
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters here that belong to Naruto that I put into this story except for my own OCs. Neither do I own any of the character in any of the crossovers I do. I'm just using them in this fanfiction and I have no money so don't bother suing me. You'll just lose money instead of gaining any. And remember to leave a review!


Years Wasted –

In a underground floor of the Hokage tower, Minato and Kushina were being lead to a prison cell that held their son. They had suddenly awaken near the village, having been brought back to life by a powerful jutsu. The one who brought them back to life was none other than Butcher. He didn't explained why he had brought them back to life just that it be more entertaining for them to find out why for themselves before leaving.

"We're the only ones who can use chakra now?" Kushina ask Tsuande who is the new Hokage and looked her aged now that she no longer has chakra to make herself look young anymore.

"The only ones who can use chakra now are the ones who weren't in the areas where the energy wave hit. The ones who can still use chakra are far and few between. Out of the Leaf besides you two, only 3 teams worth are able to use chakra now, everyone else are now powerless. And you can see it's hitting everyone hard," Tsuande answers.

"All the clans are now powerless and even their blood limits gone," Minato said having seen one of his old friends now without his white eyes.

"When the energy wave struck it was during the ninja exam that we were hosting and almost all the Leaf ninjas were in the village at the time. That was 4 years ago and we had to adjust ourselves to relearn the ninja way without using any chakra. The clans who had relied on their blood limits have been hit the hardest, the Aburame clan for example are all gone. As they had used their bodies to host a colony of bugs, without any chakra to feed on, the bugs turn on the Aburame clan. There aren't any of them left, I just couldn't help any of them. All the medical skills, I had learned are now useless as almost all of them needs me to use chakra to use them. I have been forced to relearned the skills that, I haven't used in years," Tsuande admitted her uselessness in the medical field. (1)

What about the other villages?" Kushina ask.

"Some of them have a larger number of ninjas who can still use chakra and caused a power shift in power. The Leaf is no longer the strongest as we lack the number of chakra users that the other villages have. With you two back in the world of the living the power base of the village is now better then it was. And that you two can help deal with your son. We found him living in a small village and brought him back to the village so he can become a ninja. But he has refused to become one," Tsuande explains.

"Why was he living outside the village? And shouldn't he be a ninja now? How long has it been?" Minato ask as they walk into the room containing the cell that held Naruto.

"It's been near 30 years since you two died," Tsuande answered.

Minato and Kushina look into the cell that held their fully grown son. He was nothing like they imaged him to be. Naruto look like his father but fatter much fatter, Naruto has a pot belly and a built that showed that he hasn't been keeping in shape for a very long time. His hair is a mess and hasn't shaved for weeks, he's just a slob.

"Who is it this time old hag? Some more people who knew my parents to try to talk me into becoming a ninja? I thought, I made it clear when you had me kidnapped and lock me up. I will never be a ninja," Naruto said.

"Naruto?" both his parents ask not believing what their son has become.

"Naruto these are your parents," Tsuande answers.

"You think, I'm dumb? Those two are around my age," Naruto snorted.

"We were brought back to life by a jutsu. We're the age when we died. Naruto what happen to you?" Kushina ask seeing the blob of fat her son is now.

"So that's it. Well you see, I been working as a cook for an inn for the last 10 years and help myself to the leftovers for all that time. So you can see, I just got fat as, I didn't do much working out to keep fit, as there's no point really," Naruto said.

"You're suppose to be a ninja," Minato said.

"I was banished from the village after failing the exams to become a ninja. I spent years just drifting around till, I got a job at the inn where, I stayed for the last 10 years give or take," Naruto explains.

"But Jiraya and Tsuande are your godparents. They would have taught you the ninja arts from a young age. You should be a ninja not…, this," Kushina said seeing years of potential wasted. Even if Naruto tried to train to be a ninja now, with the shape and health of his body… it's all but impossible for him to be anywhere close to her level with the little time left to train him before his age just prevents that kind of training. (2)

"What happen you let being the hero of the village go to your head? You let yourself waste years of training? You let both me and your mother down like this!" Minato snaps angered that his son turned out like this.

