Act Two

Inuyasha hardly slept that night. When the sun rose he quickly bathed in dressed, ready to greet the day. He entered the garden where his parents and brother were having breakfast. When Asuka saw him approaching she beamed.

"Your brother told me he dragged you home last night. I was worried you would have snuck out this morning before saying anything."

Inuyasha took a seat beside Sesshomaru across from his parents. "Good morning, Mother, Father," he nodded to each one of them.

Inutaisho narrowed his eyes at him. "And just where have you been?"

Inuyasha shrugged lightly. "Here and there." He began to pile food on his plate from the assortment laid out on the table in front of him.

"That's all you will say, after being gone for two days?!"

"Hush, he's back now," Asuka hissed before taking a sip of her tea. She set her cup down. "I was thinking you could escort me around town today Inuyasha. I have a few errands."

Inuyasha chewed slowly as he thought about it. He wanted to go see Miroku to discuss his plan for Kagome. That was important, but he knew he could not just say no to his mother. "Of course."

"Splendid, we will go after breakfast."

Inuyasha nodded and smiled at his mother. This would be fine. While he was out hopefully he would come up with some plan to winning over Kagome.


Kagome sat at the table with her hands placed delicately in her lap and a kind smile on her face. She had been sitting that way for the past ten minutes staring at the young man across from her with what looked like interest. Sango stood against the wall by the window that gave you ample view of the green fields that expanded to the gray wall that looked like a stone path bellow from the angle and height.

That morning Kagome had been surprised to be hearing that she would be having breakfast with Count Hojo at his estate. Apparently he had asked her mother last night and she said yes without hesitation… Or discussing it with Kagome. Not that Kagome would have protested. She knew how much this engagement to Hojo meant to both her parents. Even though her father would not admit it, she knew he wanted her to like him. Never wanting to displease anyone, especially her parents, Kagome agreed to go and even feigned excitement.

The odds were that she was going to marry Hojo. The only thing that could stop it was if he decided to marry another woman, or if my father found a better match, which I am sure he wouldn't. Hojo was a cousin to Prince Naraku. One of only three available bachelors right now that was in direct relation to the royal line right now. His marriage would mean so much to her family, so she could not mess this up. Not for anything.

A pair of honey gold eyes flashed through Kagome's mind, immediately making her feel warm.


She could still his warm, smooth hands on her face, holding her body so close to his, like he wanted to merge souls. His lips… She could feel those too, trailing along her throat, jaw, and finally nestling on her lips. He said sweet things while hypnotizing her with their erotic lip and tongue dance. Kagome felt a warmth pool in her lower stomach, and slowly stretch up, hardening her nipples beneath the thin fabric of her dress, before it continued up to her face. She let out a slow, breathy sigh before her eyelids fluttered shut as she unwillingly recalled last night's endeavor's with the son of her father's enemy.


Immediately her eyes snapped open and she met Hojo's concerned stare. Her blush went from one of arousal to one of complete embarrassment. Mentally she scolded herself for being so unfocused. Hojo had been telling her of his travels after he finished his schooling when she drifted into her own thoughts.

"I apologies. I suppose I am still a bit tired," she lied easily.

Hojo's concerned softened to understanding. "Of course. I figured inviting you over for breakfast would be a bad idea after last night, but your mother insisted it would be alright."

Kagome smiled pleasantly, taking relaxing breaths to calm her heart that was jackhammering in her chest at the moment. She smoothed her skirt out with shaky hands and cleared her throat that was suddenly very tight.

"No, I am fine. I just had a long night. Please do go on with your story. It is most interesting."

No it wasn't. In fact it was the most boring story she had ever heard being told. Ever. Kagome was confident she would be having more fun at her sewing lessons with her mother. Still kept her happy smile and listened as best she could to Hojo go on and on.

When it was finally time for her to leave, Kagome graciously thanked Hojo before getting inside of her the curtained litter she and Sango rode in around town. The next destination was the temple located in the town square. After everything that happened Kagome felt that hee needed some spiritual guidance. She felt so conflicted.

