Hello All! Can I just take a minute to say I have been BLOWN AWAY by the number of positive reviews for this chapter in Apology accepted? You guys have been absolutely awesome and I can't thank you enough for the level of love and support I received. It is amazingly rewarding!And most importantly, it motivated me to work like nothing before! I really didn't expect it to come from this chapter but apparently, you all loved the teacher/student relationship. So many of you asked for a whole story and this that I have no other choice but comply. With great pleasure!

This first chapter is the same as in Apology accepted! but I will post the second chapter right away and try to keep posting regularly.

Hope you enjoy this story as much as the one shots!

Today was her birthday. She didn't used to get excited about birthdays. One more year, a cake, a few presents and a lot of good wishes professed by people she barely knew. Who wants that? But this year was different. This year, she turned 18. And this birthday was something she had looked forward to for 6 long months.

Technically, this year didn't bring anything really new. There wasn't a difference between who she was yesterday and today. She was the same high school senior, going to the same school, having the same classes and the same friends. Legally though, it was a whole other story.

She was now 18. Which meant she could sleep with anyone she wanted. And there was one person she really wanted to sleep with. He was the one she dreamt about every night. He was the one she thought about when she touched herself. He was the one whose name she whispered when her fingers were buried deep inside her. He was Fitzgerald Thomas Grant the Third and he was her history teacher.

Olivia Pope didn't date, not that she didn't get any offers. Actually, every week there was a new Romeo at her door. It was always the same story. They wanted to take her out to Burger King and go to second base on the school's football field. Who said romance was dead, right?

Pushed by her friends, she had tried once. She had given a chance to Cory Hanson, the star quarterback. After taking her to a drive-thru burger he had drunk himself into oblivion and had fallen asleep at the movies. She had left before he woke up and had gone home to take a shower. Several actually, she needed to take the stink and memories off of her.

The next day, Cory had claimed to anyone who wanted to hear that he had given her the best date but was now bored with her and wanted to move on. All her friends had come to her, offering their support and she wanted to laugh. She was just relieved that she now had an excuse to avoid dating. She was still "recovering" from her bad experience.

Truth was, the only experience she wanted was with Fitz Grant. Every girl in the school dreamt of being with him. He was passionate about his job, caring about his students, a good listener, a fair teacher, not to mention a Greek God. His hair and eyes alone were enough to make girls blush. His handsome face that sometime lit up with a gorgeous smile would make a nun go atheist. And his sculpted body made everyone drool. He had taken off his shirt one day when training with the baseball team and the field had soon been filled by a female audience. The following week, there had been whispers at every corner on who would snatch up hot teacher.

Even though she turned 18, Olivia knew that didn't change anything. He was still a teacher at her school, he was still an adult and most importantly he probably had no interest in her, what so ever. She was just another one of those silly girls he taught to and the only reason he knew her was because Dean Beene had asked him to tutor her in preparation for her application to Harvard.

Over the past 3 months, every Wednesday evening, she would spend 2 hours with him. They would study material, discuss theories and debate politics. She loved that he talked to her like an adult. He didn't patronize her or belittle her. He listened to each of her ideas and always pushed her to think further. He challenged her intellectually and that was even more attractive than his god-like features, which was saying something.

Over the weeks, their relationship had evolved, going from a formal teacher-student meeting to a friendly entertaining meeting often ending in a friendly banter. They had grown closer than they should have but he always kept a very professional attitude, especially when they were in public. Why would he want a student when he could have any sexy experienced woman he wanted?

Olivia was leaning on the wall facing her school. In a few minutes she would have to get in but for now, she was just content to daydream about what her life could be in a universe where she was Mrs. Fitzgerald Grant. She was lost so deep in her thoughts that she didn't hear someone approach her until a smooth baritone voice whispered in her ear "I hear it's someone's birthday today..."

She jumped and brought her hand to her heart facing him. "Mr. Grant... You... You scared me!" He looked at her with an apologetic face. "I'm sorry Olivia! That wasn't my intention. Are you alright?" She took a minute to compose herself and gave him a weak smile. "I'm fine Mr. Grant, don't worry, I was just a bit elsewhere..."

