Fandom: Kuroko no Basuke

Title: A demon's Lust

Rating: R-18 (I think o.o)

Pairing: Daiki Aomine, Ryouta Kise

Summary: AU in which Aomine is a demon and Kise is, well, his favorite prey.

Chapter One

"Dai-chan! what are you looking at?" a pink haired female-demon called out to her friend, lips curled upward into a small pout as she leaned over the edge of a tree branch to take a closer look at him.

"Mh" blue eyes turned towards the voice source looking away from what had caught their attention just moments earlier.

"I found a new prey" The tanned and beautiful demon grinned, content he had finally found a delicious one.

"I think this is the one, Satsuki" he said almost in a singsong voice, moving his long tail back and forth as a child who had just found his new toy. A grin still plastered on his face as he set his stare on his beautiful prey once again.

Satsuki sighed.

Over the years she had known her childhood friend she'd become good at deciphering his behaviour from the small clues he gave her. Now it was exactly one of those moments. When Aomine happily wagged his tail the way he did, it meant that nothing good was about to come.

"You said the exact same thing last time too, Dai-chan!" she sulked, arms crossed over her chest as she continued;

"You know there's not much time left, right? AKashi-sama has been clear about you finding a mate, but it seems like the matter is not of utter importance for you at all, and I'm worried that…"

"Shut up for a minute, Satsuki. Will you?" The demon growled, annoyed. Damn, his childhood friend could be a real pain in the ass when she wanted to. He knew it was only her way to show him affection and worry, but sometimes the girl would go over the edge and lecture him for his careless attitudes endlessly. Aomine as the impatient demon he was had a limit.

"I'm saying this to you because I am your friend, Dai-chan!" she insisted, and in response Aomine raised his right hand and pointed towards the subject of his new interest.

"Look at him," Aomine's index finger pointed at the inside of the gym that was clearly visible from the tree he and Satsuki sat unseen. "Isn't he beautiful?"

Satsuki slowly averted her gaze from her friend following the direction of his finger. She took a quick glance and squinted her eyes in confusion: A practice game of basketball was being held inside the gym, and sweaty guys were running all over the court trying to catch the ball to slam it into the hoop.

She watched for a little longer and then turned to her friend again, scowling.

"What's good about that, Dai-chan?" she huffed; she clearly didn't understand the reason why her friend looked so enthralled.

Aomine grinned happily, pointing at his prey one more time. "Him"

Looking carefully, Satsuki could spot the guy who had picked Aomine's interest.

Golden eyes shone beautifully on the boy's face, his blonde locks were rumpled. Beds of sweats trickled down his face and onto his neck making his white skin radiate slightly.

Aomine licked his lips.

"Gorgeous!" he drawled, stressing on the words.

When the boy caught the ball and jumped high to dunk it, Aomine as if mesmerized by the physical skills of the other, repeated once again,

"Truly gorgeous"

Satsuki looked at him in disbelief. There he was again. He always went after things that would surely bore him once he had gotten them. The mischievous glint that shone in his blue eyes though suggested her that this time her childhood friend was being serious about his prey.

"Dai-chan, don't tell me you want to feed off him?" She asked incredulously as her eyes widened in fear.

"Relax, Satsuki!" Aomine sneered as he put both of his hands behind his back in a relaxed position that contrasted almost comically with Satsuki's alarmed one.

"I wouldn't do something so lame" he swallowed deeply, watching his charming prey play in the court. "Though he must taste delicious"

"Dai-chan" Satsuki yelled rather exasperated at her friend's negligence. "You know exactly what Akashi-sama said about humans and that we are not allowed to feed off them for obvious reasons…"

"Yeah, yeah, I know" stopped her Aomine, utterly annoyed. He really was not in the mood to be lectured.

"Don't worry," he then added as his eyes lustfully skimmed over his prey gorgeous body. "I have other plans for him." Satsuki looked at him quizzically, trying to decipher his words.

"Whatever it is Dai-chan, I just hope you won't get yourself into trouble…" she didn't even have the time to finish her sentence that Aomine, with an agile jump, was quickly off the tree branch.

"Go back without me Satsuki" Aomine said as he started to walk towards the direction of the gym.

"Eh? But Dai-chan, where are you going? It's late"

A smirk pulled itself on the demon's lips and he tilted his head lightly,

"Going to have some fun," he said as he resumed walking away.

