A/N: So you guys are all going to kill me for starting a new story while I have many others to finish. But my excuse is invalid, I'm in the process of applying to college and needed to blow off steam so this is where this little piece comes into play. I apologize in advance for mistakes and I don't own anything. And now I leave you with this Red Queen fic while I go an finish my midterm finals and college applications.

The return from Never Land was swift and quick and heartbreaking. Well-heartbreaking for Regina, then again everything was heart aching for The Evil Queen. The short romance she had with the blonde Savior had been extremely short lived. So short-lived that the second day back Regina's heart had been crushed. Reduced to about nothing like when Daniel had been killed.

"So in other words, Ms. Swan," Regina hissed looking at the blonde who made her heart thrum. "You and the idiots are kicking me out…kicking me out of my own town."

Emma hesitated as she looked into her ex-lovers eyes. She could see the brown orbs she'd grown to love turning black with a hint of purple-magic, anger swirled within them. Sadness mixed with the anger and deep within those orbs there was betrayal. And that what took Emma by surprise, the betrayal flashing in those lovely eyes.

"Regina," Emma sighed running a hand through her blonde hair.

"Save your breath, Ms. Swan. There's no use for you to speak."

"Regina, please—"

"It's Ms. Mills to you," Regina corrected her posture becoming rigid. Straightening her pencil skirt and blouse she turned to look at the infuriating blonde. "I'll be out of here in no time. Now, get out."

"Regina, listen please, let me try to—"

"Try to what, Ms. Swan," Regina growled. "Try to lessen the blow. Well guess what, that's not going to happen. You came into this town a year ago and tore it apart. You ruined my position in this town, took away my power, but that wasn't enough. No! You took away my son and my fucking heart! Well guess what Emma Swan, all I have to say to you is fuck you!"

Emma took a step back she was not expecting that. She didn't exactly know what to expect, but a pissed off cursing Regina was not one of them.


"Just get out," Regina exhaled. "I'll be gone before you know…just, get out."

Walking into the diner, Emma's eyes stayed glued to the floor. She didn't register Red's eyes on her or Granny glaring at the dirt streaks she was leaving due to her feet dragging. She was so oblivious that it took Snow's touch on her arm for her eyes to take notice of who was in the diner.

"So," Snow asked looking into Emma's eyes. "How'd she take it?"

Shaking her head Emma slumped against the nearest booth seat. The diner was officially closed, having closed half an hour earlier. However, it seemed to be the meeting place for everything so Snow, Charming, Neal, Granny, Red, and Henry remained. Granny stood behind the counter counting the day's earnings. While Red took in the scene as she wiped the counter clean. Henry sat at a table drinking hot chocolate with cinnamon and texting.

"Not well, huh?" Charming commented laying a hand on his daughter's shoulder after seeing her body reaction.

Curiosity peaking him as it seemed within the Charming gene, Henry sauntered over to the booth. He knew the conversation was about hit mom, he knew his family well enough.

"She didn't take what well?" Henry asked his blue eyes looking at Emma expectantly.

Emma sighed before coming to kneel next in front of her of son. Neal coming to her side as Snow and Charming took a step back.

"Look, kid," Neal started, not knowing exactly what to say. He knew Emma was a bit shaken up so he was doing all he could to help. To help and to be a good father.

"Henry," Emma sighed seeing Neal not come up with anything. She turned to look at her son and started talking, "Look, your mom…she did a lot of things."

"But she's trying to change," Henry interrupted, his eyes demanding his blonde mother to listen.

"Yes, she is," Emma assured. "But I want to keep her safe…and to do that…she needs to leave for a while. She needs to let people get over their issues."

Henry nodded his head not quite understanding why, but knowing better than to argue.

"Okay, you're doing this because it's what you know is best," Henry stated. "Because you're the hero."

"Yeah," Emma smiled uneasily. "That's right."

Red couldn't help, but gape hearing than and Granny only shook her head. Snow also managed to smile uneasily and Charming tried to ease his wife.

"Is it all right if I go over to Ava's house? I promised I'd go visit as soon as I came back." Henry questioned a few seconds later. "She wants to meet me…can I go tonight?"

Emma smiled and nodded. "Sure, kid."

"I'll take him," Neal mentioned.

Emma smiled in appreciation as she watched her kid walk out with him. Emma sighed once Henry left, her head hitting the table. Snow rested a hand on her daughter's back, rubbing around it, in a soothing manner. Charming sat next to Emma and hugged her.

The diner was encased in silence when Red decided to break it.

As non-chalantly as she tried to sound Red still sounded condescending when she said: "You're actually going to kick her out of her own town!"

Emma, Snow, and Charming's head turned to look at Red, shock written all over them.

"Red," Snow intervened. "It's for the best, I mean you know what Regina is capable of. This is good, maybe some time away will do her good."