He chuckled "Planning for you birthday? I hear it's an important one. 18, huh? That changes a lot of things..." She looked at him confused, trying to figure out what he meant by that, he caught her eyes and seemed embarrassed. He cleared his throat. "Anyway, I just wanted to see you because today is Wednesday and I'm supposed to tutor you but..."

He paused and her heart sank at the idea that he would want to dismiss her. On her birthday…"I was thinking... Well, wondering... If maybe... I mean if you don't have any plans... Maybe you'd want to have dinner?" He was stammering like a little boy and that was the cutest thing to watch. If she wasn't mistaken, he was also blushing slightly. Was he nervous?

He continued "I mean, I don't want you to get any wrong ideas, that would be purely work related." Her face fell and immediately, he looked sorry. "Shit, that came out wrong. Sorry Liv... What I mean is..." He took a deep breath and ran his hand through his hair "I don't want you to get the wrong impression of me. I'm not the philandering teacher who invites his students on dates. I just... I like talking to you and I want to do something for your birthday. Nothing fancy! There's this little Italian place that just opened... I would get you back home early..." And now he was stammering again.

She couldn't help the smile from growing on her face. He looked so dorky. She interrupted him "That sounds lovely Mr. Grant. Should I meet you there, say at 7?" He looked at her obviously relieved that she wasn't running away screaming. "7 sounds perfect and it's Fitz."


"Call me Fitz, I wouldn't feel comfortable having dinner with you if you keep calling me Mr. Grant. It makes me feel old. Please call me Fitz..." He smiled at her and she felt her knees go weak "That would be inappropriate Mr. Grant" she said lowering her gaze. He took a step closer to her and she suddenly had problems breathing normally "Then, let's be inappropriate..." He whispered and she felt her mouth go dry. She raised her gaze to look into his eyes and was suddenly lost in a pool of grey that called her like sirens. She was about to give in, when the school bells rang.

She blushed and quickly scurried away "see you at 7 Mr. Grant" she said over her shoulder, not bothering to turn back. Fitz just stayed there, happy she didn't or she would have noticed the very obvious bulge on his pants. He took a deep breath and tried to think of every unsexy thing he could imagine. When his situation dissolved, he walked inside the school with an extra pep in his steps. He couldn't wait for tonight.


He was nervous. He was never nervous but tonight he felt like a geeky teenager waiting for his prom date. He was nursing his second glass of scotch, his eyes fixed on the entrance waiting for her to appear.

He had chosen a booth at the back of the restaurant hoping to get some privacy. It was a Wednesday night so the place was pretty empty. He scanned the room looking at the patrons. There was an old couple with what looked like their grandchildren and 2 girls blabbering and laughing loudly. No one he knew, so no one who could recognize him and question what he was doing having dinner with one of his students. Fortunately because he honestly had no answer that wouldn't make him look like an old pervert.

Suddenly he felt a shiver go down his spine and his eyes shot to the door. There she was, looking absolutely breathtaking. She was wearing a simple knee-high black dress that hung loosely around her legs but highlighted her breasts perfectly. Her hair was hanging loosely in soft curls and she was only wearing a hint of mascara. She was naturally beautiful and didn't need much to clean up nicely.

Her eyes scanned a room and a shy smile appeared on her lips when she saw him. She walked slowly to his table, leaving him time to admire her toned legs and her swaying hips. He rose to greet her and gave her a loose hug that he tightened when he felt her bare back under his hands. He pulled back when he felt it could look too long to an outside observer but kept his hand on the small of her back to guide her into the booth.

She sat down and he sat beside her, as close as he could without actually being on her lap. He handed her the menu. "You look beautiful Olivia! 18 looks good on you" She blushed and bowed her head down "Thank you! She muttered before focusing on the menu.

He cursed himself, afraid he had overstepped his boundaries before hearing her soft voice again "You don't look half bad yourself!" She praised without raising her head. He could hear the smile in her voice and couldn't help but stick out his chest. He was wearing soft gray dress pants with black leather shoes and a fitting black shirt. The top buttons were undone and he had rolled up his sleeves on his muscular forearms.