Satsuki yelled something at him, but her protests fell on deaf ears, and they muffled down once she saw her childhood friend gradually disappearing into the dark.


"Good job today Kise" Kasamatsu's voice resounded cheerfully into the clubroom. They had won the practice match and Kasamatsu, captain of the Kaijo team, was obviously in a good mood.

"It's thanks to you we won," he added as he yanked at Kise's side in a friendly manner.

Kise pouted at his senpai,

"It was just a practice game, Kasamatsu senpai"

Kasamatsu laughed genuinely; he was happy that a talented player like Kise had joined the basketball team. Even though his kohai was a little childish, he was nonetheless full of enthusiasm to the point that he always was the last one to leave practice.

"Don't overdo it with practice though," he said, his expression took on a worried look.

"No probs" Kise smiled brightly as he opened the locker looking for his deodorant. He was still half-naked with only a towel wrapped around his hips from taking a shower.

"Well, I am going ahead, Kise" Kasamatsu said "Try not to stay until late this time"

"Yep, I'll finish here and go straight home" Kise reassured him, noticing the warning tone on his senpai's voice, "I am pretty exhausted too today"

"Good, see you tomorrow then" and with that he strolled towards the door and exited.

Kasamatsu's footsteps were the only noise Kise could hear until they died away in the distance and then a deep silence fell on the room. He rummaged again in his locker for his clothes and it was then that he heard the door of the changing room opening.

At first Kise thought that Kasamatsu had forgotten something, so it came natural to him to turn towards the door with a grin on his face;

"Forgot something, Kasamatsu senp…?"

The words died in his lips and the grin was quickly replaced by an appalled expression as his golden eyes focused on the newcomer. He stood there gawking for a few seconds that seemed an eternity, and then squinted his eyes in utter confusion. There in front of him, there was something that looked human, yet it wasn't. The long black tail and the semi-folded wings the creature had on its back, made Kise assume that what he was staring at wasn't human at all.

His train of thought was interrupted when the creature grinned at him and waved his hand in greeting.

"Hi, pretty boy"

Kise made a face at being called 'pretty boy' but given the situation he let it slide and questioned the intruder,

"W-what are you?"

Aomine shifted on his feet and took a step forward, closing the door behind him without ever looking away from Kise.

"How impolite referring to me as if I were a thing" He mocked and Kise had the sudden urge to take a step back.

"I guess I can at least give you my name!"Kise felt a flush creep up his neck when he saw the creature quickly close the gap between them and press him against the locker with his body. For the first time in his life Kise felt defenseless, the guy had an inhuman strength, and his struggles were to no avail.

"It's Aomine Daiki" Aomine's voice became a low whisper as his lips pressed close to Kise's ears, which caused the latter to whimper;

"Aomine Daiki?" his voice sounded distressed.

"Oh yeah, that's right, and that's the name you'll shout when I make you come"

Not fully comprehending what the creature meant, Kise widened his golden eyes in dismay. Surely Aomine didn't mean what he was thinking of, right? Besides, they were both guys. Well, Kise was a guy for sure, but he still had doubts about what the other was. When he eyed Aomine's body, however, it was clear that he was a guy as well.

"You think too much, Kise" Aomine said his name with a sultry voice and Kise's eyes widened once again, but this time in amazement.

"How do you know my name?"

"I have been watching you" Aomine said simply, his lips close to Kise's ones.

"I was thinking we could have some fun, you and I…" The demon clicked his tongue in excitement.

"…maybe we could play that game you love so much?" he taunted as his fingers slowly started to move and drew circles on Kises's nipples."

Kise flinched at the touch,

"You mean basketball?"

"Oh yeah, basketball" provoked Aomine, purposely stressing out the word 'ball' as his hand made its way down and cupped Kise's crotch.

Kise's eyes widened in fear. What that thing was trying to pull?

To be continued…


Aomine: Author why the hell I am the Demon? Isn't it Kise the annoying one?

Kise: Cuz I am too sexy to be a demon, Aominecchi!

Me: Erm ._.

Demon Aomine and human Kise do sound sexy :D I will update when not lazy, maybe not sure ._. hope you enjoy chapter one xD

Ps. Forgive my not so good writing ._.