Henry: Hi everyone, welcome to Riddle me this. This is my first time at attempting a Harry Potter FanFiction so I you enjoy it.

Jamie: Yeah, like they've come here to hear about you. I'm the star of the show!

Henry: Without me you wouldn't even be here!

Jamie: *singing to "Oh Christmas tree"* Oh Henry, Oh Henry, without me you would be lonely.

Henry: Shut up! *rolls eyes.* Anyway-

Jamie: Henry does not own Harry potter, neither does he wish to. To much work.

Henry: YOU STOLE MY LINE! *tackle.*

Chapter 1

The sun was high in a winter sky that day. Already everything was not as it should be, the grey clouds circled around the sun as though they were the eye of a storm. The light only touched down one person.

One boy to be exact.

A boy pressed my back against a fountain as its gentle melody of rhythmic water began to fill his ears and a small smile crept to his blood coloured lips, as his eyes slowly began to close. The cold stone was the perfect antidote to the blaring sunlight which encased his skin. "What was the point of bringing a bunch of orphans to the museum anyway?" he muttered as his hand reached out and stroked through the water.

As his pale eyelids slowly fluttered back open, the beauty of his emerald gaze was almost too much for any person to handle. They truly were like jewels that belonged in a crown. His ink black hair fell forward in spikes that reached out from his forehead. Although he strangely had lighter toned and slightly pale eyelids, his skin was softly tanned from the amount of time he spent sat under the sun… though it would be more so if he didn't spend a lot of his time in the shade of dark shadows.

From the main group with had gathered around the steps of the London museum, a single boy broke away from the group to go and lean against the fountain and stare at the elegant boy. "Jamie? Are you okay? Normally you're the life and soul of these outings."

"Maybe I'm just not in the mood today." The boy known as Jamie frowned to his friend who towered over him.

True, he thought. But why would I care just to listen to a man who thinks he knows everything but for his part is on the majority in the wrong. "Just leave it alone Parker. I'm fine." the boy's false smile was easily able to cloud the boy who turned back, obviously fooled by his words. Idiot. Jamie thought bitterly. He couldn't wait for this day to end.

Did he hate his parents?


He loathed them; if he ever got a chance to meet them… there was no doubt what he probably would do. But he didn't get to have that chance. Some guy got the chance to do it apparently before he did.

What would happen if he met the man who killed both his parents?

Jamie would hug him and say that the man did a great job.

He trudged up the steps of the museum past the other kids who whispered to each other as he passed. "Take a picture, it lasts longer." He mumbled as he felt a few of the other kids blush at the sight of him. That was one of his natural talents. He could part a crowd like the red sea. "A few of them actually would love that." a small Latino boy with tanned skin and caramel eyes began walking next to him.

"Would you be one of them Russell?" Jamie grinned as he watched a light blush spray along the boy's cheeks.

"Shut up!" Russell shoved him lightly. "You think you're god's gift to women. Plus you forget, I actually like women!"

"I think we both know; that's not the case and I'm not just on about me." Jamie fixed a gaze on the Latino and began laughing as Parker came back over to both of them.

"Nice to see some laughter out of you." Parker nodded in Jamie's direction and the boy just gave back a cheeky grin. Jamie didn't notice how Russell glared to himself at the attention Jamie seemed to be giving the taller more muscular boy. "Why are there snakes on the ceilings and walls?" Parker wondered out loud and Jamie shook his head in exasperation as he looked at the marble serpents which were expertly carved into the marble. "You always need a reason about everything."

"And that's why you love me." Parker grinned though Jamie would deny it. The boy really was handsome.

Jamie's eyes hungrily tore up more details of Russell and Parker as he thought about their little entourage. Parker was the tallest of the group with broad shoulders and a carved six pack from the sheer amount of time that he always spent exercising. He wore skinny jeans, brand new trainers and a black shirt with matching leather jacket. Unlike himself and the 'closet case' Russell. Parker seemed to enjoy the best of both worlds, not only did he have most of the girl orphans swooning in his direction but pretty much some of the guys as well. Jamie had started to take to call him Aphrodite. Because when ever that boy seemed to spend time with you, you just seemed to fall under a love spell with him.