The waitress came to ask for their drinks and he asked for 2 glasses of wine. She smiled at him with a cocked eyebrow. "I'm sorry" he apologized "It was rude of me to order without asking you but I just thought... Since it's your birthday... We could... You know... Celebrate? But if you want something else..."

He raised his hand to call back the waitress but she laid her hand on his arm and brought it back on the table. "It's okay, I'd love some wine. And it's nice to be with a man who knows what he wants..." Her eyes widened at her own words, suddenly panicked at her own forwardness. She blushed and lowered her gaze.

He smirked and brought a finger under her chin to get her to look at him. "Do you, now?" He asked in a lower voice. She bit her lip and nodded. "Good. Because I know exactly what I want..." He let go of her chin and rested his hand lightly on her thigh.

They discussed for a moment before the waitress brought their drinks. They ordered their meals and the waitress left. Fitz handed her her glass and raised his own "To Olivia Pope's 18th birthday. May this new year bring you everything that you wish for!" She clinked her glass with him and took a sip, enjoying the warmness it immediately brought. They continued talking over dinner and the conversation flew easily.

He asked for another glass of wine but ordered lemonade for her, not wanting to get her drunk. All throughout dinner, his hand had been a permanent fixture on her leg. His fingers were tracing lazy circles on her inner thigh and she felt herself getting aroused at his touch. She had a hard time focusing on his words when all her blood seemed to be rushing to her center. She shifted to relieve some of her ache and he looked at her embarrassed. He quickly took off his hand thinking his touch was not welcome and brought it back on the table.

She felt a pang of disappointment when his big warm hand left her body and considered for a second letting it go, allowing them to go to a normal relationship. But she decided against it. She wanted to be bold. She was turning 18 today and wanted tonight to be about her. She grabbed his hand and put it back on her leg, softly caressing the back of it with her thumb while locking their eyes.

He gave her the sexiest grin ever and moved his hand toward the inside and higher up her leg bunching her dress around his wrist. He kept staring at her with darkening eyes as his hand moved slowly higher and higher, getting really close to where she needed his touch. She kept her eyes opened, slightly widened.

She looked like a deer in the headlights and it only fueled his own arousal. When his fingers were finally so close he could actually feel her heat radiating, he moved a finger to the outline of her panties and started to play with it. He was glad to hear she was almost panting at this point. She was so reactive, it was a pleasure to watch. He moved his face closer to hers, until his lips were only inches from hers. When he finally muttered the courage to make a move, the waitress came back with the cake.

They both broke out of their haze and he moved his hand back on the table. He cleared his throat while she readjusted her dress and the waitress gave them a knowing smile before making herself scarce again. Fitz smiled sweetly at Olivia and dug into his pocket to retrieve the candle and lighter he brought with him. He put the candle on the cake and lit it. "I know I miss 17 but I only had the one so it will have to do... Make a wish!" She closed her eyes for a few seconds before opening them again and blowing the candle off.

He took it off the cake and cut a piece with his fork before bringing it to her mouth, watching hungrily as her glorious lips enclosed on it while her eyes were locked with his. She released a soft hum and he felt his cock twitch at the sound. He needed to hear it again. He cut another piece and fed her again. This time her eyes closed while she enjoyed the treat and he felt his mouth go dry. He cut a piece to himself and they shared the rest in silence, exchanging a few glances once in a while.

When they were finished they both sat back in the booth and relaxed. After a few moments of silence, he moved his mouth to her ear and relished in the shiver it elicited from her. "So..." He whispered "What was you wish?" She turned slightly toward him and smiled "I can't tell you or it won't come true..." Her eyes were darting from his eyes to his lips, unable to decide where to rest them. She bit her lip coyly.

"Hmmm, you're right..." he agreed "But maybe you can show me..." He watched as different emotions went through her brown eyes. Fear, then arousal, then hesitation and finally determination. She inched her mouth toward his ever so slowly, half expecting him to pull back. When he didn't move, but instead parted his lips. She kissed him softly. It was so innocent, he couldn't remember ever being kissed that way.

