Disclaimer: Check the first chapter.

A/N: Hey guys! Can you believe it's Christmas? Ahh I'm so excited! :D Well, I kinds had some trouble with this chapter but I hope you enjoy it! Here it is the second instalment!

Chapter 2: That's Where Donna Was Wrong

Donna's eyes shot open and she bolted upright in her bed. She was breathing short, heavy breaths while beads of sweat ran down her face and her hands. She scanned her surroundings, wide eyed, making sure she was at home, and she was. Donna was safely tucked underneath the covers of her old bed. She took deep and calming breaths before she slowly pulled the covers from her body and crept out of bed.

Quietly, Donna walked out of her bedroom and made her way to the bathroom being cautious of her sleeping parents. They wouldn't be mad if she woke them up but she didn't want them to see her like this. She didn't want to cause them the burden of more worry; they already worried about their middle daughter being alone in Chicago.

When she reached the door, Donna twisted the knob and pushed it open.


Donna froze in place, her heart skipping a beat as the sudden noise echoed through the hallway before a deafening silence settled in the air. "Dammit," she muttered quietly under her breath. She waited and waited frozen in the darkened room in the silent night listening for anything.

Donna breathed a sigh of relief, placing a hand on her rapidly beating heart that slowly went back to its regular beat and her eyes shut tight when Bob's low, husky snores defeated the still silence of the night. Donna proceeded to her trip to the bathroom and this time she made sure to close the door slowly and quiet.

Donna grabbed a handful of toilet paper, which she used to wipe her forehead and neck drenched with sweat and took a seat on the edge of the bathtub. She was disgusted. She hated waking up in a cold sweat. It felt weird and icky. The blonde would like nothing more than to have a nice, warm, refreshing shower just to feel revived and clean again.

When Donna was sweat free and the grimy feeling was mostly gone, her reflection in the mirror caught her eye it was no avail. Donna slowly arose from the bathtub, her feet weakly sticking to the floor as she walked across it to get to the mirror. She gripped the edges of the cold ceramic sink as she stared at herself with horror.

Dark grey bags hung under her eyes, sucking the life out of her once blue now grey eyes. Sleep hung out of her dark lashes while her skin looked unhealthy dehydrated. Her blonde her that she brought to the side looked dry and stringy.

Donna hated her blonde hair. She used to love it but her red hair helped her be her and Eric used to love it. She always felt foolish for dying it but she decided then, she would never dye her hair back unless she was truly happy. The blonde actually had planned to dye it that heart shattering December night in '83 but that fight with Eric lead to a lot of dark and unhappy emotions.

Actually, the nightmare she had just there was about the events of the 23rd and 24th of December 1983. It was a reoccurring dream that would keep her up most nights. It took place in front of her house where she'd be standing with red hair and a white dress where she'd watch the rose scene and seeing Eric getting his heart broken by her discarding of the flowers.

The dream usually ended with her running up to Eric apologising to him and telling him she loved him only to get lectured on her wronging and things that floated through her mind every day. Then the whole street would slowly crumble in an earthquake, sucking Eric with it before it stopped, leaving Donna in a void of sadness and heartbreak.

Donna returned back to her bedroom still trying to be quiet. It was always so much harder being quiet when you had to be. She changed out of her PJs that were drenched in sweat before crawling back into bed. Donna lay on her back, staring at the ceiling and waiting for a sleepy feeling.

She just didn't want to see Eric again, it'd cause her too much pain and guilt.

You tell me that you've never been this way before.

You tell me things I know that I've heard somewhere.

Eric Forman was sitting on his Spiderman covered bed with his eyes shut and his arms bent back behind his head to allow his head to rest in his clasped hands as his ears soaked up the sound of The Monkees' record, which was playing.

You're standing in the places and you're

Staring down through faces, that bring to mind traces

Of a girl, a girl that I knew somewhere.

He'd been feeling a lot like this lately. Hyde, Kelso, Fez and, even, Jackie had been setting him up on lots of dates lately ever since Hyde and Jackie got engaged three weeks ago. A lot of the dates had gone so horribly wrong, and, for once, not because of Eric.

But, one girl he kept around. Her name was Cynthia and she was from London. She was gorgeous the spitting image of Pattie Boyd, who Eric's always had a crush on. Cynthia was just so kind, slightly shy and very intelligent; Eric could listen to her talk for hours and hours while he got lost in her blue eyes. But, sometimes, the smallest and rarest things she did reminded him of a girl, a girl he knew somewhere.

I just can't put my finger on what it is

That says to me "Watch out! Don't believe her."

"Forman?" the voice of Steven Hyde called before Eric heard boots clattering up the stairs. Eric decided not to respond and continued to listen to the relatable song. The footsteps kept getting closer and closer before they stopped completely and Eric could tell without opening his eyes that Hyde was standing in the doorway. "The Monkees?"

