I want to thank my friend Sulya again. Please everyone, go check out his amazing stories! He's such a epic writer! Hope you like this chapter. I'm going to start posting a warnings since the in the next couple of chapters I will be moving the ratings up to M. Warning: story contains BoyxBoy, swearing, violence and mentions of abuse.

-Jamie's POV-

The world seemed to take a sickening twist for me as everything churned. Like everything around me had become manipulative putty and clay. It warped and twisted so fast that I seemed to be losing my will to focus and stay awake any longer. H-He can Disipate?! My thoughts exclaimed in awe as I held onto the only now solid thing that remained here; Russell.

How cheesy did that sound! My boyfriend was the now only solid thing remaining as we blurred and rocketed through the entire castle. Clasping and trying to hold onto each other. "MAKE THIS END!" I screamed out, but it only came as some warbled chant which the other boy dared not to notice in his focusing state. "RUSSELL!" I bellowed.

I was only happy when the world took a strong and solid form once more under my feet, but the strange and horrible journey had left me weak at the knees and had sent me sprawled onto the ground till I was nothing less than disorientated out of my mind, on my hands and knees, with Russell up above of me with a cheeky smile which was morphing quickly as he recognised my conscious returning.

No. I wasn't going to allow him to win this one. This was more than just about a fucking duel.

This was a battle of wills.

And I was not going to lose.

I curled his fingers around my wand, slowly raising it's point subtly, I changed my body language to liked like I had gave up.

To the boy up above me, I guessed he could sense what I had wanted him to. He just eased back slightly. I had to wait further... I had to wait for the right moment to deliver a blow. After all, it wasn't going to happen just so fast.

But my plan went out the window as soon as I saw that he was just grinning from ear to ear. "Oh sorry, did you get a bit air sick-"

His statement died in his throat.

He quickly raised his wand up, barely able to create a ward in time as the spell was a hairs width away from grazing over his skin. "We do this old style." Russell growled as he twirling his wand over his fingers. I could see and almost feel the way that his heart was beating rapidly and out of complete control... after all, it was just a resemblance of my own.

I nodded and pulled myself to my feet, ignoring the gesture of him holding out his hand.

"Al'right. Let's do this."

We bowed to each other.

"Three." He whispered.
"Two." I smirked.
"One." We both grinned.

Then all hell broke lose as relentless blitzing shots were shot out of our wands, aiming for the other, trying with every ounce of will and expertise to knock either the wand or other person onto the floor.

I ducked as one rogue shot came over my head.

I had to do more than just aim my wand and focus my will into a spell! Think! Russell!

Russell used main attack spells. He had little capability at defending himself but because of this, gave his opponent no opportunity to seize a chance to do that!

As demonstrated right now as I ducked behind a tree trunk which sounded as though it was about to rip itself apart and into shards of twigs and splinters. "Jamie, just come out now. End this before-"

I dived out and held the point of my and skyward. "Protego!" I bellowed and let the turquoise light of my ward become focused in front of me as I held onto my wand for dear life. Pouring each and every ounce of will and being through my shield which was taking one of the toughest beatings I had faced in a battle. Damn it... he's good. I thought.

There was only one way to end this without actually giving into Russell winning.

So I did what I do best.

I ran. Oh god I ran. I ran so far and so fast that I felt my heart almost collapsing with effort. I couldn't run any harder. paths, trees, clearings. After a while they all blurred into one ridiculous and long trip that I couldn't stop even if I wanted to. I had to keep going. If I stopped I would break.

The world around me just seemed lifeless. It had no relevant meaning to me. What real meaning could it actually have any more? It was stupid. I was tired of having no set path. I was tired of painful aching of just living. My chest always hurt for something as though it wasn't there. I couldn't take it any more. By god I had tried to find something in this world that made me live and made me feel like there was an actual point. I drowned myself into my imagination to try and figure out if there was anything worthwhile. But the dark truth was. There wasn't. I could distract myself for a while. Pretend and put on a few smiles. But no one could ever see past it. No one could ever see me screaming behind the mask. They couldn't see me roar in agony of the prison which my mind was. I needed to escape! Why couldn't I just manage to break away! Why couldn't I just turn it all off! Take that one step!

End it...

But I was to cowardly to do that. I couldn't take that final step... If Percy hadn't been there, I wouldn't have been able to take it anyway. I was to cowardly even for the cowards way out. I was too wimpy to escape the cell so all I could do was sit back and take the long journey through it. Every day feeling how nearer I wanted to bring that knife to myself. To take that cold step into the water beneath me. To stop that feeling of lose and agony which never let up.