Red snorted. "Some time away? Or eternity Snow? Because for some reason I think they share the same definition if we're applying this to Regina."

Snow frowned and Emma came to her mom's rescue. "Ruby-Red…whatever… Regina should have peace of mind and she's not going to find it here in Storybrooke, where people don't want her. She deserves better. She's hurt to many people and I think the curse was the last straw."

"Really? That's what you believe. That some time away will fix everything, that she needs space. You're right, she does deserve more. But kicking her out won't solve anything. She'll resent you more than ever. I'm not defending her. She did separated my best friend from her true love. I should be devastated. But you know what Emma the curse wasn't that bad, I was given a second chance and so were many others."

Red didn't stop to take into account the reactions to her comment. She focused solely on her point.

"Sure for most of us it was horrible, but for a few of us it was a blessing in disguise. For twenty eight years I didn't have to live with the guilt. The guilt of killing Peter. For twenty eight years I didn't have to fear transforming and losing control. For twenty eight years I was oblivious…and I couldn't have been happier." Red grunted.

Emma looked taken aback as did Snow. Charming hovered in the background and Granny smirked.

"I can't be around you right now," Red stated dropping the rag. "Find me when you grow up."

And the waitress proceeded to storm out of the diner not caring to look at the reactions in the diner.

Red found herself at the Mayoral mansion. The door unlocked was an open invitation for Red and she followed her nose up to the master bedroom. Regina was moving around the room packing away, oblivious to the girl at the door of her room.

"So it's true," Red asked seeing the former mayor packing.

Regina whipped around her mouth opened preparing to reprimand the waitress. "Invade my house won't you? Please can I offer you anything to drink?" Regina comment snidely.

Red brushed her off, "You're really leaving?"

Regina's expressions settled for a scowl. "How's this any of your business Ms. Lucas?"

"Don't," Red interrupted, "please don't call me that."

Regina raised an eyebrow. "Then what should I call you."

"Ruby," Red stated.

The queen's brow arched even more , "Not Red?"

"We're no longer in the Enchanted Forrest. Our fake names are now a part of us and I think Ruby was an overall good person."

"She was," Regina smiled fondly. "Now, Ruby...what can I do for you."

"Are you leaving?"

"It appears so," Regina answered turning around to finish packing.

Ruby chose to lean against the doorframe at the comment. "Do you want too?"

"Do I want to what, Ruby?"

"Would you like to leave?" The werewolf's voice wavered.

Regina laughed mirthlessly, "No...I just got my son back. I don't want to leave him."

"Then don't."

Regina chuckled darkly, "It appears that I do not have a choice, dear. Ms. Swan and Mary Margaret have made that very clear."

"When have you ever cared?"

Regina smiled sadly, "When I started losing my son."

Ruby stayed quiet and observed as Regina finished packing. She saw the slight slouch in the former mayor's shoulders as she finished folding clothes into her two suitcases. The older woman moved with grace as she picked up not only clothes and shoes, but picture frames and books…and maybe even a few films. She watched as Regina packed her computer and her phone. As she piled objects into a suitcase that was becoming full.

"What if I come with you?"

The question had left Ruby's lips before she could stop it. It had been a tumble of words, words that had never meant to be uttered in particular company…or ever.

Regina stopped a blouse in her hands as she turned to look over the younger girl. Her eyes burned through the waitress as she tried to find a meaning behind the words.

Settling on the most obvious words Regina asked, "You want to leave Storybrooke?"

Ruby nodded.

"With me?"

Ruby shrugged, "Why not?"

Regina smirked. "Many would say there's a lot of reasons why not."

"I'm not many...so could I come with?"

Regina looked over at the clock, it was late. She probably wasn't going to be leaving until tomorrow at around ten if she wanted to say goodbye to Henry.

"Where would you want to go?" Regina asked.

"Boston...I don't know anywhere...I'd be happy if you left me at Boston," Ruby said.

"Fine," Regina conceded. "Meet me outside Granny's back entrance at 10. If you're not ready, I'm leaving."

Ruby couldn't help but smile and launch herself at the unprepared former mayor.

"Thank you...thank you...thank you."

Taken aback Regina patted the taller girl's back awkwardly.

"Let go, dear." Regina ordered. "10'o'clock. No later."

Blushing Ruby retracted her arms and nodded.

"Thank you, Regina," Ruby whispered as she sprinted away.

Ruby knew that as soon as she walked into the diner Granny knew something was up. From the small smile and hesitation in her eyes Granny knew it was time to say goodbye.

"You're leaving?" Granny stated casually as she watched her granddaughter walk closer.

"Granny…" Ruby trailed off.

Granny smiled. "Go child…it's time for you to find your dream."