Russell was the cute one of the group. He was half a head smaller than Jamie. The mouth watering Latino had small cute adorned features. His eyes were so beautiful that he seemed almost like a Siren. On more than one occasion, Jamie and he had snuck away in the orphanage for a quick make out session. The smaller boy was wearing a white button shirt with a red bow tie and trousers with braces. That boy watches too much Doctor Who. Jamie thought.

That brought them full circle to Jamie. Jamie was the natural out of them. He was slim and lean with slight muscles from spending so much time running track and field… or running away from foster parents who had 'accidents' after they had beaten him... on that particular day, he was wearing tight skinny black jeans and matching boots while wearing a tight green shirt which read; Keep calm and don't make me angry.

The shadows turned over the building as the sunlight began to hide behind the cloud cover. It was as though for a second, just the boy's bare gaze had changed the sun to darkness. "Jamie?" Russell said softly and rested a hand on the lower of the boys back. "Hey, Jamie?" the boy began to grin. He must have fallen into one of his 'day dreams' again. Russell thought with an anticipating grin. "Last chance Jamie; get your head out of the clouds." The boy edged closer and Parker's eyes lit with silent flames as he watched Russell get Jamie out of his thoughts the only way that seemed to work. "I gave you a chance." Russell whispered as softly as he could and let his lips slowly curve around the others.

He stood slowly and half on his tiptoes so he could stand equal to the boy who now had his eyes closed as both laid into the kiss. Jamie's arms were locked around his waist and Russell's slowly tied around his shoulders. Beat that Parker. Russell thought.

But he was knocked out of his thoughts quite quickly.

When he felt a hand slap sharply across his face he knew that Jamie had come out of his thoughts. "You slapped me!?" he screeched through closed teeth as he held a cheek which was becoming increasingly a brighter shade of red, though whether from embarrassment, blushing or from the slap, he wasn't sure.

"You kissed me!" Jamie frowned.

"You were in a daydream again!"

Jamie just shook his head, "I really hope that isn't how you get your kicks" he narrowed his eyes and laughed nervously until he saw a boy approaching him who began clicking his knuckles. "Oh you have got to be kidding me. I cannot be bothered with this today." Jamie snarled and felt all pretence of a good mood slip and drown from his clutches...

The boy was bigger than even Parker. He had a close buzz cut hairstyle. His eyes were dark and he was the typical bulky bullies you would see out of most cartoons. "I'm really in no mood for this." Jamie muttered as he lent against the wall.

"HEY!" his gruff voice reached them as he cornered on Russell. "I saw what you was doing there freak. I don't want to see that."

Jamie's arm outstretched as he stood in front of the smaller boy with a light tone plastered into his voice and a smile frozen onto his face. "Why don't you leave him alone?" Jamie's light tone seemed to almost pass through the boy and for a second his eyes glazed over.

This was the moment Parker had been waiting for.

Without hesitation, he grabbed the smaller boy and made a run for it while Jamie stayed and kept the moron distracted. "Hey, where did-" the boy looked around for Parker and Russell who were now hiding around one of the corners, both had keen eyes locked on Jamie.

Jamie slowly moved his neck which made a slow and dry cracking noise. His emerald eyes began to bore into the taller boy who was getting more frustrated as he seemed he couldn't find his victim. "Now, are you going to leave? Or am I going to make you?" Everything about the boy changed in a few seconds. His once laughter filled eyes became as dark as a stormy sea. His body became tense and the shadows almost looked as though they were burning around him. "You really think you can take on us all?" The boy laughed as his friends stepped out from the various pillars.

His elbow found Jamie's neck as the boy pinned him back. "There's six of us and one of you."

"You're outnumbered." Jamie nodded thoughtfully.

"Speak, when I allow you to!" The boy's fist came smashing down on Jamie's face which smacked into the cold bricks. As he brought his fist back, Jamie noticed the blood that lay on his knuckles.

"Oh god!" Russell gasped as he watched the boy repeatedly pulverise Jamie's face. "I'll kill them!" he snarled as he went to surge forward but soon felt Parkers hand clamp down around his fist.

"Jamie's doing this so that you won't get beaten up. Why make what he's going through worth nothing!?"

