Disclaimer: I own neither Harry Potter nor Supernatural and I don't earn any money with this story.

Rating: T

„Sam! I thought it was you. How are you?"

Said hunter startled and almost dropped his beer bottle. He hadn't expected getting recognized here and the British accent he heard in that statement made him vary. Most 'British people' he knew were either demons or angels - no good track record either way. His hand subtly went to his gun, before he turned around on the bar stool.

The man was of average height, but, considering his stance, used to fighting. The hair was black, the eyes were green and all in all he wasn't a bad looking individual. Sam also had no idea who the hell that guy was. Since he had close to zero recollection of the last year the man could be just about anyone. Friend, foe, a random guy he had questioned under false claims. Although… the last seemed improbable.

"Wow. I haven't exactly expected leaps of joy, but this is a bit underwhelming," the guy commented with a raised eyebrow. "Hi Harry, long time no see. I wish, it had been longer, so would you mind buggering off?" Sam winced slightly at the sarcastic follow up. He hadn't even noticed until now, that he had just stared at the guy - with a flabbergasted expression on his face no less - so of course the man would be annoyed.

"Sorry, uh, Harry? There was this incident and now, well, I have amnesia and can't remember the last year. I guess we met during that time?" Sam was pretty sure he couldn't fake his way through this conversation and there probably wasn't harm in telling the other man about his problem. He just hoped it was a man and not some kind of monster. Harry, at least, looked mollified and a bit concerned. Perhaps even a bit disappointed.

"Oh… I'm sorry to hear that, but yes, we met about four month ago, on a job." A hunter? Sam wasn't sure if the information assured him or not. "What kind of job?" Better to make sure they were talking about the same kind of work, before he spilled the beans and they weren't even speaking about the supernatural. That would be… awkward.

"Werewolves. At first there seemed to be only one, but he was a busy little bugger. In the end there was a whole pack of them. We started to investigate separately, you thought I was the werewolf and wanted to kill me, I quickly dissuaded you of that notion and afterwards we… hooked up." Sam was very glad he had put his bottle down, because Harry's tone of voice at the phrase 'hooked up' did suggest more than teaming up to kick some werewolf ass. Dean's current indulgence in a round of darts was an equal stroke of luck. If this really went into the direction he was thinking of, then he couldn't deal with his brother at the moment.

"Are you saying… we…" "Yep, we helped those poor blighters… the hard and bloody way." Sam uttered a relieved sigh. And he had thought they had- "And afterwards we had sex. Pretty brilliant sex at that." Oh damn… Sam felt a blush coming up and resolutely fought it back down. He hadn't blushed in quite some time and it would stay that way!

In the past he had often wondered what it would be like with a man and perhaps he had even... checked out one guy or another. He had never quite dared to act on it, though, maybe because he was afraid of what his brother - Mr. Straighter-than-an-Arrow! - would think about it, even when they had been more or less estranged. It looked like, without a soul, those inhibitions had also vanished. He had already heard that his number of one-night-stands had been ridiculously high during his soulless time.

"Hey, are you alright? You're kind of… different than before." And hadn't he heard that a lot recently? "But I guess that's normal for amnesia? Anyway, perhaps we could do it again?" And welcome back panic! Though Sam had to acknowledge, he was kind of intrigued and after all the stuff he had done in recent years, for which Dean had forgiven him, sleeping with a man was pretty tame in comparison.

"It would be foolish for the both of us to work on the case separately. We would get into each other's way, don't you think? With combined efforts it would be easier, too, I guess." Oh… Harry wanted to team up. Sam was certainly not disappointed. Really, he wasn't. At all.