James shouldn't have done it. He really really shouldn't have done it. She had just been sitting there,and she just looked so beautiful sitting there. Even though she obviously hadn't put much effort into he appearance. Why should she? There was no school today,and it was brimming on six in the morning. There wasn't really anyone to fuss over the state of her hair,or the fact she was in a simple dress that wouldn't have been fancy for her maids. No,Sofia was just sitting there nibbling on some toast. She had blearily looked at him. "Good morning,James." She had murmured with her eyes half closed.
He had snickered at her and taken a seat next to her at the breakfast table even though he usually sat across from her. That was his first mistake. He was closer than he should have been. If he hadn't been able to touch her he wouldn't have gotten himself into this mess. "Good Morning,Sof." He replied chipperly. Sofia groaned at his alertness so early in the morning. He then snatched the other piece of toast from her plate. Sofia made a half hearted attempt at swatting his hand away,but was too tired to fully argue. He just laughed at the sour look on her face. That had been his second mistake.
"Why are you so happy today?"
"Oh my dear dear Sofia, I'd forgotten how inept you are at mornings. They are simply glorious the start of a brand new day." Sofia had given a small chuckle and rolled her eyes,"Besides what there not to be happy about when your with a beautiful-Erm your beautiful little sister." That was his third mistake. The shock on Sofia's face was enough to tell him he'd really slipped up this time. That was actual flirting. Not the flirting that he could play off as a teasing sibling,not like that at all. She shook her head in a way that seemed to say she was actually waking up for the day and that she was clearing her mind of what he'd said. He decided it was time to make his quick get away (possibly to his room where he could both lock himself inside his room until he realized that Sofia was his sister and it just wasn't acceptable (even if she's wasn't technically related to him) and maybe hit his head against a desk a few times.) He stood up rather abruptly which either led to his final mistake or was considered it. What a dreadful mistake it was too. He then realizing how rude he had been followed the custom goodbye he had been taught since he was old enough to be responsible for doing such a goodbye. Which was of course to bow and kiss the lady's hand. Except James didn't really kiss her hand. It hadn't really been on purpose,but then again it definitely hadn't been an accident. They had stayed that way for a good few seconds when it really occurred to him what he was doing,and then even though it was about ten times ruder than it would have been to leave earlier,he swiftly broke the kiss and hurried back to his room. It didn't really occur to him until his room door was locked and he was pacing back and forth across his room that Sofia had kissed him back. Oh,he really was dead.