"Stop." Both heard Jamie's weak voice growl out.

"Make me. Fight back!" the taller boy laughed and Parker began to feel Russell begin to shake with rage.

Make it stop! Make it stop! MAKE IT STOP! Jamie's thoughts screamed as he saw the ever lasting numbers of last foster parents who had beaten him like this. "Come on!" he felt the boys other hand wrap around his throat and lift him off the ground. "FIGHT BACK!" he almost screamed but then became still as blood drizzled over Jamie's eyes which shot open at him with a burning glare.

His rage was like a pent up damn with a tsunami behind it.

It was only when the other boys started screaming did he actually begin to realise why they were running.

A soft hissing began to sound around him as he watched the walls begin to shift… no they weren't shifting… the snakes in them, were moving! Each snake opened a mouth to show sharp marble fangs which were ready for each of the bullies which had pinned Jamie against the wall. "What the hell is-?"

Each boy became still and frozen except for Jamie, Russell and Parker. Both boys ran out from their corner to try and reach the boy who had fallen to the floor which was stained with his blood. "JAMIE!" both shouted but came skidding to a halt as the snakes now turned and hissed at them.

"Hey." Both boys watched as a tall muscled man with a lengthy black beard began walking towards Jamie. "Hey, are you-?" all three of the on watchers became filled with fear as cold eyes shot open and looked at them. In synch at the very second Jamie had looked up, the snakes had moved with him. "I didn't think I would have this much trouble getting you three." His eyes lingered on Jamie.

To Russell it looked as though a dark recognition was passing through this mans eyes. "How are you alive?" he growled and as his hand went to the boys throat Russell and Parker stormed over and stood in the way of the man. "You want to hurt Jamie, you go through us!"

"Jamie?" the man's eyes rested back on the unconscious boy. "Not Tom?"

"Of course not! Who the bleeding hell is Tom?!" Parker barked.

"No one important. My name is Hagrid, you three better be coming with me, and no questions. I've just finished with three kids that didn't stop with questions and got themselves in all kinds of trouble. But first, let's get rid of these pesky snakes."

"Leave them alone."

All three of them looked at Jamie who was moving weakly as he attempted to try and climb to his feet. "Don't. Touch. Them." His hand reached out and petted one as though he was listening to it. "Jamie… maybe it's not the best idea to be touching the snakes which shouldn't even be alive-"

"Shut up." He growled. But then came the scariest thing that Parker and Russell had ever seen, even scarier than looking at the living, marble snakes.

Jamie began speaking in a hissing cold voice.

Just like a snake.

Jamie was with all his concentration holding onto his consciousness. The snakes, they were… whispering to him. Their faint voices were all one mess running around his mind. Protect him.

Save him!

Help him! Each single snake that curled around him was screaming frantically. It even went to the point that one raised its head and curled around him as it lifted him to his feet. "Return to your walls. Please. Don't give him an excuse to hurt you." Jamie's hand caressed the hard scales before he watched each and single one of them hiss at the others and sink back into the walls.

The look that man had given him. Who was Tom? Why was this man looking at him as though he was the devil?

Hagrid didn't know exactly what to say. This boy… it couldn't be the same boy who had gone to school with him. He had watched as Harry had killed him! It was impossible. "You should open these." He held out three letters to the boys and each took one with apprehension but an outweighed curiosity. "Now. Like I said." He pulled out a pocket watch and observed the time with a deep growl. "Late, late, late." he scolded himself. "No questions."

"Where are we going? And what kind of Joke is this!" Russell barked as Parker picked Jamie up bridal style and carried him.

"What did I just say about no questions?" Hagrid sighed, "Okay, I'm taking you to a school. A school where you are going to learn stuff which will changed your entire future." He grinned as he watched their eyes widen as the truth settled into them. "You're coming to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry."

Jamie: Did you really have to leave it like that?

Henry: Yes I did.

Jamie: I want to know what happens with Russel and Parker! How do they know they're wizards!

Henry: Well you will just have to hope that people review and like this story.

Jamie: Come on people! Please review. *Large cute puppy eyes.* Please.

Henry: you of all people cannot pull off the whole cute look- woah... Jamie put the snake down! JAMIE! *runs away screaming.*