I look over at Annabeth, and I think of how amazing it is to finally be married to her. We're driving to our motel in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, our first destination on our honeymoon. We reach a traffic light and it's green, so I go through. Annabeth suddenly shrieks, and I follow her line of sight through her window. There's a car that's run through their red light.

And it's heading right towards this car.

I feel time slow down, and I see Annabeth's window smash. I try to cover head as she gets jolted towards me. By now our whole car is spinning across the road. I see Annabeth's head hit the glove box, but I can't do anything because my head hits my door and I black out.

I wake up to see flashing lights and I am being pulled out of the ruined remains of our car. I see Annabeth unmoving on a stretcher being lifted into an ambulance, and I try to say something to her, but I seem to be trying to moving through quicksand right now. She's bleeding from a gash on her forehead, and there's a trickle of blood coming from her mouth. Someone's shouting at me, asking if I can hear them. I feel myself being lifted onto my own stretcher, and a huge pain is ripping through my side. I again try to talk, but I can't. It comes out as a garbled mumble of nothing in particular. I feel a blinding pain on my head, and I lose consciousness.