She gave him a few pecks, and waited for his next move. He darted his tongue out and moved it to her sealed lips, seeking entrance, she immediately granted him access, and suddenly felt him invade her warm cavern. A fresh wave of heat went through her body and she attached her hands to his hair tugging on it. He hummed at the feeling and the vibrations drove her wild.

She shoved her tongue in his mouth, engaging in a game of cat and mouth with his. His hands gripped her hips and he pulled her on his lap. They kissed passionately for a few minutes before she pulled away and moved her mouth to his ear "Take me to your place..." She whispered. He looked into her eyes to find only lust. "What are your parents going to say?" He asked in a strained voice. "They're out of town... Won't be back until Friday..."

He so wanted to take her home. No, that was a lie, he wanted to take her on that table, audience be damned, but he didn't want to push her. "Olivia..." He started staring into her eyes, while his fingers caressed the arms that were around his neck "You don't have to do that..."

"I want to..." She replied "I really do... Please take me home... Please... Fitz..." The way his name rolled on her tongue sent a new wave of blood down south and he quickly got up pulling her by her hand behind him. He left a few bills on the table, way more than what he was supposed to pay, but right now, he couldn't care less.

He rushed to his car and pulled harshly on her hand, pinning her against the car with a gasp. He seized the opportunity to attack her lips and ducked his knees to grind his erection against her stomach. She moaned and he pushed into her deeper until she sobbed out. He finally pulled away but kept their foreheads connected, his hands firmly gripping her slender waist. He took a minute to catch his bearings and opened the passenger door for her, helping her in and closing her door before getting in behind the wheel.

The tires screeched when he got the car out of its slot and Olivia could swear she had felt the car jumping on the road. She looked at Fitz and saw that, even though his face was facing the road, his eyes were often stealing glances at her. His jaw was clenched and he looked tense. She decided to be bold and lay her hand on his thigh.

When she felt him tense then relax under her touch she started massaging him and swore she heard him purr like a satiated cat. She smiled and decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. She inched her hand higher up his leg until it reached the bulge in his pants. She felt a satisfying shiver go down her spine when she saw his jaw dropping and his knuckles go white from gripping the wheel.

She started massaging him through his pants until she heard his voice "If you want to make it to my place alive, you should really stop that!" The smile in his voice soothed the harshness of his words. She moved her hand back on her lap and he grabbed it and squeezed it. He refocused on the road and sped up.

He wanted to be inside her so badly at this point, he would be ready to take her on the side of the road. But he couldn't do this to her, he wanted to make this special, he wanted to make her come again and again, he wanted to make her scream, he wanted to make her tremble of pleasure and he could only do this in the quiet setting of his bedroom.

He finally parked in front of his building. He jumped out of the car in less than a second and rushed to her side of the car. He grabbed her hand tightly in his and guided her to his apartment in silence. The ride in the elevator was thick with sexual tension. She avoided his gaze while he threw her hungry looks and squeezed her hand. He was afraid if he let her go, she would realize he wasn't deserving of her and she would run away.

When the door finally opened on his floor, he rushed to the door and opened it with shaking hands. He guided her inside and softly closed the door. She took a few shy steps inside and took in her surroundings. When she turned back to him, the sight made her gasp. He was leaning against the door, with his hands in his pockets, his darkened eyes were roaming her body and a loop sided grin lit up his handsome face.

He took a step toward her and simply said "Come!" before walking further down the corridor to his room. Once inside, he let her walk around until she turned to face him once again. He couldn't fight it anymore and attacked her lips. He released a sigh of relief when she replied with the same hunger she had in the restaurant. She took the opportunity to slip her tongue in his mouth and she moaned as she explored it leisurely.

He walked them backwards until her knees hit the bed. He detached their lips and pushed her backwards until she gracefully fell on her back. He crawled up until he was hovering over her body and started kissing her again. He moved his kisses to her neck and pulled on the knot of her dress behind her neck to untie it. He started sliding the dress down her body until she stopped him, her body tensing. "Wait..."

He immediately straightened and pulled back from her. Her body instinctively ached for his touch. He had a look of worry on his face as he sat next to her careful not to touch her "Olivia, are you alright?"