To stop the shame and hatred I felt for myself as people criticised me through keen smiles.

I hate them. They don't understand.

But we all have limits... and by the time I ran into someone and collapsed on the floor.

I had already reached mine.

"JAMIE!" Russell bellowed as he chased after me.

Just a bit further!

I was coming closer and closer to a creek. "JAMIE YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW THIS THROUGH! YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO DO THIS IN THE GAMES-"
"Now." I whispered.

I smirked and turned around as the water rose out of it's bed and rushed around me. It's cold temperature was like a thousand knives stabbing me all over, but was so worth it.

Even Russell froze in place as I floated up higher into the growing shell off the water. Deep satisfaction exploded through my chest as I watched the water resemble my body and shape. Glacius. I weakly managed in my thoughts and was happy to watch ice expand on the outside layer of water. It's fingertips becoming frozen talons of frostbite and subzero ice. Air collected over the surface of exposed water and travelled down to the centre where I took in each one very gratefully.


I pulled back my giant water fist.


Ice finger tips aimed at the ground around Russell.


The icicles landed in a circle array, imprisoning him as I slid out of the water shell and aimed my wand with great exhaustion. "Expell-"

My vision blurred as I blinked.


I caught my breath as my body locked up with over use of my own personal magic reservoirs.

My vision blurred out and I collapsed onto the floor before passing out.

Though not before the ice around Russell melted and he grabbed his wand, managing to disarm me.

He had won...

How was I supposed to know that what I was to see in my dreams, would make me wish that I could go back into that water and drown.

-A couple of hours later. Third Person-

Jamie didn't know what to think at first as his eyes opened with great difficulty. The impish face of his cute Latino stared down at him softly, a smile gently playing on the other boy's lips as he leaned down and pressed their lips over each other's delicately. Sure, he and Jamie had kisses where there were deep and lustful which led to some of our more amazing nights, but right here and now, this felt perfect-

Jamie turned over on his side and brought up the contents of his stomach onto the ground next to them.

"I kiss that badly huh?" Russell chuckled as he ran a hand through the thick locks of his boyfriend's hair carefully and brushed his cheek. "For a guy who moves the way you do on a broom. I'm surprised that you can't handle a little bit of dissipation."
"Go. Fuck. Yourself." Jamie panted as his boyfriend pulled a large shell out of the nearby lake and poured some water into Jamie's mouth gently... The raven haired boy found it strange at the prospect of him doing this. But did enjoy the fact that he did it none the less.
"Most normal couples argue by shouting at each other." Russell teased. "We on the other hand, have a duel."
"I will curse your arse back to the castle if you ever bring up that fact again." Jamie muttered and laid back against him comfortably. His body was so warm... just like a miniature sun. It matched his heart. A heart that Jamie certainly was jealous of. Russell was such a truly good soul. Only ever normally trying to look on the good side of everyone, no matter who they were.

So what if he had been pissed off about what Jamie did. The raven haired boy couldn't blame him. After all, with all the shit Russell had to deal with, it was absolutely no wonder that finally he had needed to blow off some much over needed steam. "Look." Jamie watched the way Russell's gaze locked onto him with complete stability and care. "I know you're pissed off that I put my name into the goblet... but I just had something to prove. Parker has gone around shouting his mouth off for the last time... He's done something Russell." Jamie frowned and Russell watched something dark pass through his boyfriend's eyes. Something so dark that even Jamie seemed to, (of all people), consider whether or not the possibility was real.

This made Russell truly worried.

Jamie had studied defence against the dark arts now, from the moment that he had started his first class and told that a dark slytherin like him would amount to nothing. Jamie had set himself a goal that he would prove a way to master and destroy the strongest dark arts of magic which still existed today. "Jamie, what ever it is... you can tell me you know?" Russell just pulled his arm tighter around the smaller boy.
"T-They can't allow Parker to fight in the goblet games."
"Why?" Russell moved a rogue lock of hair out of his boyfriend's face and gently ran his fingers across the cool and pale skin.
"Because if Parker goes into the competition..."

Jamie once again paused. His eyes swarmed and haunted by the images which had come from his dreams.

Russell's unease was growing with every twitching second.

Eventually he just leaned down placing one last kiss onto the boy's lips before lifting him up into his arms. "What ever it is, I'm sure that you will fix it, no matter what. If there is anyone who knows how to destroy the entire dark arts. That would be you." He smiled and held his boyfriend even closer as they began the long walk back to the castle.

