a.n. Here is the first chapter. I'm pretty sure this is not what you guys expected but allow me to explain a bit. Almost three years ago i received request from three specific readers to do a Rido x Senri's mother (Midori-someone told me in the manga that is her name) one-shot. Unfortunately i was never able to to do even though i promised i would. To tell you the truth i started writing but brushed it off since i coun't find a way to end it. And as i sat down to write the new version of this story. I decided to start it this way through the eyes of Midori Shiki. So this chapter is specifically dedicated to those three readers who wanted me to do this one-shot. (not sure if you guys are still reading it. if you are just know that i'm really sorry it took me so long to make it.) But from the next chapter Rido's interaction with his daughter and appearance of others.

Now another important thing...this might be a Kaname x oc x Senri. Thanks to some of the readers and specially Astrid Claire to put it into my head. It's just that I tend to mess up big time when involving Zero. I think i write him better with Yuki. Plus there are way better wonderful Kaname x Yuki X Zero X oc love square...so you guys tell me what would be best.

Don't forget to keep in mind this first chapter is in a way Rido X senri's mother one-shot.

Anyways enough of my bickering for now...happy reading.

Chapter 1 (edited by SirensSingg)

Kuran Rido's sleeping face was the first thing longtime mistress Shiki Midori saw when she opened her eyes one hazy morning.

He was handsome, so handsome that every time she would be met with him face-to-face her heart would pick up in speed, the middle of her legs would feel moistened, and her whole body would quake with a pleasure that she couldn't even begin to define with words.

Bodily attraction was not all that remained between them, emotional attachment was there too. Or that's what she convinced herself to believe. Why else would the Kuran pureblood spend night after night, indulging in toe-curling pleasure in her arms, rather than those of his fiancée Shizuka Hio?

He preferred her over that pureblood! The maroon haired woman's lips curled up in a victorious smile at the realization. A sense of pride filled up her senses. One of her hand reached out to carefully caress a portion of his face. He let out a snort, frightening her in the process but doesn't awaken as she fears. Leaning closer, she nuzzled against his face and planted small kisses over his lips. Then he mumbled the word that completely ripped her heart apart.


Again? Why? Why was it always her, Midori could not understand!

It was common knowledge that Kuran Rido was head over heels for his sister Kuran Juuri. Even to this day he loved her, yearned for her. In his subconscious mind he always searched for her. Juuri did not reciprocate Rido's feelings but it seemed to have no effect on the man except for his increased obsession for her.

To Midori it made no sense, how one could be so obsessed with someone who doesn't even return their feelings. And then completely ignore the one who pours out their love, heart, body and soul? What sort of madness was this? What was the strength of such a one sided love?

The lady of the Shiki clan had known this man all her life and had been involved with him for over twenty years.

In these past twenty years Midori gave him everything. She gave him love when he was empty, she gave him her body when he had desire, when he was thirsty she fed him her blood, and when he was in need of strength she gave him her life force. Not only that she also took all the assaults that bred from his frustration, anger, madness towards Juuri.

Midori had even bore him a son. A son whose presence Rido didn't even acknowledge. He hadn't even had the decency to see his beautiful boy's face. Alas, Rido's cruelty towards her hadn't ended there; he refused to permit their son his last name, which was why her boy had been named Senri Shiki, instead of Senri Kuran.

And in return what did she receive?

Nothing! Absolutely nothing.

Kuran Rido made it very clear that their relationship was solely based off on his needs. She would receive nothing from him. Because of that Midori wondered in her spare time; what would happen if his beloved little Juuri ever changed her mind about Haruka, and opened her arms for him? The man would surely kick her ass out and run to Juuri, there was no doubt in that.

Yet Lady Shiki couldn't stop her heart from hoping that one day… One day Rido would truly love her as much as he loved his Juuri—or perhaps even more.

Midori Shiki was with Rido, purposefully buttoning up the buttons of his shirt when a servant entered with the news that a few members of the Hanadagi family wanted audience with him. She did not concern herself to the matter, she already knew that the Hanadagi family owed the Kuran a large sum of money.

Rido exited the room for the living room to speak to the other purebloods. Midori followed silently and watched it all from behind a pillar. It was that night that her own eyes witnessed the first step to her own downfall.

They were exactly four in number—the four Hanadagi brothers—famous for borrowing money and never returning it. That was what they usually did to most aristocrats. However, this time it was Kuran Rido whom they owed money to; and it was common knowledge that he wasn't someone of whom they could easily evade.

The way the conversation was going on between Rido and the four young purebloods sounded much like a deal was to be signed. But soon one of the brothers disappeared, only to return minutes later with a very attractive young female. Her glowing skin rivalled the moonlight, and her jet black hair was a perfect contrast against that glowing milky skin.

Midori's eyes opened wide. The girl being forcefully dragged was none other than Hanadagi Reira, the only daughter ever born to the Hanadagi family. She was the youngest, born after all her brothers'.

As the young maiden was thrown at Rido's feet Midori received a hint of her future.

The aristocrat stood in her spot and watched helplessly as the young Hanadagi girl cried for her brother's to take her with them. Sadly that night her screams feel into deaf ears. Neither one of her brothers turned their heads back. There was no point, they had already sold her to Rido Kuran. And from then forth, there was no turning back for her either, because her unfortunate fate had already been sealed.

Rido grabbed the girl and threw her over his shoulder, totally ignoring her protests and then allowed his body to disintegrate into hundreds of bats before vanishing from the sight.