Upon arrival she was to that the high priest, Miroku, was still in his quarters, located above the temple praying. Kagome nodded and decided to wait in the shrine where she decided to pray to the gods for strength.


Inuyasha could not help but smile. As he walked up the street toward the temple, his thoughts had been consumed with Kagome. He could not wait to leave his mother's company so that he might come here and discuss her needs with one of his dearest friends. He had seen the four armored guards carrying the expensive litter and set it down in front of the steps of the towering stone temple.

He was several yards away, but my eyes could easily see a young woman step out, dressed in a rich servants dress. She obviously served on of the affluent families in the city. She was most likely accompanying the lady of the house. Inuyasha scowled. The last thing he needed was for his unscheduled meeting with Miroku to be delayed because the man was too busy seducing some noble's wife.

Though it was not common knowledge the High Priest was a philandering rake. Back a couple of years ago he actually used to run around with Inuyasha and his gang, stirring up trouble, gambling, getting into fights, and seducing every woman in his path, young or old. It did not matter who she was or what her marital status was. If Miroku could get the woman into bed with him, he would. Now that he was a man of the cloth, he had to clean up his image, so he no longer ran the streets, gambling and getting into pointless fights. But he was still a ladies man.

He's had several wives of nobility, newly wedded daughters, maids from the royal palace, and even the baker's daughter in his bed. Miroku claimed that his intentions were good, as he only wanted the women to feel the love they were not getting at home with their husbands. Inuyasha thought differently but he could not call Miroku out. Not unless he wanted the priest to unload the mountain of atrocities Inuyasha has committed.

Inuyasha watched as the noblewoman emerged from the litter after her servant. Inuyasha froze when he saw the beautiful face of his beloved.

"Kagome…" What was she doing here? Was she going to see Miroku? Was she one of his 'regulars'?

Immediately his blood began to boil. He did not like the idea of anyone touching Kagome. Ever. He raced to the side of the building and effortlessly climbed the stone walls until he got to the bedroom window that belonged to the priest. The rich smell of spicy incense flooded his nostrils as he hopped inside. Miroku'snaked back was to him as he kneeled in front of the small alter he had built into his wall. His head was bent and he was praying silently.

The only thing Miroku cherished more than the warm feel of a woman was his religion. Inuyasha remembered the day Miroku first told him he was joining the temple to be a man of the cloth he thought it was a joke. He was shortly proven wrong. Though Miroku still had his lecherous ways, he was a lot more discreet, and he did seem to have more respect for women as a whole.

When Miroku was done he stood up and turned around calmly nodding his head in greeting to Inuyasha. "How are you old friend?"

"That depends on how you answer my next question." Inuyasha stated crossing his arms as he watched his friend grab a white tunic from his bed and pull it on, tucking it into the loose white pants he wore.

"What is your question?" Miroku inquired casually as he picked up the indigo fabric that he wrapped around his body in unique fashion, marking his status as high priest.

"There is a Lady who has come to see you, the daughter of Higurashi. What is your relationship with you?"

Miroku faced Inuyasha and lowered his brows as he thought. "Daughter of Higurashi… Oh! Kagome!" A smile appeared on the man's face and that did not sit well with Inuyasha. "She comes in once a week to confess."

"Is that all she does?"

Miroku frowned. "Of course. What else would she do?" Inuyasha gave Miroku a questioning glare and the priest turned red. "I'll have you know that I have never laid a inger on Lady Higurashi, for multiple reasons."

"And what are those reasons, Miroku?"

"Well, for starters… she is too young. I like my women older. And anyway what is it to you? Why are you so interested in my relations with Higurashi's daughter?" It was Miroku's turn to cross his arms and give Inuyasha a questioning look.

"I desire her," Inuyasha stated simply.

