Hi everyone, I apologise for my inactivity the past 5-6 years.

I didn't want to leave anybody wondering about my whereabouts or if I'm ever coming back, so here is an explanation from me.

I got super busy in 2015, a lot of stuff happened and in 2016 a lot of stuff went down. Long story short, someone I was close to tried to sabotage my entire life and ruin it. It took me a long time to overcome everything that happened during that time. I had no motivation to really do anything, including updates here. For that I am extremely sorry.

A few months ago I moved back to my homeland, which has been exciting for me and a great, new thing. I've been fairly busy with this too.

I'm not dead or anything, and I may come back properly one day and do a rewrite, make it better and more updating. Until then, I apologise for my absence.