
I know it's been over a year since I posted an update and I'm really sorry about that. I lost interest in the fandom and haven't watched TVD beyond season 3. That being said, I genuinely do like writing and having all of you read what I write and even though I don't ship Klaroline anymore, I'll try and finish all my incomplete stories so you guys can read them.

If you're back to read this, thank you so much for sticking around!


Sinners and Saints

Times were taking a toll for the worse, as far as she could tell. There was no room for escape. She had already attempted that once and had been caught by the guards. Even then, she hadn't given in without a fight. The shackles around her wrists and neck and the heavy chains attached to them proved that.

All she could small was the cold, dank air of the high tower. All she could see was the winter sky through the large, open window. The wind chilled her bones and kept her awake, alive for now. Waiting for her punishment. It would be a while, that she knew. The tyrant liked to make his prey suffer before offering the peace of death. Or so she'd heard.

He marched to the high tower as soon as he heard. It was no place for a Queen, the high tower. The stones were cold and lifeless and they had seen so much evil. The floor was covered with wet hay that turned icy in the winter, another means of torture for their prisoners. The chains that bound here had touched the skins of many men and women far more treacherous than she'd ever be.

She had her time there. He had a reputation to uphold, a country of fearful men to contain. But now it was time for that well-overdue talk they were meant to have long before they met. There were things he needed to say and things she needed to understand. It would alter her universe but it was a risk he had to take.

Climbing the dozens by his lonesome, he had time to think and silence that helped give him some clarity. The low flames of the torches kept him company as he took the long walk up to the high. He took a deep breath as he reached the lone prison cell, larger than his quarters but colder than hell.

He pushed open the gates and took his first look around. She stood in the center, the chains on her wrist locked to opposing pillars, holding her in place. Her clothes caked with dirt and clinging to her shivering body as she faced away from him, facing the large opening and the black sea beyond. She stiffened when she heard him come in. Her spine straightened. Even when restrained with her back towards him, she was prepared for a fight. But he wasn't there to fight.

Her set the burning torch in its holder on the wall and walked around to face her, talking in her cold, damp, disheveled appearance and knowing that he was the cause of it. Her eyes blazed a bright blue fire, furious as expected.

"I'm not here to fight," he began and she didn't relax.

"I do not need any preamble, you bastard!" she spat. "If you're going to toss me over the side of the building, I'd prefer if you'd do it quickly. Don't drag it along like you do everything else!"

Klaus bit his tongue, holding in his raging annoyance at the woman before him. He came in peace and now he wasn't sure if he'd ever be peaceful again. Binding himself to the blonde spitfire was the only option he could think of, the only solution to aid the situation. Now he felt as if it would never work. He had to reign in his ego if he ever hoped to win her over. Only for the sake of the kingdom, of course.

"I'm not here to kill you." He spoke evenly. "I am here to put forth a proposition."

Caroline thrust her chin up in defiance, her pride willing her to not give in to him, no matter how tempting.

"Please, let me say my peace. I assure you, it is in our best interests." He spoke before she could cut him off again.

He could see her fester the thought. He sighed inwardly when she finally nodded, nose still turned up in annoyance.

He took a deep breath before he began he rehearsed speech. This was not an easy feat.

"I urge you to seriously consider our marriage, Caroline." He paused as her eyes widened and then narrowed to slits. If there were a sword in her hand, she would most likely had ripped him to shreds. "It won't be real." He rushed to add.

"I do not wish to have any sort of liaison with the family that murdered my father." She spat.

"There is so much you do not know, Caroline. Things that happened years ago." Klaus was unnaturally calm, but unbeknownst to the public, this was him without the pretenses. "Please trust me on this. I do not wish to harm you. There are forces beyond our control, beyond our knowledge. It's dangerous, the unknown."

"If you're doing this to protect me then rest assured that I am completely capable of protecting myself. I have no need for your security."

He could see that glimmer in her eyes despite her words. The curiosity more than fear. She ached to know what he spoke of. But now was not the time or place. She needed to earn his trust, and after seeing her flee the castle for a late night rendezvous the previous night, he couldn't trust her until they were bound to each other.

"Oh, I am aware that you are capable of handling yourself, Lady Caroline. I never meant to suggest otherwise. You are more proficient than many of the knights in the kingdom." She was taken by surprise, not expecting the mannerly tone of his words. The king was never known to be civil but she seemed to be learning him better by the hour.

"Then what is it that you wish to achieve?" she asked, curiosity overpowering her stubborn pride.

"There are things that happened around the time you father was taken. Things I can't divulge at the moment. The kingdom needs to see a truce between the families. Something more than words. They need to see it." She stood rapt in attention. "More than them, it's the ones who were involved in the treacherous act who need to believe that we've moved past that."

She thought for a moment and he gave her time.

"Will it not go against your very nature? A truce is not something people expect of you." She asked.

"No, they do not." He said slowly, contemplating whether to tread further. "There are only few in my circle who know of the true reason. The rest will believe that my family is never done with revenge, that the tyrant King ruthlessly took what he wanted. Your reputation will be in tatters for a while and for that I apologize in advance."

Her eyes flittered around the room, her body slack against her binds. He took the moment to release her from her restraints knowing that she wouldn't run.

"What will I gain out of this?" she asked in almost a whisper.

"You'll get what you came for." He answered, dignified and so sure of his promises. "You'll get the truth and the peace that comes with it."

She walked to the edge of the room, towards the large opening with the sea below. Her hand massaging her wrist absentmindedly as she contemplated the decision that would change the course of her life.

She turned to face him after what seemed like eons, and what she saw made all the questions in her mind fade away. Stood before was an ordinary man, not the tyrant King. He wore no crown and her tunic didn't boast of bloodshed. He looked tired and worn, worried and wise beyond his years. There was no need for more questions. This man in front of her was honest and for reasons unknown to her, she trusted ever word he spoke.

She simply nodded. That was all that was needed in that moment. He understood.

"Very well, then. Please, pretend like nothing has change. We don't want people to doubt us. And don't trust anyone, Lady Caroline." He said as he moved swiftly about the room, rearranging to make it seem like a struggle. "Not even your friends in the forests."

She gasped, knowing fully well what he was referring to.

"How did you…?" she began, her face paling in fear.

"The forests have eyes and ears, my Lady. Never forget that." He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes.

What did you think? Leave me a review. I'd really appreciate it!

I lost track of where I wanted the story to go so I'm reformulating it in my head as I go.

Come chat with me on tumblr if you have any suggestions. My username is colourful-dystopia

Thanks for reading!