Miroku's eyes went wide. "You desire her?" He repeated. His ace changed into a deep frown. "What brought about this change? What about Kikyo?"

"I have forgotten that person all together. I want Kagome now. I want her to be my wife."

There was a brief pause before Miroku burst into a fit of giggles. "Oh, Inuyasha… is your heart truly so fickle? Just yesterday you were mourning the lost affections of Kikyo, and today you speak of wedding Kagome?"

Miroku walked over to his friend and looked up at him with serious eyes. "You are like a brother to me, so I will be honest and tell you that you are being foolish. If you mean to play games with Kagome's affections…"

"This is no game, Miroku. I want to marry her. I… She…" Inuyasha stopped trying to search for the words in his heart to convey his point to his friend. Miroku watched him struggle and understanding filled his eyes.

Miroku was not an idiot. He knew how dangerous this situation was, and Inuyasha had inadvertently placed him in the center of it. Bad things could come from this. If this went wrong, so many lives would be at stake…

But what if they actually made this work? There could finally be peace between the houses Higurashi and Inu. If Inuyasha and Kagome got married, Inu no Taisho and Takemaru would have to set aside their differences. Then there would be real peace…

"Does she share your affections?" Miroku asked gently.

Inuyasha looked at him with thoughtful eyes. "I believe she does."

Miroku nodded. "I will go and speak with her…" Miroku turned for the door.

"Wait!" Inuyasha caught him by the sleeve.

"What is it?"

"I have a favor to ask of you."


Kagome was happy to finally be seeing Miroku. She had been waiting for some time now, and though she would never complain she was eager to leave. She did not want to spend her entire morning in the temple. When Kai, Miroku's apprentice approached Kagome, he led her to the back of the temple where the confessional sat. She entered through the wooden door and took a seat on the bench inside. A curtain hung in the center of it, separating the other side of the confessional where Kagome could see Miroku sitting from the waist down.

She took her seat and took a deep breath. She felt so nervous, though she did not understand why. She knew her words would never leave this room, with spells cast, to keep their voices from reaching sensitive ears. She could be as free as she wanted. Plus, it was Miroku, her mentor and friend. He would not scold her or make her uncomfortable.

"I am very conflicted today." She stated sadly.


"My mother and father have found a suitor for me… They wish for me to marry Count Hojo… Not that he is terrible. He is actually quite nice and gentle in nature. I would be lucky to have him as a husband."

"Then what is the problem?" Miroku asked quietly.

Kagome noticed that his voice sounded different – raspier. Perhaps he was losing his voice, she thought innocently before speaking.

"I don't want to marry him… There is someone else… He consumes me. I cannot get him out of my thoughts. Even last night when I slept I dreamt of him."

"You dreamt of him?"

"Yes… it was the sweetest dream I had ever had." Kagome whispered.

"What is wrong with this man? Is he beneath your station?"

"No… I wish it were that… He is the son of my father's enemy." The image of Inuyasha from the night before came to mind, and the sweet kisses they shared. Kagome choked as tears began to burn her eyes.

"I understand."

"I don't know what to do. I want to be a good daughter," she whispered as the tears started gently rolling down her cheeks, to her chin where they fell onto her hands in her lap. "I want to make my family proud but… If I marry Hojo, like they want, I will feel like I betrayed my own heart."

"Do you love him, the son of your father's enemy?"

Kagome hesitated. Was she in love? She had nothing to compare it to. Only what she read in books and what she's seen in plays. She knew that she had never felt this way about anyone before. Even before when she had taken a liking to Hojo, that feeling paled in comparison to the feelings she felt or Inuyasha.

"Perhaps…" she finally answered after a long pause. " How does one know if they are in love, truly? What are the signs?"

"Does your heart speed up at the thought of him?"

"Yes," she answered quietly, and rather embarrassed to be discussing this with Miroku.

"Do you constantly fantasize about him… doing things to you?"

"Doing things?"

