It feels so weird to be back. Hopefully, I'm now new and improved. This is the new revised version of Its a LoveHate Sorta Thing Draco Love Story. The old story was written in the wrong point of view therefore, it was deleted. The story line is the same just easier to read. I hope everyone enjoys the story.

I do not own any rights to Harry Potter.

Looking down at her locket, the girl attempted to trace the engraving on the back. It read 'Korrine Arianna Anderson'. She sighed at the length of her first name, because she preferred to go by Kori. Resting her head against the cool window, she stared glumly out at the hundreds of students boarding the train with her stormy gray eyes. All of them were strangers and already had friends of their own. She didn't even know one single person. She sighed as she released her locket, letting it get lost in her dark, brown hair.

Kori had recently moved to London from the United States and was still trying get adjusted. Her father had been offered a position in the England Ministry of Magic, which was better than his old job in the America. Of course, he quickly accepted and the family packed to move. Kori had to leave behind her old school and friends, which was basically her whole life. She was now enrolled in Hogwarts, reason why she was sitting alone on a train; preparing to face a new school.

Though she wasn't shy when meeting new people, her main worry was their reaction toward her. Kori was different, and it wasn't something you could just tell from looking. She was an aligner, or for better words a mind reader. People had a tendency to be scared of her. The fear of knowing, she could find out their secrets wasn't a comforting thought. Who could blame them? Sometimes she couldn't help herself, even after her parents told her not too.

Hearing the door to her compartment open, Kori turned to see who it was. Standing in the door way was a brown bushy haired girl, already dressed in her school uniform.

"Would you mind if I joined you?" The girl asked politely.

"No, go ahead!" Kori replied with a small smile, relieved that she wouldn't be spending the trip alone. The girl set her book bag down on the other side of the compartment and took the seat across from her.

There was a small moment of silence, but the unknown girl was quick to speak.

"I'm Hermione Granger." The girl said as she pushed her hand forward, looking for a handshake. Kori turned at attention and quickly shook her hand.

"I haven't seen you around before. Are you a first year?" Hermione asked curiously. Kori laughed, shaking her head.

"No, I'm a sixth year. I just moved here from the States. My name's Kori Anderson."

"Really... What school did you attend?" Hermione asked completely interested.

"Shawstone Aligner Witchcraft and Wizardry School" Kori quickly replied.

Hermione clapped her hand over her mouth and quickly retracted it to talk again.

"I read about Shawstone! It's a school set for mind readers! So… that means you can read minds, right?" Hermione asked in awe.

"Yeah, though I'm surprised you're not freaked out, are you?" Kori asked uncertainly. She didn't want to scare anyone off on her first day.

"Of course not, I'm more fascinated!" Hermione said hurriedly as Kori ginned in relief.

"Hermione, is that you?" A voice abruptly asked from outside the compartment. Kori looked at Hermione then door curiously.

"Yeah, Harry. Come on in!" Hermione replied. As the door opened two boys entered and one was recognized immediately as the famous Harry Potter. There was no mistaking it with his jet black hair and emerald eyes. The other boy was taller with red hair and freckles sprinkled across his face. Harry took a seat next to Kori, giving her a friendly smile, as the other boy sat next to Hermione.

"Boys, I'd like you to meet Kori Anderson. She just transferred here." Hermione began with introductions. "And Kori these are my two good friends, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.

Kori smiled and shook their hands. "It's nice meeting you."

"Kori is an aligner!" Hermione said excitedly. Kori held her breath, hoping their reaction wouldn't be a bad one. As Kori looked at them, both boys held confused expressions on their faces.

"What's that?" Ron asked, dumbstruck. Kori lightly laughed at his question.

"Simpler words would be a mind reader." Kori answered smiling. Ron's eyes widened as Harry's jaw dropped.

"You can actually read minds? That's so wicked!" Ron said with a huge grin. Harry nodded in agreement.

Kori felt herself blushing a bit from embarrassment. She was flattered that they thought her ability was so amazing! Hermione noticing the red tinge in her cheeks changed the subject.

"So, Kori… Do you know much about Hogwarts?" She asked.

"No, afraid not." Kori said shaking her head. "I know next to nothing."

"Well, we would be more than happy to fill you in." Hermione offered.

"Yeah, we can tell you what teachers are total gits and stuff." Ron added with a grin.

Kori smiled appreciatively. "That would be awesome! Thanks!"

"It's no problem!" Harry said, returning your smile.

As the hours passed by, Kori's new friends poured out every bit of knowledge about Hogwarts known to them. Houses, teachers, classes, the ghosts, mainly everything she needed to know and more. Once the subject had switched to quidditch, it was just Harry and Ron talking. Hermione grabbed Kori's attention.

"Kori you might want to change into your uniform now. I expect we'll be arriving soon. There's a restroom down the hall so you can change." Hermione offered.

"Alright, sounds like a plan." Kori replied, reaching for her shoulder bag.

"Would you like me to come with you?" Hermione asked.

"No thanks, I'm good." Kori replied with a smile. But before Kori even had a chance to stand up, the compartment door opened from the outside.