She laid her hand on his to assuage his worries. "Yes... I... I don't know. It's just... I've never..." She bowed her head shamefully. He grabbed her chin between his fingers and forced her to look at him. "This is your first time." He stated. She nodded and lowered her gaze. "Olivia... Look at me... Livvie..." The nickname on his tongue sounded oh so right and she looked in his eyes. He smiled warmly.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of. You did nothing wrong. If you're not ready, I won't push you. Your first time must be special and be with someone you trust. I won't be the asshole who forced himself on you. If you don't want to have sex with me it's perfectly alright, I won't think any less of you, alright? You deserve to be taken care of!" His words caressed her ears. She couldn't believe how sweet he was. How was she so lucky that he wanted her but was ready to give her up if she didn't? How could she not want him?

She brought her hand to his cheek and he kissed her palm. "I want it. No, I want you. I want it with you!" A wave of relief went through his body. He looked into her eyes to confirm. "Are you sure, Olivia? This is your only first time, you need to be ready…"

She knew words would not do, so she decided to act. She cupped his face in her hands and kept their eyes connected. She straddled his legs and let her dress fall to her waist exposing her bare breasts to his lustful eyes. She moved her hands to the curls on the nape of his neck and took his lobe between her teeth "I'm ready" she whispered.

She heard a rumble in his chest and his hands moved to her thighs. He lowered his head to her chest and gave each of her nipple a teasing lick, enjoying the way they stood to attention. Talking time was over!

When she pushed his head closer to her breast and arched her back he took her breast fully in his mouth and started sucking, eliciting an uncontrollable moan from her. She brought her hand to her mouth in shock and looked at him with widened eyes. He smiled and kissed her hand. "You sound so sexy..." He whispered. She blushed and gave him a shy smile. "Just so you know..." He trailed massaging her thighs. "You're gonna make a lot of those sounds tonight..." Her blush extended to her neck and she kissed him fiercely.

He switched their position laying her on her back on the bed. He trailed kisses all over her upper body, wanting to make her feel both comfortable and aroused. He made his way down her body, slowly, giving her time to stop him every time. But she never did. Instead, she was clutching the sheets and shifting her body, bucking her hips, urging him to get to his desired location.

He slid her dress the rest of the way down her body and sat on his knees to take off his shirt, not allowing his eyes to leave her face. He needed to know how she was feeling and her eyes were the perfect window to her mind. When all the buttons of his shirt were off and his chest was exposed, she sat up looking mesmerized. She brought her hand up and used it to trail the outline of his chiseled muscles. Her touch was lighting a fire within him but also a feeling of pride, she obviously liked what she saw and was absolutely not repelled by him.

He gently pushed her on her back again and crawled backward until his face was hovering over her sex. He nuzzled her and inhaled deeply, grunting. He placed feather-like kisses and barely flicked his tongue over her panties. He kissed her on her thighs and kept riling her up until finally she had enough. "Urgh take them off, please..."

He chuckled at the desperation in her voice. He didn't want to rush her and was pleased that she asked for what he was desperate to do. He slowly peeled her panties off and resumed his position between her legs. His knees were on the floor and his upper body was on the bed, he grabbed her legs and threw them over his shoulders. Once again he inhaled deeply and hummed at the fresh smell and the glistening lips. She was ready for him.

Without giving her a warning, he flattened his tongue and gave her a long slow lick, finishing on her clit where he nibbled at the sensitive flesh. She rocketed off the bed with a scream and a call to deities. He was glad he was holding her, otherwise, she might have hit the roof.

He took his time tasting her, plunging his tongue in her depths and retreating to lap at her lips, sucking her clit in his mouth and kissing all around her swollen cunt. He felt her starting to shake and the accompanying moans informed him she was close. He slowly inserted a finger inside her and started moving it in and out while sucking on her clit desperately. When her walls started clamping, he inserted a second finger and curled them upwards, sending her screaming over the edge.

He kept stroking and licking her all throughout her orgasm. When she finally calmed down, he kissed his way up her body. When he arrived to her face, she was turned to the side and he could hear her sobbing. He immediately panicked and cupped her face in his hands. "Olivia! Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Oh my god… I did! I'm so sorry!"

