Two Months before

Penny's suicide note

I am sorry but I cannot go on, I am a failure as an actress and a person. I have no one and the world will be better off without me. I am sorry Mum, Dad but I am so alone and this is the only way I can be at peace. He left me when I needed him and I cannot go on without him, I never thought my beautiful mind would abandon me. I am sorry

Sheldon was coming up the stairs to his apartment, he had not seen Penny for weeks now, and he had been busy with work and Amy. He missed her and intended to see Penny tonight. He needed his best friend and she needed him. Sheldon was ashamed that he had not made time for her and had let other things get in his way.

Penny had needed him as a friend and he had failed to be there for her. Leonard had moved out, dumped Penny for some actress, he had met when some sitcom had used Caltech to shoot some scenes for the coming season. Not that Leonard had been discreet with his new fling as Penny had stumbled upon them making out in his office when she came over to visit him one day. All Leonard had said to Penny was "I upgraded and our babies will be smart and really beautiful". That is about as much as he cared for her.

Not long after Leonard had moved out when he had obtained new employment as the "Science Guy" on a new children's programme that his new girlfriend had arranged for him. Sheldon felt that the job did seem to suit Leonard more as he would not have to do any original experiments and since most of the work Leonard did a nine year old could do, it seemed that he was finally fulfilling his potential.

Sheldon had terminated his relationship with Amy last night when she had commented that Leonard's new girlfriend and her new "bestie" had invited her to go shopping and that Sheldon needed to accept that Penny was no longer part of their group. Leonard had been trying for weeks to get everyone to accept his new girlfriend Rebecca Longmuir as part of the group, as Penny had not been around and Amy seemed to have no trouble finding a new friend in her but Sheldon had finally gotten tired of being forced to accept this new person in the group. After all Penny had always been there for him.

Unfortunately around the same time as this was happening, there had been several important enquiries as to the current status of Sheldon's work which had not allowed him to catch Penny and apologise. He should have made the time to be there for her but he had gotten so engrossed in his work, he had forgotten the person who mattered most to him.

It had not been a good time for the group as Raj had been to India for the past weeks attending to some family matters and when he had returned he just accepted the new arrangement. This may have been due to the attention he was getting from some of Rebecca's model friends. Raj was also so easily distracted if a beautiful lady talked to him, shame he could not talk back.

Bernadette and Howard had been visiting her parents and when they returned had made their feelings known to Leonard about what had he had done. They rarely joined the group and it was Howard who had asked Sheldon if he had spoken to Penny. Unfortunately their return was only recent and with them settling back into their lives, neither Bernadette nor Howard had not had the chance to follow up on Penny.

Sheldon had really no excuse after all he lived across the hall, all he had to do was get off his butt and go across the hall. Soon it would be apparent to Sheldon that if he had then Penny would have been ok.

As Sheldon reached the fourth floor of the apartment building he heard the smashing of glass and a large thud coming from Penny's apartment. He quickly raced to the door and knocked.




No response.

Sheldon tried the door and it was locked. He knew he did not have the strength to knock the door down so he quickly raced over to his door, opened it and grabbed the emergency key for Penny's.

He quickly made his way to the door, fumbled to get the key into the lock and open the door.

Once inside he found her lying on the floor, wine glass shattered, pills spilled across the counter, it looked like she had cut herself on the glass when she collapsed.

He lunged down to her side and checked her breathing.

"Penny" he screamed. He looked around searching for the phone, seeing on the coffee table, he quickly he grabbed the phone and dialled 911.

"What is your emergency?" said the operator.

"I need an ambulance at 2311 N Los Robles Ave Pasadena Apartment 4b" Sheldon replied looking at Penny, scared that he may be too late.

"An ambulance is on its way eta 10 minutes, what is the medical emergency" the operator calmly replied.

"My friend Penny had taken a lot of pills and is out cold" as he reached over to the counter trying to find what pills she had taken. His eyes watering making it difficult for him to see.

"Is she breathing?" the operator asked.

"Yes, but it is very shallow" Sheldon said as he put his hand near her mouth.

"Your name" the operator asked.

"Dr Sheldon Cooper" Sheldon replied as she tried to move Penny into the coma position, which was proving a little difficult while holding the phone.

"Sheldon, we need you to" Operator asked calmly.

"Doctor Cooper" snapped Sheldon, he fear and panic taking move "Come on Penny please hang on"

The operator was little taken back by his outburst "Umm Doctor Cooper we need you to check her airways and ensure there are no blockages, your friend will be fine, just try and stay calm"

"The ambulances has arrived and the paramedics will be there shortly" Operator informed Sheldon.

"There are no blockages, I can hear them coming up the stairs" Sheldon replied while looking out the open door.

"Ok Doctor Cooper, I will hang up now" Operator said as she disconnected the call.

Sheldon dropped the phone and continued to try and get Penny to wake up. The paramedics came through the open door and pushed Sheldon out of the way. He just sat there, tearing streaming down his face "Penny" he cried.