Here it is enjoy it. The grande fanale. The first half is almost a musical par request. I tried. I don't own songs. Song lyrics are in ' parinthises'.

Chapter20: starcrossed

Jack was making his way to the castle when he saw the farmilar walls of Arendell and a song came to him. "The snow glows white on the mountian tonight. Not a footprint to be seen 'because who needs to walk'. A kingdom of Icealation and it looks like I'll be king. The wind is howling like the love I feel inside. Couldn't keep it in and I don't want to try. Just let them in. Just let them see. See the perfect girl you always are to me. Belive you'll see. It'll surly show, when I propose. Let it show. Let it show. The love you feel inside. Let it show. Let it show. You're not afraid anymore. You shoud'nt care what their going to say. Our love grows strong. The cold never bothered me anyway."

"Addicted to the love I found. Heavy heart, now a weightless cloud. Making time for the ones that count. I'll spend the rest of my time laughing hard with the windows down, leaving footprints all over town keeping faith, karma comes around. I will spend the rest of my life' with him." Elsa stood in the heart of her castel confused. She expected another riddle, but she couldn't find one. Just as she was about to give up she saw a small blue flash go across her celing. Then a small explosion of sparkles and a note floted down into her hands.

"The time has come. Go outside where you first found me." Well that was strait forward. What happened to the riddles?

"What do I say. What do I say. What do I say? I know what to do, but what should I say? This needs to be romantic after all she'll be telling the story of how I proposed to all her friends." He could see her walking twords the door. 'Heart beats fast, colors and promisises. How to be brave how can I love when I'm afraid to fall, but watching you stand alone all of my doubt certenly goes away somehow. But one step closer.'

She walked outside to find him standing back to her with a dosen roses by his side. "What are thoes for?"

"Ohh. Elsa dear, you scared me. Don't worry about theses now. I'll get to that." He put his arm around her waist and lead her to the rail of her balcony." For now just watch the sky. Look at how many stars there are."

She cut him off, " They are beautiful, but why might I ask did you have me solving riddles only to be lead out here to look at the stars?"

"You cut me off. I was going to tell you that last night I looked up into the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you. I was doing great untill I ran out of stars, but if you would rather go inside and forget this all happend it's fine by me." He disentangled himself from her and gestured to the door.

"Always the romantic arn't you. I'll stay here if that's fine with you. So,...all the stars?"

"Yes. All the stars in the visable sky."

"Really? Then what's that one?" She pointed to a star she could always see from her window. It had a blueish rim around it and shone a brite white.

He knew the star she was talking about. She told him about it a few times. That was just going to make this sweeter. "Oh, you mean this one?" An identical star formed in his hands. She was trying to speak but couldn't. "Let's just say Rosie has some fantastic connections."

"I can't accept this," she said sadly.

Ok so at first holding a star in your hands does seam a little impossable, unless of course you have magical powers. " Yes you can. Here hold your hand flat like this." He grabed her hand and put it palm up.

He felt oddley warm ro her. Not like a burning warm like everybody else, but a comforting warm. He moved her fingers to make it look like she was holding something circular, then he put his hands under hers effectivally lowering the star into her hand. " Now hold it as if it were a fragile snowflake."

"This is beautiful. I wish I could keep it forever."

"Who said you can't? Just close your hand over it, and when you want to see it again think of it and open your hand." He closed her hand for her and she giggled. "What?"

She stepped back from him and opened her hand. "I guess this means we're starcrossed lovers."

"Just like all the diseny movies."

"What's a..." she started confusedly.

"Oh never mind. It's really not that important." He ran his hand through his hair nervously. This was it. No turning back now. That box in his pocket suddenly felt like it weighed much more. He got down on his knee.

"Elsa Snow Winter, although I have known you only a short time, I can say without any doubt that I love you. Our story is only beginning, and it will never end. Will you make me the happiest sprit in the world and marry me?"

"Yes, yes, of course yes!" He put the ring on her finger. It was a simple diamond with a snowflake carved into the bottom of it.

Some years later

"And lest we have a story with no end." Jack said as he closed the book.

"What! It can't end like that" A seven year old girl said.

"Well why not Luna dear?" Elsa had just walked into her daughters room.

"It just can't! Where's the happy ending? The white horse ridding into the sunset, the childeren, the happy crying. It can't have no end. Even if there immortal."

"Well sweet heart, sometimes no ending is a happy one."

Roll credits. It's done. No more waiting. For thoes wondering "Luna" is for the man in the moon and she is the same blue eyed blond haird girl mentioned in chapter 17. I hope to see you soon, and may all your endings be happy.