Hey! Update took a while but school is ending so hopefully I'll be more capable of writing and updating!

but here ya go!

Apologies for any errors.


His foot tapped impatiently. He ruffled his hair over and over again. His fingers fidgeted with whatever he could find.


" No,"

"Why no-

"I have unsolved that Rubik's cube more than fifty times," John grumbled shifting over trying to sleep.

"Sixty-eight to be exact," Sherlock corrected.

"Why don't you try sleeping?We still have an hour or two to go," John asked hoping the detective will comply.

"I've tried, and it's boring! See that man over there?" Sherlock's asked playfully pointing to a sleeping man.

"Yes, and I see his suit shows he lies to his wife about traveling on business,he actually just travels multiple times a year to go shag a secret woman, a rich one by the ring on his hand," John sighed giving up on sleeping.

"Yes..." Sherlock said disappointedly.

The speaker dinged,

"Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking, we will be landing in an hour so please remain in your seats, thank you,"

"There, one hour. Just read one of the papers gave you," John said closing his eyes and leaning back in his seat.

"I already did,nothing but celebrity gossip and ridiculous made up propaganda rubbish," Sherlock sighed mimicking John.

A few minutes passed until John noticed Sherlock was oddly silent.

John opened one of his eyes to glanced at Sherlock,he looked exhausted.

'I don't doubt that he stayed awake the whole way here,' John sighed placing his hand on top of the detective's.

Sherlock's finger twitched at the unsuspected touch.

"Do you think you'll like California?" Sherlock asked.

"I don't know. It's a change from London,hopefully it's a good one," John answered.

Sherlock turned his head to face John.

"Maybe we can go swimming,"

John's eyes opened at this.

"Swimming? Sherlock Holmes swimming? Like outside on the beach with the hot sun?" John asked.

"Obviously," Sherlock replied.

"Are you sure you won't burst into flames?" John asked chuckling.

Sherlock frowned.

"Of course not, just because I'm pale doesn't mean I-

"Shut up," John interrupted giving Sherlock's hand a kiss.

Sherlock opened his eyes. John was smiling up at him.

"What?" Sherlock asked still frowning.

"Nothing, just wanted you to shut up," John replied smiling.

Sherlock obliged. John went back to resting.

Becoming bored again, Sherlock decided to examine John.

His trimmed ash blond hair, his sun kissed skin,the slight wrinkles around his eyes...

His eyes always betrayed him, John Watson could be cursing his head off at him and giving him his best

'I will bloody kill you!' looks, clenching his fists and ready to beat him.

To the common eye, he would seem pretty pissed.

But to Sherlock, his eyes would be showing how hurt and how confused he was.

It was rare to see John Watson truly mad at him. Sherlock avoided upsetting John at all costs.

But one of his cases gone wrong almost ruined the solving duo.

John walked through the busy streets heading back to 221b, a gallon of milk in his left hand.

Are you back from the morgue?


Message Sent

1 New Message:

Yes, where are you?


On my way home. Why?


Message sent

1 New Message:

You need to go back and buy some tea.


I barely bought some the other day.


Message Sent

1 New Message:

No, no. Go buy some more.


1 New Message:



The doctor frowned, it wasn't like Sherlock to say please.

Was he sick? He probably got the cold from again.

John texted back.

I'll be home in 10 minutes. Are you ill or something?


Message Sent

1 New Message:

John please.


No Sherlock


Message Sent :

Sherlock read the message.

'Damn, I have to get the information out of him now'

"Is something the matter?"

Sherlock heard a voice ask from the living room.

"No, would you care for some tea?" The detective asked walking in, joining the man.

"Sounds lovely thank you," A young male replied grabbing the cup Sherlock offered.

"Now, where were we?..."

John opened the door and heard voices from 221b.

'Mycroft?' John wondered as he went up the stairs.

All of a sudden he heard a loud thud and the voices quickly shushed.

'What the hell is going on?' John ran up the stairs and noticed the door was locked.

'This is never locked, why would it?... Sherlock is in danger!'

John quickly grabbed his keys and threw opened the door and rushed inside to find the living room empty.

'It's coming from Sherlock's room,' John silently walked over to the detectives room and heard a soft moan.

'What the bloody he-

"Sherlock!" John threw open the door to find the detective and some stranger half naked.

Sherlock's eyes grew wide.

'I shouldn't have went with this plan!' Sherlock screamed internally trying to stand up.

"J-John I,"

"Shut up," John snapped.

"I didn't m-,

"When I say 'shut up' I expect you to shut. Up. " John said gritting his teeth.

Sherlock glanced over at the other man.

His face was white and his whole body was shaking.

"Who the hell are you?" John asked, staring the stranger down

"He's ju-

"What did I just say?" John returned his piercing gaze toward Sherlock.