"Touching. Kissing." His tone deepened significantly, causing something deep inside of her to stir. It did not help that she had a flashback to when Inuyasha's lips were on her throat the last night. She shifted in her seat, as something began to throb between her legs. "Do you wish to see him?"

Kagome sighed and after a short pause answered, "I am aching to see him again. My palms itch with the desire to feel his skin and my lips… they burn… I burn. He fills me with so much warmth and… I cannot describe it."

Suddenly the curtain was yanked back and Kagome gasped turning to face Miroku. She choked when she saw golden eyes staring into her own. "Inuyasha…" she breathed.

She was not able to say anything else because his arms wrapped around her and pulled her close to him before crashing his lips down on hers. Kagome knew this was wrong, but she could not tell her mouth that, as it eagerly accepted his kisses. Nor could she tell her hands that gathered his thick silky hair in tiny fists. Nor could she tell the overheating area nestled between her thighs that throbbed and ached with painful desire.

Inuyasha finally removed his mouth from hers, allowing her to take in a breath that quickly escaped her as he trailed his lip down her throat and sucked and licked mercilessly. Kagome inhaled and exhaled shaky breaths as she tried – in vain – to gather her thoughts. She felt Inuyasha pull the sleeve of her gown down, exposing her left shoulder, he took a tender bite into her flesh, not breaking the skin. Kagome let out a squeal of both excitement and shock.

Inuyasha smiled as he ran his tongue over the bite marks he had left behind, earning another sweet gasp from Kagome's lips. "Inuyasha," she whined.

He pulled back and looked into her eyes that were glazed over with desire. He placed a tender kiss on her lips. "Hm?"

"What are you doing here? Where is Miroku?" She asked between breaths, trying to stabilize herself.

Inuyasha held her face in his hands. "I missed you."

She blushed sweetly and lowered her eyes. "Inuyasha," she breathed. "We can't be doing this. You know how dangerous it is," she whispered, gently pulling away from him, but he held her firm.

"I do not care."

"You should!" Kagome hissed.

"I don't." He said with finality that she could not speak against.

"I should go," Kagome said after a long silence staring into his heated eyes.

"No." He pulled her even closer and nuzzled her neck. "Stay."

Kagome could not help the tiny smile that graced her lips as he lightly nibbled along her collar. "We can't just stay here. Someone will come."

"I want to see you," he breathed moving away from her chest to begin kissing the soft skin behind her left ear.

Kagome could not help the groan that escaped her. His mouth feels so good. She could feel her skin burning with desire for the strong demon that held her in his arms. Very quickly her thoughts were being turned to vapor as she succumbed to the thrill of being in his embrace.

"You see me now," she whispered.

"Not like this," he whispered harshly. "Let me come to you tonight."

He brought his lips to hers and kissed her tenderly, swiping his tongue across her bottom lip over and over. It sent tingling sensations across Kagome's flesh, ending at the tender nerves between her thighs.

"When you do that it makes it hard to think," she said pulling away.

Inuyasha's mouth followed as he murmured, "Then don't think. Say yes."

Kagome smiled and giggled. "I can't just say yes."

"Why not?"

He did not give her time to answer. As soon as she opened her mouth he plunged his tongue inside to taste more of her sweetness. He was beyond pleased when she leaned into him further. Inuyasha took that opportunity to pull her into his lap. He did not hesitate as his hands fondled her in places she dared not even allow Sango to see. A strong hand landed on her right breast and he squeezed it tenderly, and his thumb gently stroked the area where her hardened nipple pressed eagerly against the fabric.

Kagome's hands traveled up and gripped his muscular arms tightly before sliding across his chiseled chest and resting on his swollen pectorals. She moaned in delight when his other hand gripped her waist tightly, almost crushing her to him, but she reveled in the feel of him.

"I've never felt anything like this before," she moaned out on a shaky breath one he released her mouth.

Inuyasha placed his lips at her ear. "I can make you feel so much better, Love." He promised, and sealed it with another delectable kiss on her swollen pink lips. "Say yes," he whispered suckling on her throat. "Say yes. Say yes."

