Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended. All credit for characters (minus the odd few) and the wonderful world of Middle-Earth goes to J.R.R. Tolkien.

A/N: This mostly based off of the books descriptions. Also, the story has been revised as of 10/12/14. Not much has changed, just better writing. :)

Warning: There is spanking of minors and references to it in later chapters. Te actual spanking scene will not be until the last chapter though.

Faramir age: 8

Boromir age: 13

Lightning flashed across the sky, and Faramir jumped at the sound of the thunder. Normally storms didn't bother him. This time however, it seemed the very gates of Mordor were opening to pour its worst demons out. Faramir shuddered and climbed out of bed. The words from the dream still rang in his ears.

He remembered there had been a boat slowly making its' way down the misty waters of the Anduin. Then, there was a very small man being restrained, and he was screaming at him. "You want to know what happened to Boromir?" He'd asked. "He tried to take the ring from Frodo! After swearin' an oath to protect him! He tried to kill him! The ring drove your brother mad!" A golden ring with Elvish writing appeared next, and inside the loop there had been a gigantic eye and a hideous voice laughing cruelly.

Faramir shook the dreams from his head before opening the door to his room, sneaking out into the hallway. He crept silently down the corridor to his brother's room. It was a short walk, as their rooms were directly beside one another. Faramir pushed open the solid oak door and made his way to his brother's sleeping form. Boromir was lying on his back, his arm thrown over the side, snoring lightly. He nudged Boromir who shifted slightly. He nudged his brother again. Harder this time.

Boromir groaned and sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "What is it, little brother?" He asked groggily, immediately recognizing the small form beside his bed.

"I had a dream." Began Faramir timidly. "I, I think you were dead, and there was a ring and a voice and-" Faramir stopped when his brother held up a hand.

"Please spare me your rambling." Boromir gave him a look. "You woke me up to tell me that?" Then, seeing his younger brother's crestfallen and anxious face, he softened. "Do not worry, little brother. Nothing is going to happen to me. Besides, it was but a dream."

He lifted the covers so his brother could crawl in beside him, the way he used to do when he was younger and scared or had had a bad dream such as now. "Come now. Let us get sleep a bit before Nurse insists upon our waking."

Faramir curled into his big brother's side, and Boromir wrapped his arm around his younger sibling protectively. Within a few moments, they were both sound asleep.