Sherlock bit his lip.

Walking towards the man John asked again, grabbing the man by the hairs.

"Who. The Hell. Are You?"

Now the man was shaking violently.

"F-Fr-Freddie M-M-M-Mc

"Spit it out!" John yelled.

"Freddie Millar!" The man wailed.

"Okay Freddie, why the hell are you in my bed, with my husband!?" John asked yelling the last bit.

"H- Husabnd!? He wasn't wearing a r-ring! I didn't know!" Freddie replied trying to free himself from johns steel grip.

John let go of the squirming man. He turned to face Sherlock.

All emotion left his face. Monotonously, he order,

"Leave, You have 10 seconds to get out of my face,"

Without hesitation, the man quickly fumbled around with his clothing and shoes.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...," John counted down.

The man quickly buttoned his shirt and searched viciously for his phone.

"3...2...," John began to grip his fists.

"M-My phone..." The man shakily explained as he reached for it under Sherlock's table.

The man quickly grabbed and sprinted for the door.

"1," John said as he whipped around and grabbed the panicking man by he collar.

"Too slow," John said as he dragged the man out of Sherlocks room.

"I-I told you I didn't know! He came onto me!" Freddie pleaded struggling to get on his feet.

"Quite frankly I don't care much for your excuses," John sternly replied opening the door and stood at the end of the stairs.

Freddie stayed quietly shaking. Was this man going to beat him to a pulp? He stopped so hopefully he changed his mind? Dear lord he hoped so.

John let go of the man and glance down at the terrified man laying on the floor.

Freddie met his stare and remained quiet.

With a forceful kick John sent the man tumbling down the stairs.

Freddie tumbled and rolled, bumping his head and other limbs against the wooden planks.

Breathing hard from fear, Freddie stayed on the ground, face down, trying to get his mind back together.

Hearing steps Freddie shook his head to look up at the blonde haired man again.

"P-please I'm-

"Don't ever come back to this flat, don't even come near this street. If I even see you near me I swear I will kill you," John said with rage in his eyes.

Fumbling to get up, Freddie felt two hands grab him.

John grabbing the man and opening the door, he easily threw Freddie out the apartment door and onto the busy sidewalk.

'He's going to kill me!,' Sherlock said mentally as he put his clothes back on.

Hearing a loud thud, and John cursing, Sherlock knew John was coming back to kill him.

Out of panic Sherlock locked the door and thought of ways he could escape.

"Sherlock!" John yelled as he jiggled the door knob,"

'I'm dead!' Sherlock panicked as he bit his lip.

John's POV:

He slammed the door shut. Cursing,he made his way back upstairs.

Turning the doorknob, he realized Sherlock locked him out.

"Sherlock!" John yelled as he attempted to open the door.

John heard quiet shuffling and pacing. Sherlock was panicking.

"Open this door!" John demanded as he slammed his palms against the door.

Sherlocks POV:

John started slamming on the door.

'I could jump out the window,' Sherlock debated wether or not the jump was worth it.

Sitting down at his chair Sherlock waited for John to calm down, (he wouldn't break the door, would he?) or until came to check out what was all the commotion about.

Trying to ease his mind, Sherlock went to grab his violin.

Blocking Johns yells Sherlock began playing one of his favorites,

Bach partita n 2 Allemande.

John's POV:

"Sherlock! For the last time! Open this door!" John yelled giving the door a final hit.

Huffing, he leaned against the wooden door.

Staying silent he could hear the violin.

Closing his eye he listens as Sherlock finished the movement.

Now calm, John tried again.

"Sherlock, I'm alright now. Just open the door," John says straightening up.

~*flashback over*~

Sherlock heard beeping. Opening his eyes he noticed it was just the monitor telling you could remove your seat belt.

"John wake up we're here," Sherlock said nudging John.

John blinked his eyes open. Stretching he asked,

"What time is it?"

"6:30 P.M,"Sherlock replied not even glancing at his watch.

The speakers went on.

"Please file out in a decent manner and thank you again for using United Airlines,"

Sherlock and John took their turns with getting their luggage out of the compartments and filed out.

"Feel anything different?" John asked as they waited for their bags.

"No, you?" Sherlock asked looking around.

"Just the jet lag ," John yawned.

After waiting a good 30 minutes,the two finally retrieved their bags.

Carrying their luggage they managed to rent a car.

Throwing their luggage in the trunk, they got inside.

Sherlocks stomach growled

"Want to grab a bite to eat? John asked

"Sure, what do you want?"

"Anything right now," John replied.

Sherlock quickly took out his phone and searched for dining areas.

"There's a nice diner not too far from here," Sherlock offered

"Sounds good," John nodded.

Agreeing the boys flagged down a cab.

"Where to?" The cab driver asked looking back at the boys.

Sherlock replied and they went off.