"Yes," she moaned out desperately as the sensations his mouth and hands were giving her were near unbearable. "Yes, come see me tonight."

He drew back suddenly and with wide eyes met her heavy lidded gaze. "Really?"

Swallowing to coat her suddenly dry throat, Kagome nodded quickly before grabbing his face in her small hands and planting sweet kisses all along his jaw, working her way to his lips.

"Mmhmm… I want you to come tonight."

Inuyasha smiled brilliantly. "Good. That is very good, Love. I will come to you tonight." He kissed her, one final time, one the lips, before setting her back down on the bench. Kagome pouted at him and he smiled, and brought her hand to his lips.

"Don't look so disappointed, Love. You will see me tonight, but until then you must go. We would not want to raise suspicion of our dear friend Miroku."

Kagome smiled and nodded. "I'll wait for you tonight." She promised..

Inuyasha smiled and kissed her again on the knuckles of her hand. "I won' make you wait for long."

Somehow, she was not sure how, Kagome managed to pull herself away from him and exit the confessional. Sango was waiting patiently for her. Kagome pressed her swollen lips together and prayed she did not look as flustered as she felt at the moment. Judging by the look on Sango's face, she did.

Kagome quickly averted her gaze as her maid and friend narrowed hers and followed closely behind her as they exited the temple. Once inside the litter, Sango sat across from Kagome and stared her down.

"What?" Kagome blushed even harder under her friend's keen eye.

"You've been acting strange since last night. Is there anything you want to share with me?"

Kagome tried to put on the most innocent look she could muster before shaking her head. "I do not know what you are talking about."

Sango stared at her. She did not speak. Kagome averted her gaze but somehow her eyes kept going back to her hawkeyed handmaid. Kagome hated this. She was never really good at keeping secrets, especially her own – especially from Sango.

"Tell me," was all the young woman had to say for all of Kagome's defenses to completely crumble. She told her about meeting Inuyasha, she told her about the kissing, and about their recent secret meeting. The entire time Sango listened with a serious but calm face. When Kagome was done the young woman across from her just sighed.

"You know how this will end Kagome. It's best to just stop now."

"But Sango I can't. I love him! I do. I really love him!"

"Kagome, you have never spoken to another man other than family until last night. What you feel isn't love. It's simply infatuation, a crush."

"No. It's love." Kagome insisted.

Sango rolled her eyes. "Even if it is, how do you know he isn't just using you?"

"Inuyasha would not do that?"

"And why wouldn't he? He is your enemy. This could all be some scheme concocted to exploit you and shame your family. Have you ever thought of that?"

Kagome did not speak as her friends words sunk in. She had not thought of Sango said could be very likely.

But Inuyasha was so tender, and sweet to me.

"Has he asked to marry you?"

Kgome looked sadly up at her friend. "No…"

"See. If he were serious he would propose."

"How could he when our father's hate each other?" Kagome argued.

"I never said he would actually be permitted, I just asked if he had asked. Its best you let this go now, before it becomes a bigger issue. Focus on Hojo. He is kind and he likes you very much, I can tell. He would make a fine husband, and you would be a treasured wife."

"You sound like my mother," Kagome grumbled. Silently she praised herself for not telling Sango of her secret late night rendezvous with Inuyasha. Though she was confident her friend would not tell anyone, she knew she would disapprove and would force he presence on them until Inuyasha left.

Kagome did not want that. She knew whatever time she could have with Inuyasha should be reassured. She wanted to spend the time with him alone, and not under the constant scrutiny of another. Even if that other person was Sango.


Bankotsu watched with a calm smile as his little cousin got inside of the litter with her handmaid and as carried off back to their home. She had decided to leave her usual veil at home for once, most likely due to the courting of Count Hojo. Normally he could care less who was getting engaged but when it involved Kagome he cared. She was like his sister even though they were cousins. Most people thought that he was her brother before Souta. They did match in looks, but their mother's had been twins, and both of them strongly resembled their mothers.

