Hello everyone and thank you for reading this short story of mine. Sorry that I haven't been update any of my stories for months; college had been very busy.

I realized there's a number of people who alerted this story; probably wanted more? I hope so cause I had finished this extra. However, it wasn't the best... My writing had been rather rusty. This chap would be short and um... kinda like... not much of a plot at all. *sweatdrop*

To be safe (cause I'm paranoid), this chap would be kinda T rated for a bit adult reference (though not a lot... just tiny bit).

Okay. Thank you for all readers and hope you enjoy this last chap of Winter Companion. TQ! Bye!

Winter Companion


The springs of the mattress creaked softly as a young woman sat down at the edge before fully lying down onto the soft material, sighing in content after the full day of tiring events. The young woman shifted to lie comfortably on her side before kicking off the white heels she had on.

She heard the shower tap in the bathroom running and sounds of movement as well. But she wasn't afraid; knowing perfectly well who was inside. She continued lying on the bed, enjoying the cool, silkiness of the blanket of this 5 star hotel against her skin.

Not long later, the running water stopped and the door of the bathroom clicked open soon afterwards. She peeked her eyes open and craned her neck slightly to look at the shirtless man standing by the bathroom door, who was drying his hair with a fluffy white towel.

"Really? You washed your hair so late at night? You're just asking to get a cold." The young woman commented as she gently pushed herself back to a sitting position.

The man chuckled and ran the towel through his hair once more before answering. "I have to. With all that hair sprays and gels they used to keep my hair down. Argh… I can't stand how strong-scented and sticky they are."

The young woman giggled. "I could say the same thing about my make-up. Glad I took them off earlier; I swore my skin couldn't breathe."

"I could only imagine." The man simply said with a grin before throwing himself backward onto the soft bed, joining the woman at her side.

The woman lay back down onto her side to facing the man then stated, "That was a quick shower. You only had been in there for a few minutes."

"I didn't take a shower. Well… Not really. I only washed my hair while leaning out to the showerhead; didn't even bother to remove my pants." The young woman moved her glance downwards and realized the black pants he wore is indeed the same as the one he wore from the earlier night.

"Why not? You already had your shirt off."

A playful smirk appeared on the handsome young man's face as he teased, "Oh~ You wanted to see it off so badly?"

The teasing was proved effective as the woman beside him went deep red and had reached out to grab one of the pillows; an attempt to try and hide her face with it. "That's not what I meant!"

The young man let out a chuckle at her reaction. He sat up and leaned forwards the pretty young woman, pushing the pillow down to look at her blushing face. "You're so cute, you know that?" He quickly landed a soft kiss on her cheek, watching the blush got darker and the woman made a cute sound that resembled a soft 'mew'. He smiled, enjoyed the fact that after they had been together for so many years, she still blushed uncontrollably whenever he showed her affections.

The young woman quickly got off the bed while saying, "If you're not going to shower now, I would like to. I'm tired and really wanted to go to sleep."

"B-But… Are you really really tired?"

The woman stopped in her track as she caught a single urge in his pleading voice. "I really am. Are you… that eager now?"

"It is our night, love." The man simply replied.

The young woman quickly averted her eyes from the man's exposed chest before a dirty thought could enter her mind. "Maybe tomorrow?"

The young man gently grabbed her wrist and pulled the woman towards him, until she was straddling him on his laps. "You're still shy about that? You can't use that excuse of yours again since this morning's event."

The woman blushed at the close skin-to-skin contact before she spoke. "I know…"

"So what's the problem?" The man asked gently, brushing a stray hair from her face.

"I guess… I'm just nervous, that's all."

He smiled before pulling the woman down and kissed her softly on the lips. "I understand." He breathed after breaking the kiss. "I'm nervous too. Next time then, when we're both ready?"

The young woman smiled and nodded her head before intertwine her fingers with the man below her. Her smile widened as she felt a band of cold metal pressed against her skin. "I can't believe it… This day finally came…"

"Me too. You know, I have always thought of you being a spring bride. But I guess winter suits you too." The man said; inspecting the white evening dress with soft blue-laced hem that the woman wore. It was different from her wedding gown, but the white of both dresses fitted her so perfectly.

The woman grinned. "Winter has always been special to us. You must have known that since you proposed to me last winter."

"Of course I do. It's just that Sora had been nagging about the temperature and asked why we can't move the wedding earlier so he doesn't have to 'suffer' in the cold ever since I told him my plan." The young man explained with a small pout.

The woman let out a giggle at his expression. "Well, his fiancé has a different opinion. You should have seen Kairi's face when she knows that she got to be a winter bridesmaid since it was summer for Namine's."

The man chuckled before pulling his wife closer. "Let's not think about them now. We just got married today; it should be all about us."

The young woman grinned. "You're right. I love you, Roxas."

"I love you too, Xion."

Afterwards, the newly wedded couple pulled each other into another kiss as husband and wife, knowing they would forever and ever be with each other no matter what would happen in their future.

We're married.
