Child of Sea Prince of Shadow

Chapter 1: Prolog

Manhattan New York hospital

Sally Jackson knew it was happening. She had been waiting for nine months. The sea around Manhattan became restless calling to its coming child but, it wasn't the only one watching. The shadows did what they do best watching, waiting for one of their own.

Sometime later Hades Palace

Hades and Persephone were lounging on their thrones talking. For the first time in a long time they talked casually about nothing in particular. Suddenly the temperature dropped twenty degrees, the shadows darkened and an earthquake rocked the room. As quickly as the chaos had begun it vanished. Before words could be uttered fury Alecto burst through the throne room doors and bowed before the god of the dead.

''A new child of the underworld my lord,'' she hissed.

"It better not be one of yours oh dear husband after all you took that oath Zeus forced you into!" Persephone began yelling.

"No," Hades began his voice as cold as ice "he is something more."

First nome, Egypt, Hall of Ages

Chief Lector Iskander sat wearily in front of the throne of the pharaoh as he had for ages. For once he wasn't in the constant presence of Desjardins. All at once every layer of the duat shook violently and then instantly stopped. At once Iskander knew what had happened. As few magicians knew the world was a bunch of loose ends. It was now clear that soon they would be tied together.

Asgard, realm of the gods

The gods were celebrating for yet another worthy hero had joined Valhalla. Food and wine flowed freely and spirits were high. A massive earthquake erupted with force that only veteran's of age old campaigns had felt before. As soon as it started the ground calmed again. All knew at once that the quake has shook all nine realms to the core. Everything was silent until Odin rose from his chair and spoke.

"Thor go to earth and investigate stay as long as needed." No one heard his next words, "And may fate help us all."

Manhattan hospital

Sally held her newborn baby Perseus as he cried innocently in her arms. He already had a strong grip. The boy's father would be proud but he had to leave, for her safety for their child's safety. As Perseus's dark sea green eyes stared at her Sally realized her boy was special. She then knew he would change the world.

AN: Hey guys thanks for reading this prolog for my first story. Future chapter will be longer this is a prolog. Yes there will be some Kane Chronicles crossover but it will not take over the story.

REVIEWS ARE APRECHAITED. Constructive criticism is really appreciated because if your going to tell me I sucks say why.

Thank you

the things that define you

read till your ren fades.