I'm so appreciative of all of your reviews. Keep writing them, and I will reply to you as soon as I can! Thanks for your support. This chapter is a lot of Edward and Bella, but I will turn a lot of the focus to Bella and Jasper. I do have my reasons. While her love story with Edward is important, I view her relationship with Jasper as the focal point of the story. Enjoy!


As I looked into the mirror, I tried not to be overwhelmed with my surroundings and circumstances. Edward, focus on Edward. Ahh… Edward. The thought of my handsome groom's face waiting for me at the end of the altar brought me to a state of contentment. Nothing in this world could seem so bad- not even Alice and her wedding day makeover- when I considered the man I was pledging my love to.

It had been a long 6 months since our engagement, though Alice would say 6 months was no time at all to plan a wedding. So much had changed, and nothing had been for the worse. Whitney was the size of a preteen now, though only approaching her first birthday in a few months. I still couldn't believe my luck with that one. She had all of Daddy's charm and wit, but even more so his kindness and gentle strength. It had been so much fun to plan a wedding with her, and get her opinions on things such as floral bouquets and cake flavors.

One of the most wonderful things to watch Whitney grow into was her relationship with Edward. He oftentimes took her out shopping, or to see movies, or really anything she wanted. He was completely wrapped around her finger, and they both always looked forward to their weekly "Daddy dates", where I wasn't allowed. It was adorable. I knew there would come a day she would ask me about her biological father, and I only hoped that she was secure enough in her relationship with Edward that she doesn't feel cheated out of anything. She certainly has gotten the better end of the bargain, and it did my heart well to see my daughter grow up with a father as amazing as my own.

I could faintly remember a time, when I was very young, where I perched on my father's lap as a child on our front porch. No worries about vampires, or pregnancy, or even war. Just my daddy and me; times were so much simpler.

As he rocked us back and forth in the chair, I looked him square in the eye and asked, "Daddy? When am I allowed to get married?"

He chuckled at me and answered me with just as much intensity as I meant the conversation to have. "When you meet the right guy who treats you like the princess you are, and Daddy can make sure he's good enough for you."

I groaned in frustration. "But Daddy… When is that gonna be?"

"Well sweetheart, I don't know. I don't know that any guy will be good enough for my little princess."

I didn't like that answer. I wanted my chance at a happily ever after, just like him and Mama. "I'll probably find him when I'm older, right?"

He looked at me sweetly and ruffled my hair before kissing my cheek. "Yes sweetheart. When you're older."

The irony of our antique conversation was not missed on me. I was indeed older, much older. And Dad still had problems accepting that any guy was good enough for his little princess. He probably always would.

"Bella! Stand up so we can put on your dress! We only have forty-five minutes until go time!"

I was pulled out of my inner monologue of sentiments by Alice's frantic urgings. I braced myself to re-enter reality, and stood up to face the long garment bag held before me. We found the dress at a boutique in Seattle on a shopping trip with all the Cullen women. Esme, Alice, and Rosalie all picked beautiful dresses for me to try on, but it was Whitney who actually found the winning dress. It was classically beautiful, with long lace sleeves and a train to match. Lace was the prominent decoration, but I was in love with the simple look of it. It was similar to what I probably would have worn in my human days as a bride, and I cherished the comfort of a distant home.

"Alright Alice, let's do this thing." I smiled, and motioned for her to start dressing me. I was careful not to look in the mirror until there was a finished product, because Alice had arranged for a photographer (Rosalie) to capture the "I'm a bride" first look.

"Annnd… there. Turn around Bella." I didn't need Dad's gift to detect the pride radiating off of Alice in that moment.

I took a deep breath, and turned to see my reflection in the mirror. I let out a gasp, completely taken by the stranger looking back at me. I felt more beautiful in that moment than any woman in the world- even Rosalie. The dress fit me perfectly, and was accented by the soft curls framing my face and elegant makeup adorning it.

I started to hear the reactions of my bridal entourage- Whitney, Esme, Rosalie, and Alice. Their coo-ings and whispers of approval tugged on my heartstrings with every word. How far we had come to get to this point…

"Bella…" I turned around to face the voice of the room's newcomer. Daddy stood in the doorway, staring at me with depths of emotions I had never seen before. He cleared his throat and made his way over to me, kissing my hand. "You look… stunning." Alice patted him on the back soothingly, and then ushered the girls out of the room so Dad and I could have a private moment.

As soon as the door closed, I fell into his arms for a hug that I never wanted to end. He pulled away slightly, to offer me what he had brought into the room. "I came to deliver these." He placed in my hands a dated looking jewelry box first. "Your mother wore these pearls on our wedding day. They were given to her by your grandmother. It was her wish that you would share in the tradition, and she sent them with me when I left so that I had a reason to come home. As if I needed anymore reason." He smiled and stroked my cheek. "I'm sorry it took me so long, but I finally got them to you."

I opened the box to reveal a simple and elegant strand of beautiful pearls, their age undetectable in light of their beauty. "They're beautiful Dad. Thank you." I said, with tears filling my eyes that could never be shed.

"That's not all." He then placed a good sized sewing box in my hands.

"Dad, this isn't really the time for me to sew." I smiled, in utter confusion over his gift.