"Are we still going to get drinks, Bankotsu?"

The questioned was asked by Bankotsu's closest friend, Jakotsu. He along with his usual friends, Suikotsu, Renkotsu, Kyokotsu, Ginkotsu, and Mukotsu all stood by the large fountainin the town square. People passing by made an earnest attempt to not the attention of any of the males in the group. Though they were known as affiliates to the Higurashi house, they had formed their own reputation around town, as the Band of Seven. Vicious brawlers and brutes who spent most of their time in the streets either looking for trouble or causing it. The only thing they loved more than to fight was to kill.

This was all speculation of course. No one had actually seen any of them kill someone. Then again no one would admit to it if they had. All of the men were feared by all, but Bankotsu was the most lethal. He was the youngest but he was by far the cruelest.

"I don't see why not," he answered, still looking off in the distance. He went to turn when something caught his eye hanging from the window from the temples tower. Bankotsu watched as Inuyasha, second son of InuTaisho leapt from the tower window and landed gracefully on his feet and walking down the street with a cocky grin on his face.

Immediately Bankotsu's blood boiled. That mongrel still had one coming for his rude appearance at their party the previous night. Bankotsu had not forgotten, nor would he despite what his uncle said. Inside that house Takemaru ruled, but out here in these streets, Bankotsu was master. The Inuyokai and all of the filthy demons that ran around with him would soon see the end of Bankotsu's blade, starting with Inuyasha himself.

What angered him more was that the flea ridden scum had been in the temple at the same time as Kagome. Had he talked to her? The thought of him even looking at Kagome filled Bankotsu with so much rage. He needed to lash out, but he couldn't. He would not dishonor his beloved cousin in such a public spectacle. No, he would deal with this quietly.

"Boys! Go on ahead. I will meet you there."

"Are you sure?" Renkotsu asked.

"Yes. I need to make a stop first."

Jakotsu nodded and jumped to his feet. "Very well then. Come men!"

As they all trailed off down the half empty street, Bankotsu briskly walked across the way to the temple. As soon as he walked through the doors he was greeted by the sight of Miroku, the priest, talking to his child apprentice.

As soon as Miroku saw Bankotsu he straightened and gave him a warm smile. "Bankotsu, how are you today?"

He was answered with Bankotsu's hand gathering the front of his robes into a ight fist and being yanked down to the angry young man's level. "What was Inuyasha doing here?"

Miroku blinked at him several times with a startled gaze. "The same reason why anyone comes to the temple."

"I saw him crawling out of your window, right after my cousin, Kagome left. Did he say something to her? If he did I swear I'll –!"

"Master Bankotsu please," Miroku began calmly throwing his hands up in surrender. "I promise you that nothing of the sort happened. The lady Kagome came to confess to as she always does. After she left I went upstairs to my quarters where Lord Inuyasha was waiting to do the same."

"Then why was he sneaking out?"

"Lord Inuyasha is a very private person. He does not want to be seen coming and going from the temple as others do. That is all I can share with you, anything else I might say will be in direct violation of my vows."

Bankotsu narrowed his eyes at Miroku, searching for any deception. When he could find none, he released the man with a rough push backwards. "You make sure that bastard stays away from my cousin, understood?"

"Lady Kagome is a dear friend to me, I would never see her hurt or her honor compromised."

Bankotsu glared at Miroku for a moment longer before stalking away.

Miroku looked down at his apprentice and cracked a smile. "Let this be a lesson to you, Kai. Beware of short men, they may be small, but they are often very strong, and tend to be a lot angrier than most." The young boy chuckled before following his master back into the shrine.

Bankotsu had not heard the comment. He was already outside, heading toward the tavern to meet his friends, seething with unspent aggression.