Ruby wasn't expecting that, but smiled as she leaned forward to hug her grandmother. "I love you Granny."

Granny felt tears prickle her eyes, but smiled nonetheless. "I love you too, Red."

"I leave tomorrow morning," Ruby filled her in.

"You should say goodbye."

"To whom? Snow, I'm still pissed off at her."

Granny shook her head, "I meant Belle."

Ruby's mood sobered, "I'll think about it."

"Belle," Ruby called out as she stepped into the library.

Belle stood atop a stepstool as she arranged books onto the higher shelves. Hearing her name the brunette turned and watched the girl whose heart she crushed walk closer. She felt out of place, books weighing down in one hand even as she stood taller than her friend.

"Red," Belle swallowed. "What are you doing here?"

Belle watched as Ruby struggled to come up with answer. Slowly she stepped down and the slight advantage she had felt when she towered over the ris-kay waitress disappeared. When their eyes met Belle felt her stomach churn, something wasn't right. Ruby quickly focused her eyes to the floor instead of the piercing gaze she felt.

"Umm...I needed to see you." Ruby said.

"Red..." Belle hesitated, she forced herself to place her hand on her friends arm.

Ruby's eyes watered not standing being this close to the person who had shattered her belief in love and who was currently touching her. Swallowing, her throat suddenly dry Ruby tussled with the information she was about to deliver.

"I'm leaving."

Those two words made Belle stop. The three syllables made her rethink everything she'd heard that day.

Not knowing how else to respond Belle said: "Excuse me, but what?"

Ruby cleared her throat feeling uncomfortable. She repeated: "I'm leaving."

"When-how-why-what?" Belle was floundered. The last thing she expected to happen today was to see Ruby. And to hear that she was leaving was something she never expected to hear in her life. However the waitress' answers crushed her more than the fact that she was leaving.

"Today…"Ruby said clearing her throat after. "I'm leaving today."

Belle felt tears prick her eyes. "Where to?"

Ruby shrugged, "I don't know…maybe Boston…maybe Europe…"

Belle clutched the books tighter to her chest as she felt her world collapse in front of her. Sure, she didn't love Ruby the way Ruby loved her, but it still hurt.

"Why?" Belle asked after a few minutes of silence. "I mean why now?"

"I need a fresh start," Ruby replied truthfully. "What better way than exploring this world."

Belle nodded. "I wish you well then."

Ruby offered a pained smile as she embraced her crush. Belle wrapped her arms tightly around her friend. She wouldn't let go even when Ruby started pulling away. After a few moments, they separated and Ruby turned to walk away. Reaching the entrance of the library the bell above the door tingled and the last thing Ruby heard was, "Don't forget me…"

"Henry," Regina called out seeing her son.

Henry looked up from where he sat reading a book next to his castle.

"Mom? What are you doing here?"

"I came to say goodbye."

Not seeing any hesitation from her son, Regina came and took a seat next to him.

"Goodbye? But it's only for a while right? It's while everything cools down? That's what Emma said."

Regina smiled a pained smile and nodded, "In a way yes, Henry. For now it's temporary. I promise to call."

"Will I be able to see you?" Henry asked leaning into his mom. Regina wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"Maybe," Regina whispered leaving a kiss on his forehead. "Maybe we might, but first I need to find a place to live and everything. Maybe you can come and visit."

"Really?" Henry's eyes lit up at the piece of information.

"Maybe, now you be a good boy okay?"

"Yes mom," Henry answered.

"I love you, Henry."

"I love you too, mom," Henry whispered hugging Regina tightly.

It took everything in Regina not to cry.

"Well, are you ready?" Regina asked.

Her Mercedes was parked around the back of the diner, the driver side's window rolled down. Regina looked expectantly at Ruby her fingers drumming on the steering wheel.

"Yes," Ruby mentioned grabbing the bag she'd pack with her left hand and tightening her right handed grip on her duffle bag's shoulder strap.

The younger brunette waitress walked down the steps and opened the back door tossing in both her bags. She walked around and slipped into the passenger seat. Her eyes met with Regina's before the former mayor chose to drive away.

"There's no turning back," Regina said as her car made its way to the road leading out of Storybrooke.

Ruby nodded her head, "I'm aware."

They drove in silence the radio playing quietly in the background. As they approached to the town line, Ruby grew nervous as did Regina. They were good nerves, but nerves none the less.

"This is it," Regina established.

The car slowly had passed the line when Ruby answered.

"I know," Ruby replied. "Oh…and Regina…happy 29th birthday."

Regina smiled softly surprised by the waitress knowledge.

"Yes a very happy birthday…" Regina whispered to herself once they had distanced themselves from town and once Ruby has fallen asleep. "Thank you for remembering, Re-Ruby."

As Regina kept driving, Ruby let a small smile come across her face.