It was late August when Annabeth first started to feel the pain of contractions emitting from her uterus. She had spent the last week at home restlessly as she was already on maternity leave, against her will. But Percy and her boss insisted that she stay home to prepare for the birth of the baby. She was now only a few days away from her due date.

Another wave of pain rolled over her as she clutched her swollen bump. She had been so uncomfortable the last few weeks, she felt so fat and unattractive, and the heat did not help at all, as she spent most of her days sweating profusely and changing clothes three or four times a day. Percy, of course disagreed with her and always said that she looked so beautiful with her pregnancy glow, but as much as Annabeth loved her husband, she had to disagree with him.

"Wise Girl! I'm home," she heard Percy call from the front door when suddenly she felt a rush of water down her thighs. Annabeth looked up to see Percy standing there in shock.

"Percy, I think my water just broke."

Hours later, Percy walked towards the waiting room in the hospital. He was so proud and impressed by Annabeth who survived labour like a champ. He felt so bad for her, having to go through all that pain by herself, but it was all worth it, because now Percy and Annabeth were proud parents of their beautiful baby daughter, Aria Emma Jackson. He still couldn't believe that he was a father of the most perfect and healthy little girl.

Percy entered the waiting room looking for his and Annabeth's parents, but to his surprise, almost half the camp was there as well. He grinned widely as he saw all of them there, so excited to meet little Aria. They all noticed him enter the room and looked at him expectantly.

"IT'S A GIRL!" he shouted loudly as the whole room erupted into cheers, all embracing him into hugs.