I can't give any reasons girl,

My thoughts are bound down in a whirl.

"They're good," Eric admitted, repositioning himself on his bed so he was sitting up properly. He smirked teasingly, "And last time I checked, they're playing at your wedding."

Hyde rolled his aviator covered eyes at Eric's reference to Jackie wanting The Monkees to play at their wedding because she taught I'm A Believer describe Hyde's love for her and should be played when she was walking up the aisle provoking Eric, who was present when she announced her hope, to say that Devil in Her Heart should be played instead. But Hyde gave in to Jackie's pleads on the grounds that it was unlikely they'd play at their wedding and Micky Dolenz's afro was cool.

Hyde casually walked over to Eric's bed and took a seat on the foot of it. He listened carefully to the lyrics knowing that music meant and helped Eric a lot in the same way it helped him.

I just can't think who in the world was that girl;

I know I met her somewhere.

Someway, somehow this same thing was done.

Someone, somewhere did me this same wrong.

"Look, Forman, Cynthia's a pretty cool chick," Hyde said coolly, nodding his head lightly.

Eric groaned, turning over onto his stomach and buried his head into his pillow. He screamed at the top of his lungs and mouth but it was muffled by his pillow. Hyde shot an inquisitive look in his brother's direction.

Hyde rested his hand on his knee and titled his head at a ninety degree angle, "This isn't about Donna being in the house next door, is it?"

Well, goodbye dear, I just can't take this chance again.

My fingers are still burning from the last time.

"No . . ." Eric replied dragging his one word long and slowly.

Hyde rolled his eyes, "Forman, quit being a girl."

"Donna would hurt you if she heard you say that," he said in his mopey tone making Hyde cringe before he slowly rose from his bed.

"I'm going to leave before this starts getting . . . worse than it is," Hyde told him feeling already close to shattering his Zen and then, later, he'd regret and pay for it with plentiful burns and a rising temper.

"You're a good friend, Hyde."

The curly haired man stopped in his tracks when he reached the door. He gripped the border of the door and took a deep breath. He looked over his shoulder, "Look, when you're not hung on Donna come to down to the basement and we'll do some 'stuff'," he said, wiggling his eyebrows and watched as Eric slowly pushed himself up from his bed and look over his shoulder.

With bright hazel eyes, Eric pointed at Hyde with his index finger, "You are a good friend," he said more convincingly than the last time.

Hyde shrugged, "Meh."

"Yeah." He nodded his head and Hyde left leaving him and The Monkees alone.

And if your love was not a game, I only have myself to blame.

That's as may be, I can't explain.

Eric sighed heavily, now lying on his back, "Just ask the girl that I knew somewhere . . ."

Donna was leaning up against the counter of her kitchen, yawning long and heavily with a cup of coffee in hand while her Dad, Bob worked over his tray of Christmas cookies. Donna looked worn out, one of her heavy, tired eyes was falling asleep and she couldn't stop yawning. She didn't get much sleep last night.

"Donna, can you hand me over the red sprinkles?" Bob asked, hovering over his cookies as he decorated the last one with green icing.

Donna blinked rapidly and took a sip off coffee before she figured out how she used her tongue and brain to talk, "Sure, D-D-" Another yawn escaped her lips. She was just exhausted. She walked over to the counter and picked up one of the containers that held the sprinkles and handed it lazily over to him.

"Thanks honey," Bob said with a cheery smile as he accepted the container. Just as he was about the sprinkle them on, he paused. He examined the sprinkles with narrowed eyes to find out the sprinkles were purple. "Donna, these are purple. You're mother thinks she's allergic to purple, I can't out these on her cookies."

Donna looked at him puzzled, "Wait. We have purple sprink-k-kllll-es?"

"I said your mother thinks she's allergic to purple and that's the first think you ask?" Bob replied with curious eyes. He scanned his daughter, concerned. She looked worn out and exhausted. She was almost falling asleep standing up. "Honey, are you ok?"

The blonde blinked slowly as Bob came over to her and wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulder, "Yeah."

Bob gently poked her teasingly, "You better catch some zs tonight or tomorrow you won't be able to stay up for Santa."

"Dad . . ."

"I know, I know." He laughed lightly before planting a kiss on his daughter's blonde locks. "I'm so happy my favourite daughter's home."

"Aww, Dad," Donna said with a bright beam and she gave her dad a quite squeeze. "You say that Val and Tina too, don't you?" she asked, still in awe.

Bob chuckled at her accusation, "Maybe, pumpkin, maybe."

Midge came into the kitchen, holding an instruction manual in her hands and an eager grin on her lips. Her eyes suddenly popped wide open and she put the manual behind her back when she noticed Donna's presence, making her blonde daughter suspicious. "Um . . . Bob."

