Valentines Hellhouse

Chapeter 1- Jaces 2am frenzy

Hey guys! I am back with my latest story involving growing up with Valentine. Get ready for an intense ride. It is the last thing you would want to do….be the children of Valentine. In this version, Jace and Clary are both the real children of Valentine and Jocelyn. It is written for fun purposes only.

Jace is 19 and Clary is 15….Jocelyn deeply loves Jace as he is her biological son. He was not experimented on this this version. The family live on an estate in the human world.

Be warned: this story involves severe discipline but not so much in this chapter.

It sounded as an earthquake as Jocelyn felt her bed shake….the photo on her night stand of Jace and Clary crashed to the floor and Jocelyn awoke with a start. She nudged her husband Valentine of over 20 years.

Valentine quickly got up in only his boxers from his bed since it was a cool September night and he marched in an atmosphere created around him that told he was in a violent mood, down three flights of stairs to the first floor followed by his wife. Out of the corner of his eyes Valentine saw his daughter Clary in his study obviously frightened, "she must have come to see what is happening" thought Valentine since she was in her PJs too, so she is definitely not the culprit.

But his foolish son Jace (Jonathan) was with a girl trying to sneak to his room. "You whore get out of my house" raged Valentine as he pointed to the front door Jace should have used. The girl left in a hurry and Jocelyns hands went to her mouth. She quickly shooed Clary upstairs to her room.

Jace stood giving his father a dirty look as Valentine went into his study to make sure his boy closed the portal properly.

"What a nerve you got my son" said Valentine grabbing his sons neck and pushing him against the wall smelling weed and alcohol on his breath.

"Valentine"screamed Jocelyn in horror! She never used physical discipline herself on her children.

"Let go of me" said Jace just as viciously back as his dad let him go.

"Listen to me Jonathan" spat Valentine. "You will not disgrace this familys name with that bitch."

"Fuck you Father" said Jace as he started to his room.

"What did you say to me?" asked Valentine.

"You heard me. You are not a father, you are a coward since you were afraid to get to know your own child."

"You listen to me Jonathan Morgensten" screamed Valentine. "This is my house, my rules, I will be obeyed young man. If you leave, there is no return, no help, I do not care. You leave this estate I will disown you."

This got Jace to become wide eyed. He knew his father was right. He would never be able to live on his own yet and his father told him countless times he would only support him if he married a girl his father approved, worthy to take on the name Morgensten and bring Morgensten grandchildren to the family.

"You just gave me another reason you are a terrible father" Jace retallied never showing weakness to Valentine and another reason they clashed."

"Just get to bed Jonathan."

"It is Jace."

"Shut up" warned his dad his eyes vicious. "I will deal with you tomorrow" he nodded making eye contact with his son. "That way at least half the things I say will go through that stubborn skull of yours." Valentine was beyond pissed that Jace came home drunk 2am and nonetheless used the portal without his permission.

"But I will tell you this my son since I know you will understand this" said Valentine. "Try again to disobey me and wake this household 2am in the morning with you coming home drunk, stoned, and trying to get laid in my house….. I will cut off your balls" Valentine spat pointing at his sons part and Jocelyn Just closed her eyes as Jace stalked off to his bedroom.

Ha! Chapter one is down: What do you guys think! Let me hear your comments and I will have chapter 2 up soon! The next chapter is my most violent one with severe discipline….. so are you guys ready?