Hey, I'm back. What is that strategy, update every day for a week and then disappear off the face of the planet. Haha. I'm back.

Guess who hasn't had internet for the past two weeks? You're reading a note from her. I spent a couple weeks at my grandma's house, just got back home. Had a lot of fun. It was great hanging with the family.

100th reviewer was my guest, Gamergirl, so. Just put your request in your review? or make an account and contact me directly. Whichever works. But please please get it to me ASAP.

This is inspired by some comic I saw however many years ago (credits to the artist) and takes place before BBS.

Disclaimer: I don't own.

"His pants," Ventus murmured to himself, walking into the training hall with a hand pressed thoughtfully to his chin.

"Whose pants?" Aqua asked, turning towards her friend and dismissing her Keyblade. Terra also directed his attention to the younger male, wordlessly joining the conversation.

"Terra's," Ventus shot a look at the wielder.

Terra tilted his head to the side, frowning slightly. "What about my pants...?"

Ventus threw his arms out in front of him, motioning at Terra's clothes. "They're so baggy! It's almost impractical! Why?"

Terra looked thoughtful for a moment before he turned, heading towards their training field. "Follow me."

Ventus followed without hesitation and Aqua, curiosity getting the best of her, trailed after them.

They approached the waterfall, standing at the top and looking down at the pool below it. Terra turned, a serious expression on his face. "Watch."

Aqua and Ventus watched attentively as Terra bent his knees, then did a graceful backflip over the side of the waterfall. There was silence instead of the immediate splash, and they rushed to the edge, slightly worried and very curious.

There he was, slowly floating down to the ground, his pants ridiculously puffed out around his legs. He leaned to the right, keeping his legs completely still, and landed just outside of the waterfall's pool.

"They act as a parachute," Terra called up to his companions, "but it only works whenever I do a backflip."

Aqua and Ventus looked at each other, then back at their friend. Nothing could be said.

If you didn't read the top A/N (I admit, I sometimes skip them too), PLEASE READ THIS ONE. The 100th reviewer is my guest, Gamergirl, and I need you to contact me ASAP so I can get whatever you want for the request. Please and thank you.

I hope you enjoyed, review~ (I'll try to update again soon, but now I have band camp to attend to, so I'm kinda busy.)