I moved the meeting back, Dig and I were concerned... we wanted to make sure you were okay? Was this a case of over sleeping or should we be investigating this?' Felicity noticed that his face softened just enough to show concern. 'I honestly don't know Oliver, I don't normally over sleep especially the amount of calls and texts from you both i definatley should of woke up...?' Oliver felt he needed to show her he was there and moved back over to where she was standing and placed his hand on her elbow 'We'll figure it out, now we better get to the office before people get suspicious!'

Felicity sat thinking about what Oliver and Dig had done this morning and as much as she moans about her position as Olivers Executive assistant, she has two men in her life that cares for her and looks out for her, no one will understand what they have all been through these past year and she knows that shes the only Women in Oliver's life that understands the real him...