Jean refused to dress up with me for Halloween. He told me I could beg all I wanted but he wasn't going even if I was going to dress up as Freddie Mercury, which I had intended to do for a long time (Openly celebrating the fact I was gay was one of the things I dearly wanted to do ever since Jean and I first touched dicks.)

I did try to plead, sending him all kinds of suggestive pictures through text messages which had some sort of couple costume ideas as attachment. He replied to none of them, instead he called me all upset telling me to knock it off or we weren't going to fool around until Halloween was over. I did stop, not wanting to miss out of the little alone time we had together these days.

But I did feel bummed, dressing up in couple costumes was one of those things on my mile long list of things I wanted to do, hence my very own boyfriend didn't even granting me that little bit of gratification.

Despite Jean's disapproval I did accept the invite of going over to Eren's Halloween party. It was true that I might have felt slightly angry at Jean at that point, as I simply settled for one of the costumes my mother had laying around. I did dress up as Freddie Mercury in the end, and of course I couldn't do anything else than the "I want to break free" version as it was scary enough to see me in a skirt, let alone crossdressing. Whenever I passed a mirror I nearly barfed.. The stick-on moustache was spot on though.

At nine o'clock on the dot I pulled my stationwagon on the driveways at Eren's place, seeing some familiar cars around so I knew I would be in good company.

"Jesus Christ Marco!" Eren exclaimed when I opened the door to me, I could only smile back coyly. As far as I could see he was dressed up as Edward Cullen from Twilight.. His hair did that thing. "Wait.. you're alone?"

"Hah, yeah.. You could say that." I got inside when he moved away to let me in, dusting his shoulder as I did with the little duster my mother pressed in my hand just before I would leave. Luckily it made him laugh.

Eren frowned. "It's really strange seeing you without Jean you know?" I knew, I knew very well. Jean and I were practically glued together. And even though Eren and Jean had been on bad terms since middle school they gotten to tolerate each other along the way.

"He said he didn't feel like it this year, I guess he just wanted to stay home for now."

"It's weird though, I mean, everyone's here!"

I sighed. "You know I'm not going to spoil the fun for myself alright?" I added a confident smile to my words, which made Eren smile in return.

"Alright then, help yourself to some drinks."

Parties at Eren's place were usually extravagant, his parents were hardly home which granted both Eren and Mikasa pretty much all the freedom they could get out of it. I ended up talking to Armin a long time, chemistry related things as he was my lab partner in Chemistry II – he was dressed in some Victorian attire which suited him really well. I exchanged some chitchat with Connie and Sasha, well Sasha more or less as she was eating herself to nauseau. It was funny to see them dressed up as Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum, and they actually asked me why I didn't carry a vacuum cleaner around.

Of course it was a no brainer.

The party was fun, for as far Halloween parties usually just existed of drinking till you drop and eating candy until you would feel so terribly you'd hang above the toilet bowl for nearly half of the night. Luckily I knew my limits, but ended up helping Bertl, who was comically dressed as the Big Friendly Giant, empty his bowls in Eren's bathroom.

For the rest of the night, people either groped my ass or ripped off my moustache - either was fine, mostly because I was still pretty much pissed off at Jean for not showing up. We could've had a really great time here together.

I ended up sitting on the porch with the people who were stoned out of their brains because I knew at least they had some funny stories to tell. Mikasa was pretty much trying to come up with some ghosts stories about some abandoned place they usually broke into to smoke and drink. Annie just snickered and offered me a joint, which I passed modestly.

"So it is said that like, centuries ago there was this lord that owned the house, and his wife totally hated him and - shut up Reiner this is how I know the story! - anyways so the wife hated him and thought of a way she could get rid of him. So one night she killed him with an axe she found in the shed." She took a long drag from the joint Reiner gave back to her. "So the axe left a bloody mess of course and to hide the mess she lit the bed because she thought she could erase the evidence like that. In the end the whole house caught fire so she burnt there alive as she wasn't capable of saving herself."

I looked around, seeing all eyes focused on Mikasa.. I had a feeling something wasn't quite right - one of those gut feelings were you know something is about to happen but you don't know when.

"So she died along side her husband, screaming her aversion at the top of her lungs before she was burnt alive. Yet it is said that her ghost still wanders around, trying to receive vegeance."

"Did she kill other people?" Christa, a blond girl I knew from Algebra I, asked. She was completely shaken out of her wits so it looked.

"Oh yes, yes she did." Mikasa said darkly, pulling her legs to her chest as she stared into the campfire they had built earlier. "She will

appear whenever there is fire close.. Dressed in the same clothes she wore when she died, though ripped and smudged with the blood of her murdered husband."

That was when it gave me the chills too, I wasn't usually so affected by stories as I didn't think any of it was true. But when I stared into the fire and the visions of a wife killing her husband and then burning herself alive - damn my imaginative mind - I suddenly felt a lot less safe.

"It's just a stupid story, what idiot would believe such a thing?" Reiner said confidently.

