I do not own PJO or HoO



'A pawn that's al you are' the words ran across his mind. He leans against the cold rocks. Now his mind was open. He broke down sobbing. What's the use of living if all you knew was a lie. The pain weighed on him hard. It was like carrying the world again. It dawned on him he was never good enough for them. He was weak, blinded by his loyalty to them. Blinded by his love for them.

Flashback .

Olympus .

Celestial bronze chains held down a seventeen year old. Tears streaked down his face. He arms were bruised as he tried to break the chains. Efforts which came to no avail.

"We have found a traitor," Zeus said through the noise.

Gasps rent the air. Its just a joke, Percy thought. Just a prank. But he knew better than that. He looked around grins, smirks, smiles on everyone's face. No mercy, no remorse, no guilt.

"Percy Jackson betrayed us," Zeus said.

"I didn't," Percy said. His tears watery and wide in disbelief.

"Oh yes you did! yelled a voice all too familiar. He looked towards the direction of the voice. Jason in all his might stood there. A mischievous grin on his face.

"J-Jason, w-why?" asked Percy choking on his words.

"Stop playing you knocked me out when we went to face Gaea," replied Jason.

Percy was struck with the realization of this betrayal.

"What now?" he asked

A bright light filled the room. Sally Jackson appeared also chained.

"Mom!" he cried. He yanked at the chains.

"For being a bad mother Sally Jackson you shall die!" Zeus thundered.

"You said you wont kill her," Poseidon said loudly.

"I am not going to kill her," Zeus responded.

Poseidon's face paled with dread. Zeus had tricked him the same way he tricked Hades all those millennia ago. Percy was tugging at the chains.

"Ha! Those chains are made to hold even the strongest of gods. I made them especially for you after you killed my son," Hephaestus announced glaring at Percy. Who returned a cold look and said through gritted teeth.

"The sea doesn't like being chained!"

The throne room started shaking. Everyone stared at Percy. His body was glowing an ethereal sea green. The chains broke. Percy pull out Riptide barreling towards his mother. Ares leapt of his throne. Charging towards Percy. He swung a deadly arc at his head. Percy ducked got into Ares guard, making a nice gash on the gods stomach. Jason on seeing this drew his golden gladius attempting to behead Sally. He raised his sword when Riptide knocked his sword out of his grip. Percy was heading at him. A silver arrow struck his chest. He didn't stop only his speed went down. Another golden arrow hit him. He fell onto his knee. Pained his eyes glinted with a fiery determination. He got up staggering towards his mother. A new set of chains with an anchor held him down. The gods pointed their weapons at him. Even Aphrodite had a golden hair brush in her hand. Jason gave him a sadistic grin, he picked Riptide and slowly sliced Sally's throat. Percy was yelling. His body disintegrated into tiny water droplets. Reforming in front Jason he gave him a hard punch. A sickening punch could be heard as Jason flew twenty feet away. Percy looked at his mother's dying form. He put her head on his lap. She barely managed to choke out the words.

" Remember who you are in here," probing his chest with a feeble finger.

Her eyes closed.

"Nooooooo!" he screamed above all other noise. His heart had just been ripped out. Chewed, burned, trampled on and thrown in a bin full of monster puke.

He glance at his father who had one word in his eyes. "Run"

End of flashback.

That's what he's been doing running. Like a coward he is. Too weak to be valued. Too weak to save his mother. Too weak to be considered a hero.