She leaned up and connected their lips. "You didn't hurt me! That was perfect... Just... So... Perfect! I had never felt that way..." He visibly relaxed and settled more comfortably between her legs. "You liked that, huh?" He asked with a boyish grin. She chuckled and nodded, biting her lip. Her fingers were tracing circles on his biceps. "Well, you're going to love what's to come..." Her eyes darkened again and he was relieved to find lust and not fear in her eyes.

He hastily pulled off his pants and was about to rip off his boxers when he felt her small hand on his bulge. His breath caught in his throat and he froze, looking at her. She looked at him sheepishly while caressing him through his boxers. He was holding himself on his elbows over her but felt himself weaken from her caresses.

When he felt her hand slip inside his boxers to grab his hard member, his head fell forward to the crook of her neck and he grunted before biting on her collarbone. Spurred on by his response, she cooed and tightened her hand speeding her movements, eliciting a few satisfied grunts from him. She was emboldened by his response to her. She had never touched any man so intimately and knowing she was doing it right was a definite turn on. She wanted to make him come that way but in the meantime, she couldn't wait to have him inside her.

The way he sucked on her neck made any rational decision go out the window and she sped up her pace again. Suddenly, he grabbed her wrist and took it out of his boxers. He kissed her lips softly "As good as this feels, I'm sure it's not nearly as good as your walls engulfing me..." She smiled coyly and grabbed his boxers, peeling them off of him. She trailed her hands from his front to his back while he positioned himself to her entrance, not entering her just yet.

He locked eyes with her and caressed her face with the back of his hand. "It's gonna hurt for a little while but he'll soon be over, Baby, I promise!" She nodded bravely and he entered her in one stroke while she cried out and buried her face in his chest.

"Shhh, it's okay, Baby! It's over now. It'll be better soon." He started moving slowly and moved his thumb to her clit to heighten the sensations. After a few strokes and a few flicks of his thumb, he was pleased to hear her sounds turning to pleasured moans and feel her hips bucking to meet his strokes.

"Yes baby... Just like that... You're doing great..." He moved his mouth to her nipple and started sucking, circling her hardened nipple with his tongue until she cried out. He moved to the other one and nibbled around her nipple before biting softly on it, making her groan. He moved his mouth back to her lips and kissed her hungrily, timing the strokes of his tongue with those of his dick.

After a few more strokes he felt her walls clamping and knew she just needed a little push. He grabbed one of her leg and pushed it until it rested on her shoulder allowing him to go deeper. They both gasped and with only two more thrusts she came, screaming his name. Fitz was close too but he wanted her to enjoy, so he withheld his own pleasure and kept stroking her.

When he felt her coming down, he moved her to her side and settled behind her, throwing her leg over his before entering her again. He thrusted harder into her, one hand massaging her breast while the other resumed its pace, attacking her clit. She whimpered out, unable to control her vocal cords and moved her hips to meet him. He nibbled on her earlobe and whispered encouragements "Yes... Just like that baby... Perfect... You're perfect, Livvie... Almost there, Baby..." She was overwhelmed with the feeling of him. "Fiiiitz..."

"I'm here, Baby, right here... Let it go... Come for me Livvie..." And with a last flick of his thumb, she screamed out, long tortured moans escaping her throat. He came right behind her, biting on her shoulder, grunting her name "Livvie!" He collapsed on his back and brought her with him to his side, bringing the covers over them. He peppered her face with kisses, whispering sweet nothing in her ear until he felt her chuckling. He couldn't control the smile on his face at the sound "What's so funny?"

"I'm not sure that's what Mr. Beene had in mind when he asked you to tutor me..." He joined her in her laughter "Well, you'd better not take this kind of lessons from anyone else. That's all my prerogative now..." She looked at him with a suddenly serious face "Do you mean that?" He looked at her confused as to why she wouldn't believe him. "You'd better believe it Ms. Pope! I'm not letting you go after that!" The assertiveness in his voice echoed in her body and she smiled relaxing in his arms. She had tasted the awesomeness of Fitzgerald Grant and wasn't ready to let it go. She was just content he wasn't either.