Disclaimer: I don't own The Hobbit or Harry Potter in any way shape or form.

This is a non-canon cross-over of The Hobbit & Harry Potter Universes movie-verse only for the Hobbit. Characters may seem a little OOC but they need to for my story to work. If you have any issues with this I am open to discussing it through PM.

The plan was set. They each had their tasks to do amongst the battle. Harry and Ron left the room, running down the now wrecked seventh floor corridor. The shadows of the armour and furniture had lengthened since they had entered the room; it was getting late, time was of the essence.

Hermione hesitantly walked out into the crumbling hallway, flashes of coloured light surrounded her on all sides. She whipped out her wand and ran through the school, annihilating any Death Eaters that crossed her path. Hermione avoided killing as much as possible, but she had done so tonight more than she had wished too. Hermione was no stranger to killing, this is war after all. However, she favoured spells other than the killing curse, such as Bombarda, Confringo and Sectumsempra all of which had served her well but in a few cases Hermione had no other choice but to use the killing curse. Hermione understood that her preferred spells were more brutal than the killing curse for the victim, but she feared for her soul every time those two final words left her lips.

She was almost there, the statue to the Headmasters Office started turning for her as she ran shouting the password. She jumped up the moving stairs taking two at a time, never stopping to catch her breath. As she reached the top, there in front of her was a death eater, just as she was about to take them out, a familiar silky baritone stopped her in her tracks,

"Miss Granger, I knew you would be the one to come."

Severus Snape turned to look at the girl he had mentored and though he would never admit it grown quite found of. His expression was worn out and his eyes held a sullen expression. Severus Snape knew his time was almost up, something he had both longed for and feared for many years. He finally learned to accept the inevitability of his death in this War. He studied Hermione's appearance; her hair was falling out of her messy braid, clothing torn, dirty and skewed from battle, she was sporting a few cuts and bruises the most noticeable was a cut on her lower lip, but what captured Severus Snape's attention was her eyes. They held such sorrow and pain, yet here she was standing tall, proud to fight for what she believed in.

"Severus, I'm sorry we won't be meeting again under better circumstances," she said with a sad smile on her face as she looked at her old Potion's Master with understanding in her eyes. Hermione knew that her mentor was not planning on surviving this battle, it saddened her deeply but she knew his secret, all he had done for the greater good for most of his life and knew it was time for Severus Snape to finally be at peace.

"Me too, Miss Granger," he sighed offering her one of his small and very rare crooked smiles.

"Miss Granger, I am aware of why you are here, however I must insist that you give me a few moments of your time before re-joining the others on the battlefield. There is much we NEED to discuss." He stated as he walked over to the shelf holding the item which she required, taking off and placing it on his grand desk.

"Alright Severus, but I have to say, this really isn't the most appropriate time to be having a little chat," she pointed out whilst taking a seat in front of his desk.

"Albus left a letter for me to give you before the battle, however the opportunity hasn't presented itself until now which is unfortunate but can't be helped. I have not read the letter, Albus put a charm on it so only you can open it. Albus was adamant that you are to commit the letter to memory and burn it, for he said its content is dangerous and in the wrong hands can cause unthinkable doom and destruction for many. I am led to believe that there are instructions within, do not set out to follow any of these until the Dark Lord is dead or all hope is lost because until he has fallen nothing in this world is safe and the world cannot afford your death Miss Granger, and neither can whatever that letter pertains to," he said giving her a pointed look.

Severus Snape slumped back in his chair watching Hermione's face as she took all this cryptic information in. He wished he could of told her more, or even help her decipher what would surely be a cryptic letter knowing it was written by Albus. Alas he knew the danger of knowledge and if he were to die today it would definitely be at the hand of the Dark Lord himself and knew he couldn't risk Hermione's safety by reading it.

Hermione's mentor opened the top drawer of his desk retrieving the letter inside handing it to her across the desk. With shaking hands she opened it. Severus Snape waited patiently while she read and re-read the letter. He watched as her expression went from inquisitive to confusion, then to complete shock which eventually morphed into determination and lastly she wore a solemn expression that made her look older than she was. It was this expression that spiked Severus Snape's concern for her. Never had he seen her face hold such a defeated expression, an expression no-one should show at such a young age, not even the children of war.

His eyes followed her form as she headed towards the fireplace and dropped in the letter. She stood there for a few seconds watching it burn. He had to use every ounce of his self-control not to ask her of the letters content.

"Severus, I'm going to need to take that with me," she stated. Turning and pointing to the item he had place on the desk a few minutes ago.

"I thought as much. Good luck Hermione, and if we do ever meet again in another time or place, I'm sure the circumstances will be much improved," he said while smiling slightly at her one last time.

"I can't help but agree with you Professor. Until we meet again, Severus," she flashed him her kindest smile knowing that he was implying that if there was an afterlife, one day we would meet again there, seemingly better circumstances.

Hermione grabbed the item from the desk and ran out the door headed straight into ongoing battle. Severus Snape sighed, looking up to the portrait of his own mentor.

"Do you think she will follow the letter, Albus?" curiosity in his voice.

"I believe she will. She has always followed what her heart believed to be right, that one," Albus' eyes were sparkling but there was a hint of melancholy to the tone of his voice.

Hermione finally found herself in what used to be the Entrance Hall, but it was now nothing more than rubble of marble & paintings which no longer held images of Hogwarts past but were blank broken canvases. Rubies and emeralds, smashed from the house hourglasses were scattered everywhere amongst the rubble. Hermione sped towards the courtyard, leaping over lifeless bodies of her friends and foes, frantically searching for Harry and Ron.

Hermione growled and angrily wiped away the tears that had spilled onto her cheeks as she noticed Fred's mangled body embedded in the rubble of the crumbling school she once called home. She was a Gryffindor for Merlin's sake! Brave at heart, or at least, she was supposed to be. She ran quickly, the chaos around her moving in slow motion.

Hello Everyone! Just a little heads up this is my first story (not using that as an excuse) but I would love some constructive criticism whether it is in the form of private messaging or reviews. Oh and I plan on updating weekly as I already have the first 27 chapters written, but their content may change depending on your reviews :)