-A couple of days later at six P.M-

But Russell should have known just how truly wrong he was.

Even when he was back in the castle and they had taken their seats once again in the great hall. Jamie hadn't changed, he still stayed nothing less than a vocal mute. He wouldn't speak to anyone, except for when he was confronted by a teacher to answer a question, or whether Scorpio, (that little arse kisser) as Russell had grown to think of him over the last couple of days, as the blonde Malfoy had been attached to Jamie by the hip!

But on the final evening where names were going to be claimed from the goblet, Russell found Jamie sat in the grand hall, pushed up against the wall with his head on his knees, staring at the goblet with puffy, red stained eyes which still had fresh tear marks wrapped around them and were dripping onto his cheek. He wore his uniform shirt, tie and jumper as always but with his leather jeans, had matching jacket over the top.

Russell had finally had enough. His boyfriend hadn't spoken to him since he had woken up from their duel and now spent his time speaking to Scorpio! (Their year's biggest bitch!) more than anyone else! Honestly though. What could Jamie see in that boy! Russell had spent only one day around him before he had decided that he could stand absolutely no more of the boy's very presence around him.

But as soon as the blond boy looked up at him, from being sat next to Jamie, Russell just pulled out his wand after watching the Malfoy grip his own threateningly. "Listen Griffindor, this is none of your fucking-"

Russell didn't even give him the acknowledgement of a look as he swiped his wand through the air and curved his Stupefy blast so that it would send the slytherin, skidding across the floor and out of the hall. He would so end up getting into trouble for that later... but who gave a crap about that any more. "Jamie." He whispered softly and came to his knees in front of the boy.

Even being in path opposite of the goblet, he knew that Jamie was just looking through him, he was still staring at that ancient goblet... out of fear? Out of horror? Russell couldn't decide. But either way, it didn't matter. "It's okay." He reached out his warm coloured hand and placed it on the boy's pale cheek. "Jamie please tell me. I'm here for you."
"Parker is going to be in the games."
"Okay." Russell nodded giving a soft smile. He couldn't help the gesture that finally, Jamie was speaking again. That beautiful velvet voice was whispering sweet words again. "Well maybe that won't be a bad thing, maybe a humiliation in the games is going to be what he needed to get his act into gear-"
"All those who go into the games with him are going to be murdered and left to die in a field of their own blood out there."

A dark pause grew between them in which broken whimpers began to escape out of Jamie once again.

Russell just didn't know what to do. Was what Jamie was saying true? Sure, it sounded highly impossible... but Russell had learnt first hand never to question his boyfriend's dreams. They often did hold some message or meaning. "Jamie it's okay... maybe we can go and warn the teachers-"
"They laughed in my face." He put his head down on his knees. "They said that the chance of me being a dream seer was a hundred to one! The only person who listened and believed me was Scorpio. He's been growing scared of his brother too. Ever since we saw him... Ever since we saw him."
"Saw him do what?" Russell brushed away a rogue tear and Jamie's eyes broke out of misery as for the first time he made eye contact.
"There's a reason he figured out how to use that curse." Jamie's voice trembled loudly. "I figured it out when I saw him sneaking out of the forbidden section... after he dived through the history section then stole one of the forbidden books. I had seen it in a dream at first... but I just didn't believe it myself. I couldn't... It wasn't possible, but then it made more sense! He really did it!"
"Did what Jamie-"

But both boys fell into silence as the tables began to push themselves back into place with their benches. Student's began pouring in as fast as they could, filling every possible seat, but Russell shook his head and pulled his boyfriend with him to the back of the room to take the seats which no other student ever like to take for the fact, that was where Russell usually sat by himself.

It was only when every one, including the visitors had settled into their seats that the headmistress took her stance at the front of the room. "Once again, welcome students! Welcome to this executive event, welcome to our esteemed visitors and may I say just how much I enjoy their amazing culture diversity. I hope you students have too."
"What culture diversity!" Russell heard Scorpio whisper from a nearby bench. "They just spend all their fucking free time, around each other! They don't mingle with other students!"
"But finally the time has come." She slowly took her step forward and placed her hand against the goblet. Gently caressing the cold and ancient goblet.

Russell tried not to pay too much attention as he kept Jamie enclosed in his arms, trying to comfort the boy as much as he possibly could.

But it was no use.

Jamie was already staring ahead like a dead man.

