Chapter 12

Still don't own

Integra set her cup down on the tray and stalked over to a small shelf. She took the bottle of Highland Park 18 year scotch and a glass to her desk. After pouring two fingers of alcohol, Integra moved to look out the window at the rain sheeting against it. She twirled the scotch around the glass before taking a small sip, it burned down her throat to settle in the pit of her stomach. Curse that man for being able to read me so well. How should I proceed from here? Integra contemplated her path.

This whole situation boils down to can I accept what I am feeling for Seras. I want to see where this attraction could go, and I feel as if I have been thrown an unexpected curve. I knew that the lords would force me into a political marriage to create the next Lord Hellsing. They are starting to become louder with their insistence, especially with this latest attack. The only major problem with their plan is that I am not interested in men. Also knowing the lords they will pick a man that is going to try to make me behave like a "proper" lady. Integra took an angry gulp of the smooth scotch at the thought of someone trying to make her back down from the duty that her father trained her to do since she could hold a practice sword.

However if I am being honest with the marriage arrangement they will go to the queen soon, hopefully I still have some time before the lords compell me to marry and breed an heir for the Hellsing line. Setting the council aside for now, what does my heart tell me. Integra finished her drink and decided to indulge in another, she retired from her office to the bedroom. She set her drink on the nightstand and proceeded to change into her silk tank top and shorts for sleep. Integra sat on the side of her bed and cradled the tumbler in her hands. She scooted to the headboard and sipped her drink while contemplating her feelings about Seras. I do feel attraction towards her and when we sparred there was quite a bit of heat between us. Also when I awoke after the attack in her arms, I was able to relax and have one of the best night sleeps in a while. However she is my subordinate first of all, and second she is a werewolf. Integra took another drink of her nightcap and gazed out her window at the sheeting rain. She wondered where Seras and Alucard had run off to and if they will be returning before day break. Although wolves can be out during daytime hours it can be quite bright for them and sometimes they could be weaker unless the moon was out as well. Integra finished off her drink and decided to settle into bed for whatever rest she could get for the remainder of the night.

The morning light hit Integra square in the face, she groaned and rolled to her other side to squeeze a little more sleep before fully embracing consciousness for the day ahead. She popped one eye open to check the clock on the nightstand. Bloody seven in the morning, and she was fairly certain that she didn't get to sleep after three thirty. Integra was use to not having at eight hours of sleep, yet only having half that was not ideal. Walter would be knocking on her door at eight sharp to summon her for breakfast. Getting up and going to the shower Integra began her day as usual. This morning however she was able to great Walter at the door before he could knock. "Good morning Walter, I shall take my breakfast in my office. Have the wolves returned yet?"

"No Sir they have not. Shall I mobilize a search squad for them?"

"Not yet, give them an hour before sunset. If they have not returned, then fire three shots from the largest gun we have. Alucard can hear it from any part of the grounds and he knows that he has an hour to be at the manor before I summon both their asses back here. I am aware that the summons can be quite painful and they can't ignore it."

"Yes, Sir. Your morning reports are on your desk and I placed the reports from the north and Ireland on the top of the stack. I will return with your breakfast post haste." Walter bowed and left the room. Integra walked with lingering steps to her study, she didn't want to face the tower of work on her desk. Once settled into her chair, the work was about to begin in earnest. The reports were still not signed and Integra knew that the wolves needed to investigate Northern Ireland and Northumberland. Integra pulled her a small cigar out from the case in her top right hand drawer and light it in one deft move. Inhaling deeply she took the most current reports off the stack, nothing stood out from the last one. She flipped to the last page and signed her name with an elegant scrawl. When her two wolves come back she would get a chew them out for staying away from the manor without permission, then send them out to their respective missions. Hopefully the couple of weeks Ms. Victoria would be on assignment would be enough for her to gather her feelings for the busty blonde. Walter brought her breakfast platter up in a timely manor and the rest of the day was spent going over paperwork, and stewing over the kiss with Seras.

The closer it got to sundown, the less she could focus on the paperwork. Two hours before sunset there was a knock on her study door. "Enter."

Alucard walked in with his signature smug grin. Slightly behind him walked a very muddy and slightly bloody hybrid Seras. Integras' heart gave a small stutter at the blood, however her face remained impassive. She walked over to her desk and poured two fingers of whiskey for herself. When she turned back to her wolves, and took a small sip to calm herself.

"Well, I want to hear a very believable excuse for why the both of you stayed away from the manor without permission." Integra growled

"Just some training boss and I felt that it was better to ask for forgiveness later. Seras need some much needed work in her forms, since she keeps an excellent routine for her human side." Alucard stated in a flat tone.

"Now if you will excuse me ma'am I have some steaks I need to collect from Walter." With that hanging in the air he walked out.

"Tell her how you feel or I will take you back out and train you harder then I did today." He growled in Seras' mind as he went out the door, a small spring in his step.

Seras whimpered low in her throat at the prospect of any training harder then what she was put through all day. Her muscles were screaming at her every time she moved, even with her regeneration powers. Seras was betting that I would take a full day to work the soreness out of her muscles. She stiffly walked towards Integra, when she was within touching distance she knelt to one knee. Her muscles protested the movement. Seras' ears were pinned to her skull, her head was tilted to the side to show her neck, and her eyes locked on to a spot just over Integras' left shoulder. All of the postures indicating submission and she waited for Integra to react.

Integra took another sip of her drink. As the alcohol burned all the way to her stomach she took in the submitting wolf at her feet. The look on Seras' face was so pitiful that she almost swept her anger away. Another thought strutted across her mind was how amazing it is to have this power being kneeling at her feet. Just as she registered that thought she shoved that back to the dark corner of her mind where it belongs.

"I am aware of the reason you ran out, however I don't believe that gave you leeway to stay out for the night. I can't have both my wolves out running in the woods without knowing your locations." Integra chastised gently. She took another drink and a deep breath to steady her nerves for the next part of her speech.

"As for the reason for your running to find solace in the woods, I can't give you a response at this moment. There are quite a few issues I need to wrestle within myself before I can answer your kiss. To put it bluntly, can you wait for my answer?" Integra cupped Seras' cheek in one hand unconcerned about the blood and mud. She turned the massive head to look Seras in the eyes and watched the emotions play across those expressive blue eyes.

A massive paw like hand brought the Integras' hand away from her cheek and to her muzzle. She placed her nose against Integras' slightly calloused palm and inhaled deeply of her unique scent. "Yes, I can wait for you to sort out what you are feeling. Thank you for giving me an answer. Now that the heavy matters are out of the way, can I please go get some food and a shower?"

Integra nodded and stepped back to allow Seras to rise to her considerable height in this form. She enjoyed the way Seras' paw like hand dwarfed her own, it was so gentle for being a weapon that has killed other wolves. "Go get what you need. Also I need you to relay a message to Alucard that I need you both back up here for a briefing. I shall tell you more in about an hour."

Seras nodded and went straight for her room to change and grab a quick shower. Her stomach grumbled a complaint as she shifted. Internally she hugged Artemis, as her body goes through the motions of showering. "YES! She didn't out right reject me. Even if it takes her some time to come to grips with like another woman I will wait for her." Seras all but shouted at Artemis.

"I was there for the whole conversation you know. I am very excited for you pup, however I would like to get some food into us. I haven't felt this tired in some time. He worked us over pretty good today and I think it brought us closer." Artemis backed out the hold around her neck and nudged her out from the mindscape. Artemis wagged her tail profusely at her pup all but skipped out. Finally something good was going their way.