Author's Note: Gahhh this wasn't how i wanted this story. my muse was trolling me the whole time trying to write this. It was supposed to be light and fluffy and funny and not this! also it was supposed to be a oneshot but noooooooooooo my muse had to troll me.

Characters: Luke Cage, Peter Parker, Danny Rand, MJ Watson, Sam Alexander, Ava Ayala

Summary: Peter realizes Avon backwards is Nova. The teasing he gives Sam sets off a chain of events that could rip the team apart.

"Ava come on! We're gonna be late!" Sam yelled up the stairs. Peter, Danny and Luke were all waiting in the den of Peter's house. Sam however was standing at the foot of the stair, yelling at Ava. Midtown High was having a fundraiser dance, so the boys were all wearing suits. Peter's was black with a red shirt, Danny's was a dark green with a yellow bow tie and Luke's was black with a yellow shirt. Sam's was a bit fancier, having a black vest on under the jacket, and a yellow belt. Sam had pestered Ava into going with him, hence he was yelling for her to hurry. Danny was going with a girl from school, but they'd agreed to meet there. Peter and Luke however didn't have any dates.

"I'm coming okay!"Ava said, glaring at Sam as she rushed down the stairs. She was wearing a white halter top dress that only reached halfway down her thighs.

"Finally!" Sam said, walking away from the stairs.

Ava slapped the back of his head when he passed "Thanks for telling me I look nice. You're such a great date Sam." she said sarcastically.

Peter stood up as Sam made some cocky comment. "Don't listen to him Ava, you look great."

She nodded a thanks and everyone walked out together. The five of them piled into May's car, Luke in the driver's seat. Ava climbed into the passenger seat, using the mirror for her makeup. Peter, Sam and Danny got shoved in the backseat. Sam was in the middle with Peter to his left and Danny to his right. As they drove Luke and Sam were talking non stop, Danny was listening to something on his MP3 player and Ava was doing her makeup. Peter was silent for the most part. He would sometimes interject in the conversation but they were mostly talking about football so he didn't know a lot on the topic. Instead he resorted to staring out the window, trying not to focus on being pressed against Sam in the small car.

A few minutes into the drive Peter saw the reflection of one of Ava's makeup containers. He knew it said Avon but looking at the reflection it looked like Nova. He couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that Nova backwards is Avon. He'd have to tease Sam about this later. Speaking of Sam, he noticed Peter's laughter. "Something funny web-head?" he asked.

Peter met his gaze and shook his head, despite the smirk on his lips "Nope. Nothing at all." he lied.

"So then why're you laughing?" Sam asked, being his usual stuck up self.

"Hey, leave Peter alone Sam." Luke cut in. "Besides you know he spaces out, probably just imagining something."

Sam rolled his eyes "Whatever."

A little while later they were all spread out through the gym. Sam had somehow gotten Ava to dance with him, during a slow song none the less. Danny was sitting on the bleachers with a girl, presumably his date. She had shoulder length hair that was a dark blonde and a fairly simple blue dress. Luke and Peter were hanging out by the punch bowl. "So Peter, what were you laughing at on the way here?" Luke asked,

"Uhh..." Peter took a moment to think up a response. Option 1: say he was imaging Sam in a tutu. No, that just sounds weird. Option 2: say he noticed that Avon backwards is Nova. Ummm maybe? Option 3: say he remembered something from a YouTube video. That wouldn't work. Luke knows I don't have time for YouTube. Option 2 it is. "I noticed something. Avon, the makeup company, if spelled backwards is Nova." he said.

Luke chuckled slightly "Now what led to that thought?"

Peter shrugged "I just saw Ava's makeup thing in her mirror and it looked like Nova."

Luke was going to say something when MJ walked over. She was wearing a red, long-sleeved dress with a v-neck collar and it fell to her knees. "Hey Pete, I was wondering where you were."

"Oh hey MJ!" Peter greeted with a smile.

"Do you have a date?" she asked.

Peter shook his head "Nah, who'd want to go to a dance with me?" he asked jokingly.

MJ chuckled "Well I was hoping you might ask me but Harry asked first."

" why aren't you with him?" Peter asked.

"He wasn't feeling good so he went home." she explained. "Um anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to dance? The party's almost over and I haven't seen you dance at all."

Peter hesitated, about to say something about having two left feet when Luke nudged him and spoke "Peter would love to."

