So this is my first ever fanfic. Please give me reviews I really need to know what I should improve on. I hope to finish this story within two weeks. It will be long at the least six chapters. Thank you and hope you enjoy. Again please give me reviews I except praise and criticism.

Ethan was at home lying flat on his bead snoring lightly. "Oh Ethan you pathetic child. You stupid boy. You're blind to the world around you and the people that love you. But that love has to end. He is mine and I will not allow him to love anyone but me. Goodbye Ethan and good riddance. Ethan woke with a start a horrible pain coursing through him. His vision blurred as a dark figure drained him of his blood. But Ethan was prepared. Grabbing his vampire light saber from under his bed he hit the creature in the head. It let out a piercing scream and jumped out the window. That was the last he heard before blacking out.

"Ethan wake up" benny yelled shaking him. Ethan opened his eyes groggily to see benny kneeling, his legs on either side of his waist shaking him. "Benny stop that I'm tired" Ethan moaned. We're going to be late for school if you don't hurry. The tall boy jumped off him and onto the chair in front of his best friend's computer. "Oh god school starts in ten minutes" Ethen screamed. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" "I've been shaking you for ten minutes the" tall boy said. "You were out like a light." Ethen grabbed a shirt and pants out of his closet striping down in front of his best friend too rushed to bother going into the bathroom. Benny stared at his best friend's chest as he pulled off his clothes, glancing away as he took off his pants.

Ethan grabbed his bag and rushed down the stairs and out the door, Benny right on his heels. "We aren't going to make it" the shot brunet moaned. "I had a test is worth almost as much as the final. I'm already getting a C if I miss it I could fail the class." Benny pulled out his spell book from his bag. "I might be able to transport us there" he said flipping through the old book. "Here it is" he said. "Am I going to have my eyebrows after this Ethen said skeptically?" "Of course benny laughed" with his signature smile. "Fine but if I end up with a third leg or turn into a toad or something you're in so much trouble" The spellmaster rose his hand and he recited "peregrinamur in terra creata sunt. ne animi hominum."

It felt like they were falling through ice. Hitting the ground with a thud the two boys landed in an empty bathroom near the school's gym. "Two minutes" Ethan said running through the school. He was shocked when it only took him one minute. He sat down and took the long boring test feeling an odd pain in his chest. It wasn't a bad pain. It was more uncomfortable like being too close to a fire.

Benny walked slowly to his class in no hurry to start the day's tedious lessons. He would just have to tough it out till lunch, then he could see Ethan and finally have something fun to do. Benny always liked Ethan. He was his best friend, but recently things had changed. He noticed that his eyes would wander over to his short friend when he wasn't paying attention or felt the urge to lay his head on the boy's shoulder and just sleep. It bothered him but he liked it. Pondering this he reached his class and spent the next few hours in his normal daydreaming routine.

…After school….

Throughout the entire day Ethan had felt more and more uncomfortable. He tried to think of a reason but kept coming to a blank. "E are you ok" Benny asked? "You seem out of it." "Yea yea I'm fine." "Okeydokey" benny laughed, "so what is the plan for today, watch star wars, play video games, argue about who is the best super hero." I thought we could over to your place, I kinda want to talk to your grandma, and batman is the best." Its super man and you know it. Why do you want to talk to Grandma?" "It's personal and leave it at that" "umm ok but can you please tell me what's wrong" The taller of the two whimpered worriedly. "Sorry let's just hurry muttered" E under his breath.

...At grandma's house…

Benny went upstairs to watch some TV while the other two supernatural beings talked downstairs. "What seems to be the problem" Grandma said a worried frown on her face. "I think something's wrong with me" Ethan stated quickly. "I've been feeling funny all day. It wasn't bad at first jut a little heartburn but now I feel horrible like I ate a fire." "Oh my" Evelyn said grabbing a small book from a nearby bookshelf. "Has anything happened at all she asked. "No, Benny transported us to school but I was feeling funny before then and really tired." "Can you remember what happened last night" She asked. "No" Ethan whispered shocked and afraid. "Don't worry I'm sure it's nothing but let me check. Lay down please" The seer lay on the dining room table as the old woman muttered a spell "Caro et os et cor et anima, dic locus" "Ethan sit up" she said "I'm so sorry."