Kagome was sitting in front of her mirror brushing her hair. She was relieved when the day had passed so quickly. After dinner she immediately dismissed herself to her room, excited for her visitor tonight. She was very nervous. She had not ever done anything this sneaky before. Of course she told the occasional white lie, but for the most part she was an honest and honorable person. She did not like deceiving her parents. She felt as if she was doing something wrong, but the thought of seeing Inuyasha quickly dissipated those feelings.

She smiled at her reflection. The candle light made it seem like she was glowing. Her skin was soft from the bath she had just taken and the moisturizing oils she lathered into her skin. She had picked out her nicest nightgown to wear to bed that night. A simple white night gown made of thin, almost transparent white fabric. Her arms were left bare and her legs from the knee down were exposed. A drawstring tied beneath her bust, accentuating her pert breast. She had tied her hair up in a red velvet ribbon on top of her head.

It was still early. She had no idea when he would come or how he would even know which room was hers. She looked at the balcony doors that were now shut. She quickly went over to them and pushed them open. Hopefully he would take the hint and come to her balcony.

After that she looked around her bedroom. Thanks to Sango and various chamber maids everything was in order and decorated to perfection. Her canopied bed curtains were drew back and exposed the stark white bed sheets and comforter. She wondered if it would be inappropriate to have him sit on her bed. Perhaps a seat in one of her reading chairs would be better. A small smile appeared on her face.

Inviting a man to your chambers in the dead of night is hardly appropriate, does it really matter where he sits?


She could not help but think of Sango earlier. She did not doubt Inuyasha's intentions but there was that nagging voice inher head that would not let the subject die. What if Inuyasha only meant to dishonor her, to humiliate her?

Kagome shook her head, trying to rid of the thoughts. "He would never," she voiced quietly.

A firm knocking on her door jarred her out of her thoughts and she quickly went over to it and pulling it open. She was a little surprised, but not upset to see Bankotsu standing there. His eyes were hard and he still wore his clothes for the day. Kagome smiled warmly up at him, though he was only a few inches taller than her.

"Bankotsu! How are you, I haven't seen you all day."

He smiled at her. "I know. I just wanted to stop by to see how you were doing. I was told that you had retired early. I was wondering if everything is all right."

"Oh, yes. I was just a little tired from last night still."

"Of course." His eyes went passed her to her bedchamber. He craned his neck to see inside.

Unsure of his motive Kagome took a step back and opennd the door more, so that the room was more visible. "Would you like to come inside?"

His eyes met hers and he shook his head firmly. "No. I was just…" He looked up again pointing past her. "Are you keeping your balcony doors open all night?"

Kagome looked back, biting her lip worriedly. What is this all about? Does he know? He can't possibly. The only person who knows is Sango and she would never tell.

"I just wanted to let the fresh air in for a bit. I will close them before I go to sleep."

She turned to look back at him. Cobalt met cobalt for a short but awakward moment. Bankotsu cleared his throat and took a step back. "I will leave you alone now. Goodnight, Kagome."

"Goodnight, Bankostu. Sleep well."

He nodded and smiled warmly at her before taking her chin in his fingers. "I will guard you in my sleep, sweet cousin."

Kagome frowned, but before she could question what he meant, Bankotsu offered a quick goodnight before turning and swiftly walking down the hall. Kagome stared after him until he rounded a corner, disappearing from sight. She closed the door and locked it. She turned and faced the balcony just as a gust of wind blew in, chilling her exposed flesh. The night was a lot cooler than the heat of the day had implied it would be. Kagome wanted to shut the door, but knew more than anything that she had to keep them open. So instead she doused all of the candles in her room, leaving one by her bedside before crawling into bed.

She laid back on the pillows, lying on her side facing the open doors, that way she could see him when he came in. She laid there for a long time, waiting and waiting, until she was sure an hour went by. She had tried to occupy herself with reading but her min would not focus on the task. All she could to was lay there and wait.

"I won' make you wait for long."

Kagome smiled. He would come, and he would be there son. She just had to wait.