MJ smiled and pulled Peter onto the dance floor. Peter was glaring at Luke, who just laughed in return. The band was playing the second slow song in a row, so MJ and Peter ended up standing close to each other. Peter knew he should have been paying attention to MJ but his eyes were scanning the room. It didn't take long for him to lock onto Sam. Peter didn't completely understand why Sam but he knew well enough that he cared a lot for his teammate. For the past several weeks he'd spent a slot of time thinking about Sam. But he hadn't said anything. He didn't care if people knew he was bisexual, he was more worried about being rejected. "Pete? Peter are you ok? You seem distracted." MJ's voice snapped Peter back to the present.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine." he said, automatically looking back at MJ.

She turned her head to see what Peter had looked at. When she turned back to Peter she asked "You like Ava don't you?"

Peter shook his head "No, not Ava."

MJ gave him a confused look for a moment until she thought of who Ava was dancing with. "Sam?" Peter nodded sheepishly. "Does he know?" MJ asked. Peter shook his head. "You should tell him."

"I don't think so. I mean he was begging Ava to come with him." Peter said.

MJ sighed and let go of Peter as the song ended "Bottling up whatever feeling for him won't help." she said, walking off the dance floor.

Peter sighed "I know, but what if he hates me?"

"Pete, he's your friend. I'm sure he won't hate you." she said encouragingly.

Peter sighed and looked over to where Sam was now. He'd taken a seat on the bleachers with Fanny and whoever his date is. Ava however had gone elsewhere. "I'll talk to him after the party."

MJ smiled at Peter "Best of luck." she said before wandering off.

Hours later Peter, Danny, Luke, Ava and Sam were all back home. Ava, Danny and Luke opted to go to bed but Peter and Sam stayed up to play video games. After an hour or two of video games Sam tossed his controller away. He turned to Peter, who was on the floor next to him. "Alright web-head. You wanna tell me why you were laughing on the way to the party?"

"Now why would I do that?" Peter asked, sleep deprivation slurring his words.

"Cause I asked nicely." Sam retorted.

"You called me web-head, how;s that asking nice?" Peter asked.

Sam rolled his eyes "Fine. Will you please tell me why you were laughing?" he asked, too tired to argue.

"Okay Avon, I'll talk." Peter said, a smirk on his face.

Sam deadpanned, "Did you just call me Avon?"

"Yep. It's Nova backwards." Peter told him.

Sam thought about it a minute before saying "Dude shut up, I'm not a makeup company!"

"Sure thing Avon." Peter said, trying to annoy Sam.

"I said shut up!" Sam said, beginning to get angry with Peter.

"Make me Av-" before Peter could finish his sentence Sam's lips were against his felt his cheeks turning red. If this is Sam's way of shutting people up he'd have to tease him a lot more. Peter melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Sam's waist and leaning back onto the ground, pulling Sam on top of him. Sam eagerly moved to get on top of Peter, not breaking the kiss as they moved. Both of them were biting each other's lips and their tongues fighting for dominance. When they finally parted for air Peter smiled up at Sam, who was now straddling him. "Well, that was aggressive." he commented.

Sam chuckled "What'd you expect? I'm not super calm like Danny is." he said.

Peter chuckled, grabbing Sam's collar "Good, cause I want you. Not Danny." he said, pulling Sam to his lips again.

Unknown to them Danny had woken up to use the bathroom and heard them talking. He remained at the top of the stairs in a crouched position, easily balancing on his toes. Danny couldn't see what was going on but he heard enough. Teasing, muffled groans, movements and then talking again. He perked up slightly when he heard his name mentioned. It wasn't hard for Danny to know Peter and Sam were kissing again when the talking stopped. Something about being compared to Sam upset him though. It's not like he cared about Peter in such a way, they were like brothers. Nothing more. But something had the normally calm hero riled up. Against his better judgment Danny remained crouched at the top of the stairs until Sam and Peter were looking up at him from the bottom of the stairs. "Forgive me for eavesdropping Peter, I simply didn't expect you would engage anyone on the team romantically. Least of us Nova." he said, standing and walking back to his room.

Peter looked at Sam, both of them confused. "Did he sound jealous?" Peter asked.

Sam shrugged "I don't know, I'm more focused on him calling me the least of us."

Peter frowned "We'll deal with this later. I'm tired." he said, walking with Sam to their shared room.