"First of all Minato, I'm not your son as you and your woman only ever saw me as a tool to be used by this village. Both of my godparents, I only found about a year ago after, I was drag back to this sinking village. I was always held back as the clans of this village feared that the Hokage would groom me into a weapon under his control, so they threaten him with civil war if, I wasn't stunted in my ninja training when, I actually cared about it. I discovered about it after, I was banished as, I ran into Butcher a few years ago and told me everything," Naruto explains to the shock of his parents.

"Tsuande why didn't you and Jiraiya take care of Naruto? You two wanted to be his godparents? Why didn't you two took him in?" Kushina ask turning to Tsuande who couldn't meet her in the eye.

"Both of us just couldn't take him in," Tsuande said.

"That's because they only cared about themselves. They simply didn't wanted to be task in raising a child," Naruto spoke up. "I heard all this bullshit before, when they tried to talk me into becoming a ninja."

"Naruto there is still time," Kushina said not wanting to see her son waste his life like this.

"So, I'm just suppose to just get over everything that this village has done to me. This isn't a story where plot protection and rule of cool happens! How can, I be trained as a ninja when, I'm this fat and this old? Besides why should, I trust anyone in this village. After all the only ones who can use chakra anymore are small in number and while, I can still use it, I was never trained to do so. They're just want to use me as a stud to see if any child of mine would be able to use chakra," Naruto said. "They only want me to be a ninja to get me into shape as the healthier, I am the better chances that any child of mine be in good health."

"Naruto let me and your mother train you. Get you into shape then train you in the art of the ninja," Minato said.

"We have no right to but we want to make things up to you," Kushina said.

"How are you going to do that with so many years wasted already?" Naruto ask the armor piercing question.


Author's Notes -

1 – Without any chakra many of the ninja ways and clan arts are now useless, as a car without any oil. The Aburame clan could only operate with bugs living in them as long as they could use chakra. Tsuande while being trained as a doctor, she still used chakra to do most of the work and without it she's not as useful as she once was. The doctors who learned to heal without using chakra are more useful as they have the skills that Tsuande doesn't. Like someone who always used the state of the art equipment, suddenly finding themselves stuck with old equipment that they're just not use to using. No one would ever trust their life under the knife with that kind of a healer.

2 - Only in fiction can someone who has never combat trained be able to suddenly become a all powerful fighter, as Naruto is now entering his middle age years. Naruto thanks to the ninja schools and clans making sure he never had the kind of training that their clan members had. Has left Naruto an overweight man who worked as a cook who suddenly finds himself dragged back to the village that made his life hell. The only way he'll be able to get his body into shape and learn to fight as a ninja and control his chakra is if he has the will to do so. Like someone who became bed ridden for years and has to relearned to walk and build up their body.

But since Naruto hates the village he just doesn't have the will to do it. So no complaining about how Naruto should be able to get back into shape in no time. He just doesn't want to do it.

This is a story about what has too really happen to help someone heal from the mental scars that a horrible childhood really has on a person. This is a fic where a fullay grown adult with lots of issues suddenly is being forced to be something he doesn't want. And two parents who suddenly wake up to find their baby boy now a bitter man who isn't anything like how they thought he would be like, and it's all their fault for putting their trust in people who only let them down.

I have brought everyone but for a some handful down to normal with no chakra at all. The only ones who aren't effected by the energy wave were the ones lucky enough not to be in the area where the energy hit and those who had demons in them. And in Kushina and Minato's case been dead and brought back to life.

This won't be anything like an anime or manga where Naruto will just forgive everyone and get over what has happen to him. Suddenly becoming the ninja that everyone always writes him as. No, someone can't just "get over" long-term childhood bullying and it will often leave big emotional scars, but they can still work against it and it doesn't have to rule their life. No, a training montage won't suddenly make someone an expert at what they failed before and they will only improve slightly, but it's still an improvement and still something to be proud of.

Since no one else is writing fics like this that deconstructs the ninja world as the Eve series did for giant robots. I just have to do it myself. If anyone does know some, I would like to read them.