All watched as the flames in the goblet bubbled green for a moment before firing a burning object high into the air.

The headmistress caught it delicately in her hand and stared as a green, bubbling ooze moved across the apple in the shape of a skull before revealing a name engraved into it. "The champions from the travelling fairytale academy are... Paris Crudele and London Sollace!"

Two girls stood up confidently among the crowd and raised their clasped hands above the others. Bellowing for cheers and bathing in the applause of their own school.

Russell noted both of them out the corner of his eye as they moved forward confidently.

One of them Just like everyone else there mostly (who had pushed their way to the front) was sixteen. She was dressed in a sapphire blue dress and simple heels with a black jacket. Her coco skin was complimented by her hazel eyes and brown hair. She pulled her black jacket closer around her as she searched for someone in the crowd. The name Paris was stitched down the right arm of her jacket.

Which meant that the other girl must have been London; This girl marched confidently on. The only similarity in features that the two shared seemed to be the brown hair. Unlike with Paris' who's hair fell down in twirled curls. This girl's hair fell in straight lines. Her rouge lips were slightly hypnotic as she was wearing very similiar attire to the girl; a tight jacket on a pitch black dress and tights with knife like boot heels.

Both gave a confident smirk and raised their gripped hands one last time before disappearing away where they would be explained about the conditions of which they had entered.

"From the Hecate academy of light and dark magic." The head mistress continued as a fan was launched into the air and landed in her grip. As she spread it out, Russell noticed the strange material is was made on. One side was completely black with crimson dripping text, while the other was a pearl white with a perfectly hand scripted black ink. "Percy Crudele and Eliot Lotus."

There was a shift of whisper and explosion of applause as the two boys rose.

Unlike with the previous two, there seemed to be no sense of comfortability with each other, but only discomfort and complete opposites of natures.

The first guy slowly rose was comfortable in black leather jeans which were as tight on his enticing frame as possible. The sides of which were bound together with silken black lace which revealed the pale and hypnotic skin beneath. The boy's eyes were a startling emerald and his hair was blacker than a storm of shadows. His shirt was a low neck Italian velvet shirt which showed just the rest of his alluring body. People all screamed out his name of Percy as he strode past them, not even looking to shift his dark fringe out of his eyes as he walked straight past without his partner and followed the staircase down beneath.

While the other boy was a timid and shy moving figure. He wore a cream coloured jumper with a white shirt beneath. He wore some ordinary black school uniform trousers and tried to dodge those who reached out to applaud him for his bravery. He gave a weak smile though looked completely overwhelmed by all and any attention which was being gave to him. "T-Thank you." He whimpered.

Russell however just watched as Jamie cried silently. Tears streaming down his face as he watched the people walking away, to what he knew, was their oncoming deaths.

What had Jamie seen? What had he figured out Parker was making!

"From the Hogwarts School! Our first champion is... PARKER MALFOY!"

People screamed out and cheered for Parker's strength as the boy rose from his seat with a dark and cold grin. His startling eyes were dangerous to say the least. He looked as though he was ready to get straight into the first task. Complete in his school uniform he stood at his table and waited among the cheers for who would be his partner.
"Russell... I have to tell you." Jamie whispered as he finally turned.
"I have to tell you now before it's too late." He urged as he finally had snapped some sense into himself.
"Jamie, you can tell me anything." Russell quickly took the boy's hands. "You know that."
"Parker made a-"

Russell's hands went limp as he perfectly heard what the boy had said above the cheer as Jamie's name was called as the second hogwart's champion.

The boy rubbed his eyes and quickly ran through the crowd, past Parker and straight down the stairs after the others. "A bit eager wasn't he? The headmistress teased. However, let us remember, that these games unite us."
No. Russell shook his head.
"And will bring us together in ways we never thought before.
It just can't be. He hook his head.
"Good luck to all you champions." The headmistress gave one last smile before sweeping out of the room and heading back to her duties.

The students all rose from their seats, quickly chatting among themselves about the gossip of the champions.

But Russell sat frozen in his seat, he himself felt as though he was dying because now he understood two facts.

Jamie had been crying so much because he knew that he was going to be called into the games and he may... he may...

Russell shook his head.

But then came something that set his blood colder than even the thought of Jamie dying... what the boy had said to him before he had ran off...

Jamie had looked at him with those red, tired and broken eyes, burdened with the sight of having seen Parker in his dream. "Parker made a-"

Russell gulped as now even the dark word moved through his head.




