Friday afternoon.

A/N A oneshot, just an image that popped up. Nothing is mine and English is not my first languageā€¦still, I hope you like it!

Thank Merlin for Friday afternoon, Snape thought when the last students left his classroom. He had a pounding headache and felt exhausted. Of course, the idiot who had thought it a good idea to end Friday's lessons with a double class Slytherin and Gryffindor first years was responsible for that, and Snape was ready to kill them. Unfortunately that idiot had been the Headmaster.

'It is my wish to bring the Houses closer Severus, and sharing classes is an excellent way to start!' he had explained. And since no force on earth, not even Snape in a bad mood was able to stop the Headmaster carrying out a Good Idea, he had had no choice but to give in.

After he had reached his quarters, grumbled the password ('bloody Gryffindors') and entered his living room he immediately felt better. There was a fire in the hearth, Bach on the record player and the scent of freshly brewed coffee drifted from his kitchen.

'Is that you, Severus?' a female voice from the kitchen asked.

He rolled his eyes. Really, who else could it be?

'Sorry, stupid question,' the voice added immediately, sounding pleasant. 'Take your headache potion, it's on the side table.' He found the potion, sniffed it carefully and after deciding that it was indeed the right potion, he swallowed it, feeling the effects immediately.

He lowered himself on the sofa and smiled at his sister, who came in carrying a tray, put it on the table and sat beside him.
'Coffee, cream and dark Muggle chocolate from Belgium,' she said. 'Just what you need.'

'How did you know I had a headache?' he asked as she poured them both a cup. 'Your Inner Eye told you?'

'No, the calendar did,' she said. 'It's Friday after all. And don't make fun of me, please. I feel I'm going mad locked up in that tower.' She snuggled against him. 'How long do I have to continue playing crazy professor Trelawney?'

He put his arm around her shoulders.

'I really don't know, sis,' he sighed. 'Potter has lived to enter Hogwarts, all we can do is hope he actually learns something. Thank Merlin he befriended miss Granger, and even the Weasley boy might actually help him.'

'Miss Granger ran away from my class,' Sybil said.

'She's a clever girl,' he answered and they both smiled.

A/N please please please tell me what you think!