Tears had already began to stream down Midori's eyes. She knew what was about to happen. Within the next few seconds, a maid appeared by her side to inform her.

"Kuran-sama expects you to return to Shiki-manor tonight."

Of course he did, Midori wasn't even surprised, the man was after all very predictable.


After that night every time Rido needed Midori he made a trip to the Shiki residence. He'd stopped calling her to his estate, that place was now reserved for his new lover.

Word had begun to spread around the vampire council like wild fire, and it reached Midori's ears through her uncle, who is a councilman himself; that Rido might tie the knot with the Hanadagi pureblood.

It broke lady Shiki's tender heart. Yet the woman in love could do nothing about it other than to feel helpless.


Almost a year passed by...

Rido's visit was now quite rare. Midori barely saw her lover. This distance from Rido was harder than she anticipated. She longed for him, she yearned for him and prayed every single day just to get one glimpse of him. But the end result was always disappointing.

With passing time Midori's paranoia increased. It worried her to great length to think if her lover has fallen for the young pureblood...there was always a possibility for that. Say he does fall for the girl, she ends up replacing Juuri, then what will happen to her? And their son?

Stress and tension was something Lady Shiki could not handle very well. The immense stress she received from her relationship with the pureblood slowly affected her sanity. She started to lose her mind. Her worst nightmare started to come true…

Day by day her insanity became more evident. Everyone could see it with bare eyes. As a result people started to cut her off. With actors now showing concern to work with her, the once queen of silver screen now lost her carrier.

In such a short span of time her whole life crumbled down under the pile of rubbles.

Years passed yet no news of Rido's marriage came. It made Midori glad but soon a piece disturbing news sure did reach her ear.

"Reira-sama is expecting!"

Her uncle was the one who brought the news to her.

Midori was sure how to react. Should she feel pity for the girl or be happy that she isn't the only one walking the ominous path.

Then again the part of her that immensely loved the Kuran man could not handle it. It burned with the inferno of jealousy that made her scream in frustration and cried at the top of her lungs. At one point she turned violent, she threw her belongings all over the room, shattering them to pieces much like how Rido had done with her sanity.

Her little boy Senri watched her through the crack of an open door. Horror was the only expression his innocent face could portray. She saw him as he watched her, but could not find it in herself to care. Instead she became angrier. She was ready to attack him when her uncle took control of the situation and put her in isolation.

However there was one good outcome of this tragic situation. Now that his new lover was pregnant Rido once more took Midori to his bed. He visited her often, with his duration of stay becoming longer.

Once again, it gave birth to new hope for the aristocrat woman.

Blinded by her newfound happiness Midori was lost track. One night she brought Senri out to introduce him to his father. But the cruel pureblood wanted nothing to do with the boy. He demanded for him to be taken away. His exact words were:

"I need no son nor do I need a family with you. The reason I come here is for a delicious meal and a delightful fuck! Know your place and stick to that only."

With those words he sunk his ferocious fangs into her neck and shattered all of Midori's hope of them ever being together or as a family.

The next four years of Midori's life passed faster than she expected. It could be said that these past four years were the best times of her life. She had her lover all to herself. Lost she was in his love and lust so much that she even failed to be a proper mother to her only child. What was more tragic than that was the fact she regretted nothing.

As long as Shiki Midori had Kuran Rido by her side nothing else in the world mattered.

On one dark evening of fall Midori was awakened by her uncle.

"We have been invited." The head of the Shiki family, Shiki Sayatohi stated quite casually.

"Invited where?" She couldn't help but ask, after all September was an odd month of invitation to a soiree, unless for some special occasion.

"Rido-sama is throwing a soiree in honor of Aiyora-sama."

"And this Aiyora-sama is..?"

"His daughter!"

Midori's heart stopped.

Her ears refused accept what it just heard. He was throwing a party in honor of his daughter that was from another mistress? Whereas her son was never given the chance to meet, let alone throw something on his honor.

Her head, heart and soul all burning in uncontrollable rage. Once more she got the urge to tear down this whole mansion and along with every soul that was in it.

"Has he married that Hanadagi pureblood?" she asked after staying quiet for a while.

"According to my sources nothing like that has been done yet," her uncle assured keeping a hand over her head and then turned his back on her and walked towards the window and drew the curtain slightly,

"…However the child has received his last name. As a matter of fact, he also chose her first name!"

Midori felt her uncle's snide remarks. The man was rubbing salt on her fresh wound.

It was clear that Rido accepted this child. He gave her his identity. Yet with her son he refused to acknowledge his presence and forget giving him the Kuran surname.

"…We shall be leaving in few hours," her uncle's words brought her out of the memory. "Make sure to pick a nice gift for the child."

With that as his last words the older male left her behind.

With her uncle's exit Midori once more went back to her thoughts.

The name 'Aiyora' sounded quite familiar. She has heard it somewhere, but where? Only to recall moments later, that on one night in his drunken state Rido mentioned about Juuri's favorite bedtime tale. In that story the main character was called Aiyora. He loved the name so much that he wanted to name his little sister that when she was born. Juuri also loved this name because of its unique sound. First she wanted to change her own name from Juuri to Aiyora. But as expected their parents intervened. Then one night Juuri expressed her desire to him, her eldest brother that, if she is ever blessed with a daughter-she will name her daughter 'Aiyora'.