Bob saw what Midge was hiding behind her back and a smile sprung to place and he walked over to his wife. "Um, Donna, if you here any strange noises coming from Mommy and Daddy's bedroom "

Donna cringed in disgust, "Eww! Why must you guys freak me out on a daily basis?" she asked just before they exited the kitchen leaving Donna to wallow in self-pity and discover a way to erase her memory of the last couple of seconds.

The kitchen door opened and Jackie waltzed in with her arm wrapped around her fiancé's, Hyde's, to see Donna with her hair tied up into a messy ponytail, wearing no makeup and yawning like mad. Donna wasn't sure what to do, smile or frown? Laugh or cry? She was happy to see Jackie, who she already had been reacquainted with, but she hadn't seen Hyde for a year so it was awkward. Donna could tell that behind those aviators and underneath the Led Zeppelin t-shit was a boy who hadn't seen his friend in a while and didn't know what to say to her.

Hyde's eyes scanned the girl's weary frame, looking for an ice breaker. He had to admit he did miss her. Donna was his best girl friend after all. Suddenly, the perfect line popped into his head, "You look like a walking corpse, man."

Donna rolled her eyes, "Thanks. Tell me something I don't know."

"The bags under your eyes are quite a delectable shade of purple. What brand is that?" he teased smirking.


Hyde nodded his head, "Nice, gotta try that some time."

Donna groaned as she pulled her hands down her face. She placed one hand on her hip and titled her head to the side looking for clarity, "Do I honestly look that bad?"

"No . . ." Hyde said not very convincingly, his eyes darting around the room as he shifted uncomfortably. "I have to go to the store," he added, opening his arms slight as he walked over to the blonde. "Nice to see you again, we'll talk later," he told her firmly, giving her a big hug and squeeze and received a nod from her.

Hyde left the two girls alone then, but not till he gave Jackie a peck on the cheek. Donna groaned loudly and placed her empty cup in the sink. She looked at Jackie through heavy, grey eyes and confided in her, "Do I really look that bad?"

"No . . ." Jackie replied, avoiding eye contact with her friend and took a cookie from the baking tray and stared at it. "But a bit of concealer goes a long way."

The Pinciotti kitchen was filled with anticipation as Midge sat on the island counter staring hard at the telephone waiting for it to ring. She was expecting a call from her daughters, Tina and Valerie, who were travelling home today. They were supposed to call her around three, the time they had decided to leave at, to let her know that they were leaving.

Her attention span was running low though as she'd been waiting for about twenty minutes now. Her dull blue eyes scanned the kitchen looking for something to entertain her as she swung her legs. The wonderful sight outside caught her attention and her mouth dropped. Large flakes fell from heaven as if the angels were having a pillow fight and the feathers fell down.

"Snowing again," she mused to herself.


The second the phone rang Bob unexpectedly appeared through the door. He looked at Midge with his eyes burning fiercely. They exchanged competitive glances with each other before they looked at the ringing phone and then back at each other. They both sprung to the phone, Midge being the faster of the two and she quickly took hold of the phone and held it to her ear.

"Hello?" she said cheerfully, her huge smile reappearing again. Bob sighed before he rested himself against the island. "Hi, girls!" Midge listened into the phone and Bob watched as her beautiful smile faltered into a frown and her bubbly eyes darkened. "Oh . . . no that's ok. Yeah, love you too. Merry Christmas," she said before immediately hanging up the phone and looking at Bob for comfort. "They're not coming," she told him sadly. She felt like her heart had been ripped out. There was an aura of grey around her. It was a mist that wouldn't rise and a single tear ran down her cheek.

Bob started to sob into his wife's shoulder too, but for a different reason, "They've the turkey!"

Donna flicked through the pages of her magazine while standing in the queue of Mc Donal's Pharmacy with a feminist magazine in hand and a red lipstick in the other while she waited to see the pharmacist. She wanted to get some insomnia drugs for her trouble sleeping at nights.

Donna didn't really want to be in this tinsel decorated pharmacy that really lacked in holiday cheer and seemed almost depressing but she needed sleep so she could feel lively and enthusiastic about life and make an effort with her appearance. But Donna hated being her, she felt so exposed and she looked a mess. She wasn't one obsessed with her appearance but who knows who could see her.


Donna's heavy eyes sprung wide open when she heard that gentle male voice, Eric Forman.

A/N: And there you go! I hope this chapter didn't seem to blah and I hope you enjoyed it! :) Also there was no flashback, I didn't want to put one in for the sake of doing it. But the next and probably last chapter will be HUGE! I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! I hope ye all will have a wonderful time! I'd like to thank all my loyal readers for supporting my Christmas story and even new readers! Thank you :D Have a beautiful Christmas!

Merry Christmas ~ Mystery Girl 911