He laughed softly and gave me a sad but heartfelt smile. "I've been writing you letters since you were born. Even after I was turned, I kept writing you. The last letter I wrote for you was the day you found your wedding dress." I looked from my father to the box in astonishment. "They aren't all in there- just some of the more tender ones, but I will give you the rest of them after your honeymoon. The one I want you to read today is the first one you'll see when you open that box. I wrote it for you the day you were born, while you were napping. On the envelope it says, "To Isabella the bride, on her wedding day."


"There are several event-oriented letters in that box, but I just wanted you to read that one today." He kissed my head. "I love you Bella, and you've made me so proud. I'm honored to be walking such a beautiful bride down the aisle today." He looked at me wistfully, and then turned to leave.

"No, Daddy… Stay." I didn't want to face the emotions the letter would hold all alone. This was a Dad moment. He should share it with me.

He simply nodded his head in acceptance, and squeezed my hand in support when I opened the letter.

"To my Isabella the bride,

The nine months of preparation your mother and I had for you seem so insignificant now as I look at your quiet sleeping form. I'm constantly checking to make sure I still hear the still sound of your breathing, and looking in the basonette to remind myself that you're really here. I've tried so hard to learn the necessities of fatherhood so I do this right, but your tender life has already thrown me off of caution.

No textbook or legacy could have prepared me for the thrill of just looking at your face, or the fear of failing you. You are so pure, so precious, so innocent. I am already so unworthy of being your father, but I will spend the rest of my life trying to do right by my little angel- no matter what that entails.

Someday, you will grow to be a devastatingly beautiful young woman. And when that time comes, gentleman callers will present themselves to me to seek your hand. I may not know how to prepare the right meals for you, or sew a wardrobe fit for a queen. But I will, with all of my heart and soul, make sure you are not married to a man unworthy of your love. In truth, there will never be a man good enough to take away my baby girl, but I will not hold you back from any happiness.

If you are reading this, that would lead to the conclusion that you have accepted a suitor. You have deemed him worthy, and I must have given my permission for the union. He must be a kind man, with the heart to love you endlessly no matter his circumstances. He must be a stable man, with the capabilities to give you all the things you deserve that I cannot. He must be a brave man, with the courage to protect his wife in the face of all evil in the world. He must do all of these things in great measures for me to have given permission, and for you to love him. You might barely be a day old, but I can already sense your stubborn nature and determined spirit. If I could give you one piece of advice, it would be to always remember all of these wonderful things about the man you love. Trust in the love you share, and pursue a relationship worth fighting for. Don't ever give up, because I wouldn't have given you to a man who would give up on you.

I want you to know I will always be your Daddy, and you will always be this newborn baby girl to me. You can forever count on me to watch over you, whether you are married or not. Just as I watch over you now as you take your first slumber, my protection and love will never end.

I am so proud to be your father, you beautiful, beautiful girl.

I love you Isabella,


I looked up and stared at the man who had been pouring himself out to me for so many years, and in his eyes I could see that he was still looking at me and seeing the newborn child he watched over so many years ago.

"Daddy… I'm still your baby girl. I still need you."

That was all it took for him to take me in his arms. "Sweetheart, you're ready for this. Edward loves you, and he is a great man. I wouldn't be cooperating this nicely if he weren't." I laughed softly into his shoulder. "Remember what I said in the letter Bella… Don't ever give up on him. Remember why you fell in love with him, and you will have a happy marriage." He paused, and stroked my hair a little before pulling back to look me in the eyes. "Do you recall when you were little, and asked me when you were allowed to get married?"

I smiled, in shock of how similarly our brains worked. "I was just thinking about that before you came in. You told me I could get married when I was older."

"Well sweetheart? You're older, and it doesn't make it any easier for me but I know you're ready for this."

We were interrupted by a gentle knock at the door. Whitney opened the door slightly and peaked her head in. "Mom? I don't mean to interrupt but we're ready. Daddy looks real handsome." She said happily.

"You saw him?"

"He came back and saw me. He gave me a letter for me and a note for you." She proudly extended her hand to offer me the note from my groom.

I opened the small piece of paper to reveal a simple message. "Last chance to get cold feet… If not, I'll see you at the end of the altar." I giggled at his joke, grateful that he and I had already exchanged "wedding morning" letters earlier while getting ready.

"Alright sweetie, we're ready." I told my daughter, then turned to Dad. "Are you ready?" While Daddy was still going to be walking me down the aisle, Whitney was going to escort me on my other side. I wanted this wedding to be a symbol of the three of us coming together as a family, not just two people as a couple.

While Whitney took my hand and led me towards the top of the staircase, Dad slowly took my other and kissed me on the cheek before grinning. "I'm ready baby. You're older."

And with that, we took our first steps to the wedding march- towards the few waiting guests, family, and Edward. Towards my future.

WHEW. I'm so incredibly thankful to have gone on this ride with you guys. For it being my first fanfiction, you have each been so supportive and I almost didn't want to end this story because of that… But I knew it was time. I'm not opposed to writing a sequel or some companion fluff pieces, so let me know if you guys would be into that. If not, please go check out my new story in progress, My Name is Bella.

Truly, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. Jasper, Bella, and Edward and I all appreciate your love and send it right back to you.