"That's exactly what those people thought to when they built a fire in the old ruins of the house." Annie added, fumbling with the lace rims of her pitch black witch dress. "They all didn't live to tell the tale. "

On my right I could hear Christa's fearful whimpering, she got up quickly. "You guys, I really don't like this!" She stammered as she was nearly crying. She wanted to hurry back inside, but just when she opened the door to the kitchen someone dressed in a white ripped dress, smudged with what appeared to be blood and a big axe in her hand stood right in front of her, giving her the scare of her life. Even I nearly pissed myself as most of us did as the women cried in a screeching voice; "FIRE!"

We were pranked.

Once we all came back to our senses, even Annie and Mikasa neede a moment to recover from the scare, all got on their feet. "Damn Mikasa, even though you were the one telling this shitty story you honestly screamed the loudest!"

Wait, I recognized that voice. I squeezed my eyes to find out who had dressed up as the murderous wife.. and when I looked closely enough my eyes widened at the realization. "Jean?"

"Yo." He said casually, as if he had only noticed me until I called out for him. God he looked hideous in that dress, not to mention the weave he had on his head was tangled beyond repair. "Scared you shitless, didn't I?"

I didn't like to admit he was right, he did scare me quite a bit yet I wouldn't give him the satisfaction to know. I shrugged, seemingly unaffected by it. "That honestly was the lamest performance I've ever seen."

"Hey, you could at least say I look sexy in this dress?"

"You look hideous."

Jean sighed, putting the inflatable axe away before he stood right in front of me. All others around us seemed to be quite uncomfortable about the whole atmosphere and fleed inside, where I could later hear them singing along to the karaoke machine they had in there. Jean looked at me, crossing his arms nonchalantly across his chest.

"You're still angry?"

"Do I look happy to see you?" I spat back immediately.

"Look.. Mikasa asked me to do this thing and she made me swear on my balls that I wouldn't tell anyone about it to make it a success."

I wasn't convinced, on the contrary I was quite bummed out that some lame prank was seemingly more important than having fun with me. Maybe I was being a little unreasonable to him but I couldn't always just let him walk over me like that. I'd rather have him for myself, knowing that was something really hypocrite of myself as I enjoyed my freedom just as much.

"Marco c'mon.." Jean took of the wig, making his hair sticking up in a rather funky way. "I did this for you too, we always used to see such performance every year before trick or treating and you always loved that.."

He was right and he knew it. "Okay fine, it was fun and entertaining to see you dressed up like this but you know why I'm angry? Your attitude, it was just completely out of ordinary and I just thought that you really didn't want to go to the party with me just so you had to dress up in lame costume. I mean, look what you're wearing now!"

For some reason my voice had raised in volume in the process, which made Jean ogle at me in surprise.

"Honestly Marco you throwing a tantrum in Freddie Mercury costume is either creepy or arousing." He said.

I raised a brow, a hand resting in my side as if I was pulling a diva on Jean.. Well it would've been terribly in-character. "Is that so?"


"Which one of the two?"

"Mostly likely a mix of both."

"I didn't know you liked men with facial hair."

That made Jean laugh, and in my turn I smiled back. It was funny how one moment I could feel so fed up with him and the other moment he would say something utterly adorable and make me feel alright again. This was one of those moments.

"I have to say the moustache doesn't do you any good." He said comically, stepping closer to caress the fake moustache with his finger. "It's like you have a small rodent glued to your upper lip."

"Ha-ha, very funny." I let him do as he pleased, meanwhile staring him in the face. His make-up, probably done by either Annie or Mikasa, looked horrible and clogged up his handsome face. I reached my hand to wiped some of it away, my hand smudged with a mixture of white and black paint.

"You're ruining my make-up."

"As if it wasn't ruined to begin with." I laughed.

It made Jean smile, seeing that I had slipped into a better mood now. We just stood there in silence for a while, outside on the porch with the campfire warmly crackling. And before I knew it my lips were on his, starting off casually by pressing light kisses to each other's face. He left no place on my face unkissed and soon had me by the neck.

"If I were to be a vampire I would've sucked your delicious little neck right now.." Jean mused to me. I held onto him, my eyes fluttering close as he surrendered to him.

"As long as you don't sparkle."

"Oh please, I mean did you see Eren?" Jean scoffed, his teeth scraping along my neck which made me groan just slightly. "Edward Cullen, he isn't even remotely that handsome."

I chuckled, knowing it was an insult on both ends of it. "No, no this is way better." I said, cupping his face to bring it back to mine. "At least I'm not the only one crossdressing today."

"Even those flabby boobs look good on you." Jean smirked, pecking my lips. "Though damn that moustache really stings you know?"

The moustache had to go, it was in the way of my chances to get Jean to kiss me. He did so once it started catching fire as I threw it into the campfire. He lead me back against the porch ballustrade, so I could easily lean my arms on there for support as he pressed himself flush against me. I let out a soft moan, letting him know I liked it as much as he wanted it.

Standing there, making out under the night sky on Halloween's eve.. wearing women's clothing, it couldn't have been more fitting for the scariest night of the year.

Once we were out of breath Jean pressed his forehead to mine, lips parted as soft puffs of air hit my nose. "Let's get something to drink alright? Join the party for as long as it still lasts?"

"You going to be walking around all dishevelled like that?" I asked.

"You bet I am."