Falling in Love is Hard on the Knee's

Disclaimer: Okay, I don't own Obi-Wan. The Good King of Flannel does. Don't sue. I'm broke. All you'll get is a crapy computer, a bunch of Ewan McGregor movies and a really old cat. Hehee, I hope you like, and sorry, but it will end up as some what of a sappy romance story. It's my Obi-fangirlieness. Enjoy!!

Chapter 1: Officer Kara Goodman

My name is Kara Goodman, Commanding Officer of Special Forces for the Army of the Republic. That's a mouth full isn't it?

I hate staff meetings. Absolutely, positively, hate them. Always boring, and the ideas those numbskulls who call themselves Lt. and all that other high rank crap, come up with are stupid. I sit there, bored stiff, waiting for the General to show up. The stiff was late for his own meeting. I was quite curious to meet him, seeing how know one's ever seen him before. Oh, very mysterious he is. I expected the usual: Tall, military stature, muscular, old, gray, and strict.

Boy, was I wrong.

What strode into the staff office was anything but what I had predicted. He was tall, but not by much. Very muscular, yes. Old, defiantly not. Maybe in his early to mid-thirties. Gray, not at all. Quite the contrary. Golden wheat colored hair, somewhat long in the back, making a mullet cut, and a beard to match. He had a muscular build, but not bulky.

When he strode into the conference room, heads turned. Mine spun. He was beautiful. He sat down in the leather chair at the front of the table. My chair resided on his left, right next to him.

"Let's get this over and done with, shall we?" He said.

His voice was wonderful. It fit his looks perfectly. It was accented slightly and you could cut through it like butter. I took a deep, steadying breath, and looked down at my paper. I suddenly forgot how to read.

"Special Forces, What's your read out?" He asked. I looked up at him, eyes wide.

"Well, we're short on spies. It would help, if you want to win that is, if you gave us the equipment we needed. You expect us to be able to win this, yet you don't give us the supplies we ask for." I shot, suddenly remembering why I was called here. His eyes flick immediately to mine. Wow, what wonderful eyes. They changed. When he first walked in, they were a wonderful green, now a very clear and pristine blue. Then a smirk appeared. A smart-ass smirk that could most likely get him anything he could ever want.

"How do you figure....um...?" He said

" Officer Goodman."

"How do you figure that Officer Goodman?" He questioned me.

"Well, for starters, you expect us to be able to give co-ordinates to the bases, yet you refuse to give us ground troops to find them. You want us to have blueprints to their ships, yet you give us no one to go steal them. How in the Force do you people expect us to do or get anything you want if you refuse to give us any equipment!" I said, raising my voice.

"Yes, you have a good point Of. Goodman. I'll issue 50 ground troops and 10 army spies to your disposal. Will that be enough?" He asked, that smart-ass smirk reappearing.

Feeling very triumphant, I smiled myself, "Yes, It will. Thank you General....um..." I mocked.

"Kenobi." He said smiling. I smiled back and stood to take my leave. The whole conference room was quiet.

I escaped into the privacy of my quarters. I heaved a heavy sigh and slipped into more comfortable clothing. The stupid female military uniform wasn't all that wonderful. A simple black skirt, a white collared blouse, and a black vest.

"Mental note" I said aloud " Bring up uniform at next staff meeting" and laid down on the bed and drifted asleep.